This, that, these, those (5)

Слайд 2

This is the

This is the sidewalk

Слайд 3

This is the

This is the roadway

Слайд 4

That is a
traffic light

That is a traffic light

Слайд 5

That is a
street light

That is a street light

Слайд 6

This is a
telephone box

This is a telephone box

Слайд 7

This is a

This is a postbox

Слайд 8

This is a
fire hydrant

This is a fire hydrant

Слайд 9

This is a

This is a bench

Слайд 10

This is a
litter bin

This is a litter bin

Слайд 11

That is a
traffic sign

That is a traffic sign

Слайд 12

This is a

This is a crosswalk

Слайд 13

This is a

This is a fountain

Слайд 14

That is a

That is a tree

Слайд 15

This is a

This is a planter

Слайд 16

This is a

This is a drain

Слайд 17

This is a


This is a kiosk Hello!

Слайд 18

This is a
bus stop

This is a bus stop

Слайд 19

Complete the sentences before the monster stops.


Complete the sentences before the monster stops. GAME

Слайд 20

The monster is walking on the _________!


The monster is walking on the _________! sidewalk

Слайд 21

The monster is walking on the _________!


Oh my God!

The monster is walking on the _________! roadway Oh my God!

Слайд 22

The monster is next to the ___________!

traffic light

The monster is next to the ___________! traffic light

Слайд 23

The monster is next to the ___________!

street light

The monster is next to the ___________! street light

Слайд 24

The monster is next to the ______________!

telephone box

The monster is next to the ______________! telephone box

Слайд 25

The monster is next to the ________!


The monster is next to the ________! postbox

Слайд 26

The monster is next to the _______!


The monster is next to the _______! bench

Слайд 27

The monster is next to the __________!

litter bin

The monster is next to the __________! litter bin

Слайд 28

The monster is next to the _____________!

fire hydrant

The monster is next to the _____________! fire hydrant

Слайд 29

The monster is next to the _____________!

traffic sign

The monster is next to the _____________! traffic sign

Слайд 30

The monster is next to the ___________!


The monster is next to the ___________! crosswalk

Слайд 31

I’m thirsty!

The monster is next to the ___________!


I’m thirsty! The monster is next to the ___________! fountain

Слайд 32

The monster is next to the ______!


The monster is next to the ______! tree

Слайд 33

The monster is next to the ________!


The monster is next to the ________! planter

Слайд 34

The monster is next to the ______!


The monster is next to the ______! drain

Слайд 35

The monster is next to the _________!


The monster is next to the _________! kiosk

Слайд 36

The monster is next to the _________!

bus stop

The monster is next to the _________! bus stop
Имя файла: This,-that,-these,-those-(5).pptx
Количество просмотров: 98
Количество скачиваний: 0