Слайд 2Imperfect tense
Imperfect means incomplete and the imperfect tense is used for actions

in the past:
which did not get finished,
went on regularly,
lasted for some time before they ended or
only just got started; as opposed to single actions which were completed in one go.
Слайд 3Imperfectum indicativi activi

Слайд 4Imperfectum indicativi passivi

Слайд 5Imperfectum indicativi activi

Слайд 6Imperfectum indicativi passivi

Слайд 7Future tense
The future tense refers to actions that will happen in the

In English we usually use the words will or shall before the verb, e.g. I shall go.
Слайд 9Futurum I indicativi passivi