Viewing English TouTube channels as a way to improve pronunciation and listening skills in English


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Relevance of the project:

The actuality of the work is to show learners

Relevance of the project: The actuality of the work is to show
one of the ways of learning English using modern computer technologies.

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The Aim of the Research: to explore the effectiveness of learning English

The Aim of the Research: to explore the effectiveness of learning English
using educational YouTube channels for improving listening skills and pronunciation.
The Subject of the Research: the ways of learning English
The Object of the Research: educational YouTube channels.

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The tasks:

To analyze the effectiveness of educational YouTube channels in the process

The tasks: To analyze the effectiveness of educational YouTube channels in the
of learning English by making a poll among pupils aged 13-16.
To select the most effective YouTube channels.
To produce recommendations on how to use educational YouTube channels.

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Theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, axiomatic, comparison, classification.
Empirical method: a poll.
Processing methods:

Methods Theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, axiomatic, comparison, classification. Empirical method: a
statistical analysis, cluster analysis

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On the first task

A poll was held in Khmelnytsky school №1 among

On the first task A poll was held in Khmelnytsky school №1
children aged 13 to 16 years. The main objectives of the poll were: 1. To analyze how much children learn English through Internet service YouTube. 2. To study the efficiency of learning English by using English YouTube channels. Student were divided into two age groups: 1) From 13 to 14 years; 2) From 15 to 16 years.
Student were asked four questions.

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«Do you watch English YouTube channels?»

«Do you watch English YouTube channels?»

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«Has viewing of English YouTube channels improved your knowledge of English language?»

«Has viewing of English YouTube channels improved your knowledge of English language?»

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«What YouTube channels helping you to study English do you watch?»

«What YouTube channels helping you to study English do you watch?»

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«Are your favourite YouTube channels connected with you hobbies or something that

«Are your favourite YouTube channels connected with you hobbies or something that you like?»
you like?»

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Results of the first task

This poll provides an understanding of the following:

Results of the first task This poll provides an understanding of the
properly selected YouTube channels and their materials really help to improve knowledge of English language. Viewing English YouTube channels best suits children aged from 15 to 16.

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On the second task

There were made two lists of the most

On the second task There were made two lists of the most
effective YouTube channels.
The fifteen of the best YouTube channels to learn English according to creative website AdMe.
The best YouTube channels to learn English according to the poll held at school №1.

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The fifteen of the best YouTube channels to learn English according to

The fifteen of the best YouTube channels to learn English according to
the creative website AdMe.

The list is divided into two lists:
Russian YouTube channels.
English YouTube channels.

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Russian YouTube channels

Albert Kakhnovskiy
English as the notes
Irene Shipilova`s channel

Russian YouTube channels Puzzle Albert Kakhnovskiy English as the notes Irene Shipilova`s
at Jobs` school
Oxana Dolinka

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English YouTube channels

Learn English with Ronnie
English with Jennifer
Rachel`s English
English Class 101
BBC Learning

English YouTube channels Learn English with Ronnie English with Jennifer Rachel`s English
Learn English with Steve Ford
Alex ESL vid`s Free English Lessons
Learn English with Let`s Talk

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The best YouTube channels to learn English according to a poll at

The best YouTube channels to learn English according to a poll at
school №1.

Learn English with Steve Ford
English with Jennifer
Rachel`s English
Speak English with Mister Duncan
VOA Learning English
Listen and Read Along
English Teacher Melanie
Teacher Phil

Steve Ford

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Results of the second task

There are many other good channels for learning

Results of the second task There are many other good channels for
English on the internet . Each person can choose the best topic and channel. And it is indisputable that they will improve person`s knowledge of English.

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On the third task

On this task recommendations were produced on how

On the third task On this task recommendations were produced on how
to use educational YouTube channels. There are six most important of them.

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Six most important recommendations on how to use educational YouTube channels

Set goals

Six most important recommendations on how to use educational YouTube channels Set
and go for them
Make notes
Repeat phrases
Pause and rewind
Watch TV Shows
Repeat the whole text out loud after the speaker

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Results of the third task

These small and easy recommendations will help to

Results of the third task These small and easy recommendations will help
understand how to use YouTube channels better and with a lot of benefits.

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Conclusions of the work

Based on the studies we can conclude that English

Conclusions of the work Based on the studies we can conclude that
YouTube channels is an effective way of learning English. Proof of this are the results of a poll that shows that more than two thirds of young people watch YouTube channels in English, making them almost three quarters feel improvement in English. More than 90% of children watch videos related to their interests, so we can say that if they watched it in English, the success of these students in English would grow up with enormous speed.
Имя файла: Viewing-English-TouTube-channels-as-a-way-to-improve-pronunciation-and-listening-skills-in-English.pptx
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