Закрепление материала по теме Simple Tenses

Слайд 2

Learning is the eye of the mind.

Learning is the eye of the mind.

Слайд 3

Ученье — свет.

Ученье — свет.

Слайд 4


1) Переведите с английского на русский следующие предложения:
1. He swims every day

Test 1) Переведите с английского на русский следующие предложения: 1. He swims
Will you cook?
3. My dog didn't play with me

2) Переведите с русского на английский следующие предложения:
1. Джон будет бегать
2. Когда дети учатся?
3. Я построил дом

3) Найдите и исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях. Объясните почему.
1. They looks good
2. We thinked yesterday
3. I doesn't like tomatoes

Слайд 5


1 задание.
1. Он плавает каждый день
2. Ты будешь готовить?
3. Моя собака не

Answers 1 задание. 1. Он плавает каждый день 2. Ты будешь готовить?
играла со мной

2 задание.
1. John will run
2. When do children study?
3. I built a house

3 задание.
1. They look good
2. We thought yesterday
3. I don't (do not) like tomatoes


Слайд 6

Present simple

Always true

Permanent situation


Present simple Always true Permanent situation Habbits

Слайд 7

Present simple

Present simple

Слайд 8

Present simple
To be

Present simple To be

Слайд 9

Past simple

Sth happend in the past


Permanent situation in the past

Past simple Sth happend in the past History Permanent situation in the past

Слайд 10

Past simple

Past simple

Слайд 11

Past simple
To be

Past simple To be

Слайд 12

Future simple

Simple action in the future

Decisions on the spot

Regulary actions in the

Future simple Simple action in the future Decisions on the spot Regulary actions in the future

Слайд 13

Future simple

Future simple

Слайд 14

«Columbus' Children»

Game «Columbus' Children»

Слайд 15


Goal — to have as many islands as you can.

You can take

Rules Goal — to have as many islands as you can. You
free islands or islands of other team

Your weapon — is your knowledge

Use full answers and correct sentences!

Слайд 16

How many states are there in the USA?

How many states are there in the USA?

Слайд 17

Where does the white (or blue) arrow of the compass point?

Where does the white (or blue) arrow of the compass point?

Слайд 18

What was King Arthur's sword called?

What was King Arthur's sword called?

Слайд 19

What is the smallest country in the world?

What is the smallest country in the world?

Слайд 20

Who did write «The moonlight sonata»?

Who did write «The moonlight sonata»?

Слайд 21

How much planets does solar system have?

How much planets does solar system have?

Слайд 22

What do people eat for Thanksgiving Day in America?

What do people eat for Thanksgiving Day in America?

Слайд 23

Who did write this painting?

Who did write this painting?

Слайд 24

What is the capital of this country?

What is the capital of this country?

Слайд 25


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Рефлексия Понравилось ли вам занятие? Что вы узнали нового? Как вы можете
знания в дальнейшем?
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Имя файла: Закрепление-материала-по-теме-Simple-Tenses.pptx
Количество просмотров: 69
Количество скачиваний: 0