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Структурные трансформации при переводе
Структурные трансформации при переводе
  1. Понятие и виды структурных трансформаций Трансформации редко встречают­ся в чистом виде, изолированно. Трансформации носят комплексный характер. Ex.: Great works of art over the last several years have been pillaged, thousand burned, bombed, neglec­ted, ground up for lime if of marble, melted down if of gold or bronze, used to line shoes if on canvas – this in Germany during the last days of World War II – painted out, broken up, thrown away, and now and then reve­rently preserved.   В этом предложении мы имеем дело с целым комплек­сом трансформаций. Среди них – членение предложений, изменение типа предложений, перестановки, замена частей речи, стилистическая трансформация (нарастание), добавле­ния, генерализация, антонимический перевод. Среди множества структурных трансформаций наиболее существенными для практики перевода представляются – замена частей речи при переводе, перевод инфинитива, абсолютной конструкции, каузативных1 конструкций и атрибутивной конструкции типа «существительное + существительное» (С+С).
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Think of three questions you would like to ask about Chekhov
Think of three questions you would like to ask about Chekhov
Learn new words tie commercial to inspect superfluous tucked sorrowfully to cross fellow ashamed to stare at maternal instincts dimple overflowing to beam to learn by heart to mutter misty to purr привязанность, узы коммерческий осматривать, инспектировать чрезмерный засунутый печально, грустно заплетаться парень пристыженный глазеть на материнский инстинкт ямочка на щеке переполненный лучезарно улыбаться учить наизусть бормотать туманный, смутный мурлыкать Learn new words More than is needed or wanted superfluous Feeling guilty or embarrassed ashamed If the weather is misty, there is mist in the air that makes it difficult to see into the distance misty To look for a long time with the eyes wide open, especially when surprised, frightened, or thinking to stare at The natural tendency that a mother has to behave or react in a particular way around her children maternal instincts To push a loose end of a piece of clothing or material into a particular place or position, especially to make it tidy or comfortable tucked To relate to or connect to tie In a very sad way sorrowfully Related to buying and selling things commercial A man fellow To smile with obvious pleasure to beam To learn something in such a way that you can say it from memory to learn by heart To speak quietly and in a low voice that is not easy to hear, often when you are worried or complaining about something to mutter To make a quiet, continuous, soft sound to purr A small hollow place, especially one that appears on a person’s face when they smile dimple When a liquid overflows, it flows over the edges of a container overflowing To look at something or someone carefully in order to discover information, especially about their quality or condition to inspect
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