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Johnny's Diary. Irregular Verbs
Johnny's Diary. Irregular Verbs
April 13 April 14 I got up pretty late this morning. I showered, drank a cup of coffee and dressed to go out. At the shopping mall,I met my friend,Jim. Together we went to the music store. We bought the new album of ''New Millenium''. At home,we played it over and over again.We loved it! The songs were awesome! This group rocks!!! I woke up with a terrible headache and an itchy throat this morning.Mom took me to the doctor.He told me I had a cold and prescribed me some medicine.He also advised me to stay in bed for a couple of days. In the afternoon,I rested and slept for an hour. I felt better! get - got drink - drank meet - met go - went buy - bought be - were wake - woke take - took tell - told have - had sleep - slept feel - felt April 15 April 16 Today I found a kitten in our yard.I looked for his mother but she was nowhere around.When mom saw the kitten,she thought for a second and said ''We should take him.'' I put some blankets in a basket for him to sleep and fed him with warm milk.My sister gave him a ball to play. We have a pet now,yay! find - found be - was see - saw think - thought say - said put - put feed - fed give - gave A terrible thing happened today. My friend Tom fell off the ladder! He wanted to reach the top of his closet to get his ball.And I held the ladder for him but somehow he lost his balance. I called his parents immediately.Now he is in the hospital. I am going to visit him tomorrow. fall - fell hold - held lose - lost
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