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Global Issues. Spotlight 8 English Lesson 59
Global Issues. Spotlight 8 English Lesson 59
Warm up! Answer my questions, please! Where would you like to live: in a big city or in the country? I would like to live in a big city because there are many different opportunities for living. What are the advantages of living in the country? There are many advantages of living in the country, such as: healthy lifestyle, fresh air, peace and quiet, beautiful landscapes and friendly, helpful people. What is the main ecological problem in the place where you live? The main ecological problem in the place where we live is air and water pollution because of the pulp and paper mill. Do you and your friends care of ecological problems? Why? Yes, we do. My friends and I care about ecological problems because we want our children to live in clean environment. Have you ever taken part in any ecological projects at school? Yes, I have. Every year all pupils of our school collect waste paper for recycling. Therefore our town becomes cleaner and we save many trees from cutting down. What would you recommend to a person who wants to improve ecological situation in his or her hometown? I would recommend to a person who wants to improve ecological situation in his or her hometown to collect rubbish for recycling in the streets, plant flowers and trees in the parks, clean out ponds or build nesting boxes for birds. Now I Can / Know… What was new? What was interesting? What was difficult? What was boring? Are you tired or cheerful? Do you still like English?
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СООБЩЕНИЕ ДЛЯ СМИ О подписании в Найроби документов по итогам переговоров между Правительством Демократической Республики Конго и группировкой «Движение 23 марта»   В России приветствуют подписание в г. Найроби (Кения) пакета итоговых документов, подводящих черту под переговорным процессом между Правительством Демократической Республики Конго (ДРК) и «Движением 23 марта» (М-23) при содействии международных посредников. Декларации сторон и совместное заявление Международной конференции по комплексному урегулированию проблем в Районе Великих Озер (МКРВО) и Сообщества развития Юга Африки (САДК) являются важным достижением африканской дипломатии, идущим в русле реализации Аддис-Абебского рамочного соглашения от 24 февраля с.г. и резолюции СБ ООН 2098 от 28 марта с.г. Исходим из того, что эти документы будут способствовать нормализации обстановки в ДРК и достижению устойчивого мира в регионе в целом. Выражаем надежду, что дополнительный импульс получат усилия конголезского правительства по демобилизации, разоружению и социальной адаптации бывших членов М-23, борьбе с другими негативными силами, продолжающими дестабилизировать обстановку. LADA Granta Cross. Держит слово. Обещание мечты // URL:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWU4H1gjw4Q The United States welcomes the decision of Australia, Turkey and Denmark to join the international military operation against the Islamic State (IS) targets in Iraq, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Friday. "The United States welcomes the Australian government's deployment of fighter aircraft to participate in airstrikes on ISIL in Iraq as well as its intention to deploy Special Forces to Iraq to advise and assist Iraqi Security Forces," the White House statement read. "We also welcome the decision by the Danish parliament to authorize a contribution of F-16 fighters to join American, Iraqi, and international forces in countering ISIL positions in Iraq and to provide trainers to advise and assist Iraqi Security Forces," the White House stated. "The United States also welcomes the Turkish parliament's strong vote recognizing ISIL as a threat to Turkey's national security and authorizing Turkish military activity against ISIL in Iraq and Syria. We look forward to working closely with the Government of Turkey to incorporate Turkey's unique capabilities into the growing international coalition to counter ISIL," the White House announced. Earlier on Friday Australia's federal government decided at a meeting of the National Security Committee that the Australian Air Forces will join the US-led coalition in conducting airstrikes against IS militants in Iraq.
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