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Monument to the cheese
Monument to the cheese
Памятник сырку "Дружба" появился на свет благодаря конкурсу в 2004 году, который провёл завод плавленных сыров "Карат". Причиной проведения стало сорокалетие с начала выпуска сырка "Дружба". В итоге на конкурсе соревновались 150 проектов.Конкурс выиграла группа из двух человек это: профессор Алексей Семёнов и художница Марина Лескова. А самой скульптурой занимались Щербаков Салават Александрович со своим сыном. The monument itself is small and represents two characters of Krylov's fable "The Crow and the Fox", who hold the same cheese "Friendship". The cheese itself is made of bronze and has a size of 1 by one and a half meters. The monument was erected in Moscow, near the factory building, from the Butyrskaya metro station and Ogorodny Passage. In 2011, in connection with the construction of the Butyrskaya metro station, the monument was moved to the entrance of the plant, having lost its pedestal made in the form of a piece of cheese, and in 2015 it was removed to the territory of the plant. On August 18 , 2020 , the monument was returned to its original place
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