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Georgy Zhukov
Georgy Zhukov
childhood Georgy Zhukov was born in the village Strelkovka Maloyaroslavetsky County Kaluga province in a peasant family Artemyevitch Konstantin Zhukov (1844-1921). After graduating with a certificate of merit of three classes of a parochial school in the neighboring village Velichkovo, the summer of 1908, her mother arranged for her brother Michael Pilihinu - furrier furrier and owner of a small shop in Moscow. Late in the evening of July, 1908, accompanied by his uncle Sergei on suburban Moscow train left for Moscow. The next day he began his thorny, fifteen hours a day training. In the 13 years arrives independently at the evening general education courses on Tverskaya Street, which allowed the formation volume in urban schools. In 1911, being engaged in the evenings, passed exams for the full course of urban schools and receives a certificate. Zhukov during the First World War 15 (28) July 1914 the Russian Empire entered the First World War. In connection with the losses at the front, in May 1915 it was announced early call of the youth in 1895 was born. 7 (20) in August 1915 Zhukov call the Imperial army. In Maloyaroslavets taken up in the cavalry, and the same day a group of recruits sent to Kaluga, where the 5th Cavalry Regiment, 189th reserve infantry battalion and begins his glorious military career leader. After training in the cavalry non-commissioned officer, at the end of August 1916 seconded to the South-Western Front at the disposal of the commander of the 10 th of Novgorod Dragoon Regiment. By participating in the hostilities, "for the capture of a German officer" was awarded the Cross of St. George 4-th degree. In October, he received a serious concussion and partial hearing loss as a result, sent to the reserve cavalry regiment. For wounded in the battle of St. George's Cross was awarded the second, this time to the 3rd degree. After the dissolution of the squadron in December 1917 he returned to Moscow, then to the village of his parents, where for a long time suffered from typhus.
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