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Personal Letter
Personal Letter
Письмо личного характера (неофициальное письмо) состоит из следующих частей: 1. Неофициальное приветствие (informal greeting). 2. Введение (introduction или opening remarks) 3. Основная часть (main body) 4.Заключительная часть (conclusion или closing remarks) 5. Неофициальное прощание и имя адресата (того, кто пишет письмо) 10 Pyitekava str. New Vasyuki Itland 19th December Dear Sandra, Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you. I’m sorry I haven’t written sooner, but I’ve been very busy. So, what’s new? Well, as you can see from the address, I’m not living with my parents any more. I ’ve moved into a flat nearer my job. It’s got a spare room, so you can stay with me when you come and visit next summer! I’ve also just had a pay increase at work. Great, isn’t it? I was really surprised because I’ve only been working there for six months. What else? Well, I went to a party last week where I met this great guy. We spent the whole night chatting! Who knows - may be a new romance! Guess what? I’ve got a letter from Dan yesterday. You won’t believe this, but he’s getting married! Well, that’s all my news. Let me know how you are doing. I’m really looking forward to hearing from you! Love, Yuliana Напишите свой адресс, но не имя! Напишите дату Не указывайте адрес, на который вы пишете Приветствие Вступление Основная часть Linkers Заключительная часть Прощание
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