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MMs marafon. Урок 1-3
MMs marafon. Урок 1-3
BACK Starts with B and ends with K. We find stories in it. a book Starts with E and ends with A. We find any information in it. an encyclopedia Starts with D and ends with Y. We find translation in it. a dictionary Starts with N and ends with R. We find news in it. a newspaper Starts with M and ends with N. We find stories about famous people in it. a magazine 1 2 5 3 4 BACK Answers☺Ответы I clean teeth every day. Present Simple 1 2 I am cleaning teeth now. Present Continuous 3 I cleaned teeth yesterday. Past Simple 4 I will clean teeth tomorrow. Future Simple 5 I cleaned teeth last morning. Past Simple Rule Present Simple Present Simple Настоящее простое время Действие происходит часто, регулярно, постоянно Every day, always, sometimes, often (каждый день, всегда, иногда, часто) V / Vs/es (he, she it) I feed my cat every day. She feeds her cat sometimes. Past Simple Прошедшее простое время Действие происходило в прошлом Yesterday, last year, in 2019, ago etc. (вчера, в прошлом году, в 2019 и т.д.) Vd/ed / V2 They travelled to America in 2020. I fed my cat yesterday. Rule Past Simple Rule Future Simple Future Simple Будущее простое время Действие или событие произойдет в будущем Tomorrow, next year, in 2025, etc (завтра, в следующем году, в 2025 году и т.д.)) Will V I will feed my cat next morning. He will go to school tomorrow.
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