Презентации, доклады, проекты по английскому языку

Project Portfolio theory
Project Portfolio theory
©Ella Khromova Letter from your CEO Stocks Bonds Client Profile Target-setting Project Dear financial analysts, As you know we got 9 new clients this week and all of them are waiting for their portfolio proposal from our Investment fund by Monday (15/10/2018). Please note that our clients are very busy, so you will have no more than 12 minutes for your presentation and 4 minutes for Q&A session. Also note that all clients want to hear all of the team members during presentation in order to get acquainted with their future investment consultants. All our clients want a portfolio (that contains at least 3 securities) that is well-diversified in terms of different financial instruments, countries and industries and that perfectly satisfy their needs. Clients profiles with detailed information can be seen below. If you cannot satisfy the requirements perfectly, provide the closest estimate and explain why it was impossible to fulfill clients needs. If you can find better return under the risk profile of your client – show it! Our research team prepared some current materials on bonds and stocks that will help you to construct a proper portfolio. However, you are free to use any other sources to find out more information on these financial instruments or even suggest investment in some other securities. Any current news about the companies that you have decided to include in your portfolio is welcomed. Good luck! CEO of IR-INVEST Corp Ella Khromova ©Ella Khromova Hints from your CEO Stocks Bonds Client Profile Target-setting Project  
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