Brain. Part 2

Слайд 2

mucous membrane of the nasal part of the pharynx, behind the

mucous membrane of the nasal part of the pharynx, behind the auditory tube Pharyngeal nerve
auditory tube

Pharyngeal nerve

Слайд 3

n. Intermedius - portio intermedia n. Facialis - n. petrosus major

n. Intermedius - portio intermedia n. Facialis - n. petrosus major

Слайд 4

Medial view of the contents of the pterygopalatine fossa

Medial view of the contents of the pterygopalatine fossa

Слайд 5

nasopalatine nerve

nasopalatine nerve

Слайд 8

mandibular nerve

mandibular nerve

Слайд 9

1. The buccal nerve (n. buccalis)
2. The lingual nerve (n. lingualis)

1. The buccal nerve (n. buccalis) 2. The lingual nerve (n. lingualis)
The inferior dental nerve (n. alveolaris inferior)
4. The auriculotemporal nerve (n. auriculotemporalis)

Muscle branches for innervation chewing muscles .

Buccal Nerve
contains sensory fibres
the buccal membranes of the mouth (i.e. the cheek)
second and third molar teeth
Inferior Alveolar Nerve
carries both sensory and motor axons: mylohyoid nerve - mylohyoid and anterior digastric muscles.
sensory axons enter the mandibular canal - mandibular teeth.
mental nerve - lower lip and chin

Слайд 10

Auriculotemporal Nerve
Superior root – comprises sensory fibers.
Inferior root – carries secretory-motor parasympathetic

Auriculotemporal Nerve Superior root – comprises sensory fibers. Inferior root – carries
fibers, originating from CN IX, to the parotid gland.
Anterior part of the auricle
Lateral part of the temple
Anterior external meatus
Anterior tympanic membrane

Слайд 13

auriculotemporal nerve

lingual nerve

Lingual Nerve
carries general sensory axons + special sensory

auriculotemporal nerve lingual nerve Lingual Nerve carries general sensory axons + special
and autonomic fibers (chorda tympani (CN VII)) – tactile, pain and temperature of tongue + 2/3 anterior taste and mucus membrane lining its undersides.
autonomic fibers branch - submandibular ganglion (submandibular and sublingual glands).

Слайд 21

n. stapedius
n.posterior auricular
digastric branch
temporal branches
zygomatic branches
buccal branches
mandibular branch

n. stapedius n.posterior auricular digastric branch temporal branches zygomatic branches buccal branches

greater petrosal nerve

chorda tympani

facial nerve

Слайд 24

canalis facialis

Intracranial branches
Greater petrosal nerve
Communicating branch to the otic ganglion

canalis facialis Intracranial branches Greater petrosal nerve Communicating branch to the otic
to stapedius
Chorda tympani
Parasympathetic innervation to submandibular gland
Parasympathetic innervation to sublingual gland
Special sensory taste fibers for the anterior 2/3 of the tongue

Слайд 25

Geniculate ganglion (Ganglion geniculi)

Greater petrosal nerve (Nervus petrosus major)

Deep petrosal nerve (Nervus petrosus profundus)

Chorda tympani

Geniculate ganglion (Ganglion geniculi) Greater petrosal nerve (Nervus petrosus major) Deep petrosal
Имя файла: Brain.-Part-2.pptx
Количество просмотров: 72
Количество скачиваний: 0