
Слайд 2

“It is altogether unlikely that two genes would have identical selective values

“It is altogether unlikely that two genes would have identical selective values
under all the conditions under which they may coexist in a population. … cases of neutral polymorphism do not exist … it appears probable that random fixation is of negligible evolutionary importance”
-Ernst Mayr

⎯ no way to test the predictions of different schools
⎯ arguments centered on mathematical models
1950’s and 1960’s:
⎯ protein sequencing (slow and painful)
⎯ protein gel electrophoresis (fast and cheap

Слайд 3

Protein electrophoresis: big changes in the 1960’s

A) Diagram of a protein gel

Protein electrophoresis: big changes in the 1960’s A) Diagram of a protein
electrophoresis apparatus, and (B) a photograph of a “stained” protein gel, the blue “blotches” are the proteins, their position indicates how far they migrated in the electric field.

Слайд 4

Lewontin and Hubby (1966) suggested that some of the polymorphism must be

Lewontin and Hubby (1966) suggested that some of the polymorphism must be neutral

Слайд 5

Genetic load

Genetic load: the extent to which the fitness of an

Genetic load Genetic load: the extent to which the fitness of an
individual is below the optimum for the population as a whole due to the deleterious alleles that the individual carries in its genome.

Слайд 6

Genetic load: the difference between the average fitness of the population and

Genetic load: the difference between the average fitness of the population and
the fitness of the best genotype. It measures the probability of selective death of an individual in a population.
W = average fitness
Genetic load (L) = 1 - W

Слайд 7

Genetic load an Example… Selective death (or genetic death): the chance that an

Genetic load an Example… Selective death (or genetic death): the chance that
individual will die without reproducing as a consequence of natural selection. [e.g.,15% of offspring in above]

Слайд 8

There is a cost to selection, in genetic death, during this time

There is a cost to selection, in genetic death, during this time period

Слайд 9

Genetic load : Sources

1. Mutational load
Substitutional load [Haldane’s load]
3. Segregational load

Genetic load : Sources 1. Mutational load Substitutional load [Haldane’s load] 3. Segregational load

Слайд 10

Genetic load : Mutation

Genetic load : Mutation

Слайд 11

Mutational load is minor:
Equilibrium yields a polymorphism involving an allele that is

Mutational load is minor: Equilibrium yields a polymorphism involving an allele that
very rare in the population
The load is trivial for the population, as the required excess reproductive capacity is not large

Слайд 12

Defining Directional Section

Directional selection: selection that favours the phenotype at an extreme

Defining Directional Section Directional selection: selection that favours the phenotype at an
of the range of phenotypes
Directional selection: can be subdivided into two broad categories. These subtypes have been given different names, leading to a possible point of confusion. The next page is an attempt to clarify this issue

Слайд 13

Defining two types directional selection

Type 1:
Positive Darwinian selection: directional selection for

Defining two types directional selection Type 1: Positive Darwinian selection: directional selection
fixation of a new and beneficial mutation in a population.

Слайд 14

Positive selection: Same as above. [Note that the above term is also

Positive selection: Same as above. [Note that the above term is also
shortened to “Darwinian selection”; this is a bad habit of which I am very guilty.

Слайд 15

Type 2:
Negative Darwinian selection: directional selection for removal of a new

Type 2: Negative Darwinian selection: directional selection for removal of a new
and deleterious mutation from a population.
Negative selection: same as “negative Darwinian selection”.
Purifying election: same as negative selection.

Слайд 16

Genetic load: segregational

Segregational load is a big problem for the balance school:


Genetic load: segregational Segregational load is a big problem for the balance
known examples exist; Haemoglobin, MHC locus, etc.
Balance school would extend this to most polymorphic loci in the genome. Let’s see if this will work

Слайд 17

30% of loci are polymorphic (from Harris 1966)
30,000 genes (from recent genome

Humans: 30% of loci are polymorphic (from Harris 1966) 30,000 genes (from
projects), so 9000 are polymorphic
Let’s assume a very small load on average: L = 0.001
Let’s assume that only half are under balancing selection (4500) [remember the balance school predicted a majority would be under balancing selection]
Fitness of an individual locus = 0.999
Fitness over whole genome = 0.9994500 = 0.011
Load = 1- 0.011 = 0.989 [That is huge!!!]
Cost = 0.989/0.011 = 89 [Do you know of any humans with families that big?

Слайд 18

Genetic Load: Other

1. Recombinational Load
2. Incompatibility Load
3. Lag Load

Note: all load arguments

Genetic Load: Other 1. Recombinational Load 2. Incompatibility Load 3. Lag Load
tend to be based on overly-simplistic models.

Слайд 19

Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution

Motoo Kimura:
troubled by cost Haldane’s dilemma:
1 substitution every

Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution Motoo Kimura: troubled by cost Haldane’s dilemma:
300 generations
troubled by Zukerkandl and Pauling’s (1965) molecular clock:
1 substitution every 2 years
Published a model of neutral evolution in 1968

Jack King and Thomas Jukes:
Independently arrived at same conclusion as Kimura
Published (1969) under the provocative title “Non-Darwinian evolution”

I cannot over emphasize how radical this idea was at that time.

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