Macroeconomics 7


Слайд 2

Let remember one important picture…

Potential output

Actual output

Economic growth can be treated as

Let remember one important picture… Potential output Actual output Economic growth can
increase of potential GDP


t (in years)

Слайд 3

Maddison growth data (view 1)

Maddison growth data (view 1)

Слайд 4

Perhaps, you heard in the introductory course about…

hockey stick of economic progress!

Perhaps, you heard in the introductory course about… hockey stick of economic progress!

Слайд 5

Maddison growth data (view 2)


Maddison growth data (view 2) !

Слайд 6

Economic Theory of the XIX Century: An example of “Outdated” View on

Economic Theory of the XIX Century: An example of “Outdated” View on
Growth – part 1

Ricardo (1817) and Mill (1848) believed that rate of economic growth decreases in the course of time.
Ricardo and Mill developed theory based on “the Law of Diminishing Fertility of the Soil” or growth in the conditions of decreasing returns to scale.
As a result, an economy is characterized by a tendency to a stagnation.

Слайд 7

Economic Theory of the XIX Century: An example of “Outdated” View on

Economic Theory of the XIX Century: An example of “Outdated” View on
Growth – part 2

Marx (1867, 1885, 1894) believed also that rate of economic growth decreases in the course of time.
Marx developed theory that predicts enrichment of the large/successful capitalists and immiserization of all others. In particular, workers are displaced from the production process by “labor-augmented” technical progress.
As a result, the economy is characterized a tendency to the social revolution…

Слайд 8

Towards the contemporary theory of growth – part 1

Harrod (1939) and Domar

Towards the contemporary theory of growth – part 1 Harrod (1939) and
(1946) laid the foundation of the contemporary theory of growth:
They assumed away the Law of Diminishing Fertility of the Soil” and believed that population growth does not depend on the difference between the actual wage rate and the minimal wage rate.

Слайд 9

Towards the contemporary theory of growth – part 2

So, Harrod and Domar

Towards the contemporary theory of growth – part 2 So, Harrod and
created the models in which the main aggregate macroeconomic variables – output (GDP), capital, labor, consumption – grow with constant rate.
But they assumed an absence of substitutability between capital and labor.
So, in these models the equilibrium growth is unstable.

Слайд 10

Kaldor’s (1961) stylised facts

Per capita output grows over time and its growth

Kaldor’s (1961) stylised facts Per capita output grows over time and its
rate does not tend to diminish;
Physical capital per worker grows over time;
The rate of return to capital is nearly constant;
The ratio of physical capital to output is nearly constant;
The shares of labour and physical capital in national income are nearly constant;
The growth rate of output per worker differs substantially across countries.

Слайд 11

Solow (1956) growth model: the general description

Solow model is the starting point

Solow (1956) growth model: the general description Solow model is the starting
of contemporary economic analysis of growth
Assumption and conclusions:
Constant returns to scale
Presence of factor substitutability (due to both technical aspects and incentives)
The economy generates constant rate of growth of output and some other important variables
- This equilibrium growth is stable one.

Слайд 12

A general production function in the Solow growth model

Consider a general production

A general production function in the Solow growth model Consider a general
This is a “neoclassical” production function if there are positive and diminishing returns to K and L; if there are constant returns to scale (CRS); and if it obeys the Inada conditions:
with CRS, we have output per worker of
If we write K/L as k and Y/L as y, then in intensive form:

Слайд 13

The Cobb-Douglas production function

One simple production function that provides – as many

The Cobb-Douglas production function One simple production function that provides – as
economists believe – a reasonable description of actual economies is the Cobb-Douglas:
where A>0 is the level of technology and α is a constant with 0<α<1. The CD production function can be written in intensive form as
The marginal product can be found from the derivative:

Слайд 14

Results for distribution of income

If firms pay workers a wage of w,

Results for distribution of income If firms pay workers a wage of
and pay r to rent a unit of capital for one period, profit-maximizing firms should maximise:
Under perfect competition firms are price-takers so they employ workers and rent capital until w and r are equal to the marginal products of labour and capital
Notice that wL+rK=Y, that is, payments to inputs completely exhaust output so economic profits are zero.

Слайд 15

Diminishing returns to capital

output per worker, y=f(k)=kα



Diminishing returns to capital output per worker, y=f(k)=kα f(k) k

Слайд 16

The economy is saving and investing a constant fraction of income…

gross investment

The economy is saving and investing a constant fraction of income… gross
per worker, sf(k)=skα



Слайд 17

What is “labor-augmenting technical progress”?

This is technical progress that increases contribution of

What is “labor-augmenting technical progress”? This is technical progress that increases contribution of labor into output!
labor into output!

Слайд 18

If we take into account “labor-augmenting technical progress” that

If we take into account “labor-augmenting technical progress” that

Слайд 19

Production function with technical progress in the intensive form

Production function with technical progress in the intensive form

Слайд 20

What is break-even investment?

What is break-even investment?

Слайд 21

Derivation of equilibrium capital per effective worker

Derivation of equilibrium capital per effective worker

Слайд 22

Equilibrium as a situation of steady-state growth

Equilibrium as a situation of steady-state growth

Слайд 23

Dynamics of parameters on the steady-state

Dynamics of parameters on the steady-state

Слайд 24

Balanced growth

Balanced growth

Слайд 25

Growth in steady state and outside steady state

In the steady state –

Growth in steady state and outside steady state In the steady state
when actual investment per “effective worker” = break-even investment - the rate of economic growth will be equal to the sum of rate of population growth and rate of technical progress = n+g.
If “initial” capital stock is less than steady state capital stock, then the rate of economic growth will be more than n+g.

Слайд 26

Unconditional convergence

Unconditional convergence

Слайд 27

Conditional convergence

Conditional convergence

Слайд 28

The concept of the Golden Rule

The concept of the Golden Rule

Слайд 29

The Golden Rule – for what?

The Golden Rule – for what?

Слайд 30

The U.S. Golden Rule – Estimation (Part 1)

The U.S. Golden Rule – Estimation (Part 1)

Слайд 31

The U.S. Golden Rule – Estimation (Part 2)

The U.S. Golden Rule – Estimation (Part 2)

Слайд 32

The U.S. Golden Rule – Estimation (Part 3)

The U.S. Golden Rule – Estimation (Part 3)

Слайд 33

The U.S. Golden Rule – Estimation (Part 4)

The U.S. Golden Rule – Estimation (Part 4)

Слайд 34

When saving rate is too much high

When saving rate is too much high

Слайд 35

Accounting of growth in Solow model (Part 1)

Accounting of growth in Solow model (Part 1)

Слайд 36

Accounting of growth in Solow model (Part 2)

Accounting of growth in Solow model (Part 2)

Слайд 37

Accounting of growth in Solow model (Part 3)

Accounting of growth in Solow model (Part 3)

Слайд 38

Accounting of growth in the U.S. economy In the end of the

Accounting of growth in the U.S. economy In the end of the XX century
XX century

Слайд 39

Accounting of growth among “Asian Tigers” In the end of the XX

Accounting of growth among “Asian Tigers” In the end of the XX century
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