A no-go theorem on the nature of the gravitational field beyond quantum theory

Слайд 2


- Introduction
-Theory independent framework.
The concept of GPT

Plan - Introduction -Theory independent framework. The concept of GPT -Theorem. - Discussion of conditions -Conclusion
Discussion of conditions

Слайд 3

Illustration of the experimental situation.

Two masses A and B are initially prepared


Illustration of the experimental situation. Two masses A and B are initially
a separable state.

The masses interact via the gravitational field G. After some time, the full state

becomes entangled.

Слайд 4


We consider two non-classical systems A and B, initially in a separable

Theorem We consider two non-classical systems A and B, initially in a
state, and some unknown field G. If, after some time t, entanglement between the systems A and B is observed, then the following statements are incompatible:
1.Subsystem independence of A and B;
2. A and B interact locally via the mediator G; 3. G is classical
Имя файла: A-no-go-theorem-on-the-nature-of-the-gravitational-field-beyond-quantum-theory.pptx
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