Сolors of the flag of the country it is yellow and blue

Слайд 2

Is the national dish of meatballsIs the national dish of meatballs

Is the national dish of meatballsIs the national dish of meatballs

Слайд 3

They have not decided to come to visit without a call.

They have not decided to come to visit without a call.

Слайд 4

Their language is similar to the Danish and Norwegian

Their language is similar to the Danish and Norwegian

Слайд 5

To twenty teeth can be treated free

To twenty teeth can be treated free

Слайд 6

City ​​of this country look like this

City ​​of this country look like this

Слайд 7

What country is it ?

What country is it ?
Имя файла: Сolors-of-the-flag-of-the-country-it-is-yellow-and-blue.pptx
Количество просмотров: 62
Количество скачиваний: 0