- 2. How is a program compiled in TASM? The program translation is executed by TASM program tasm.exe.
- 3. A listing file shows precisely how the assembler translates your source file into machine code. It’s
- 5. What are the main components (columns) of the program listing? Program’s listing includes four components (colons):
- 6. Syntax name SEGMENT [[align]] [[combine]] [[use]] [[‘class’]] Statements Statements ……………… Statements Statements name ENDS
- 7. Attribute of segment alignment (type of alignment). It informs the compiler, that it is necessary to
- 9. Attribute of segments combining (combining type). It informs the compiler, that it is necessary to combine
- 10. Attribute of segment class (type of class). It is enclosed in inverted commas (‘’) string, which
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