Internet of Things


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Smart Devices
Issues and Challenges
IoE, Fog Computing, CoT, SDT


Social and Urban Computing @

IoT Smart Devices Trends Issues and Challenges IoE, Fog Computing, CoT, SDT

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Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

“IoT is the network of physical objects

IoT Social and Urban Computing @ KFU “IoT is the network of
- devices, vehicles, buildings and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity - enabling these objects to collect and exchange data.”

"Internet of Things Global Standards Initiative". ITU.

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Smart Devices

Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

Smart Devices Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

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Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

Trends Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

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Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

Trends Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

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Issues and Challenges

Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

IoT-zation, turn to smart
Interconnections, Network

Issues and Challenges Social and Urban Computing @ KFU Challenges IoT-zation, turn
and categorize things
Management (things and data)

Not smart/ Internet enabled devices (e.g. sensors and actuators),
Not smart objects and things

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Add network interface to existing “things”
Standard interface
Highly programmable and configurable
Intel Galileo
Samsung Artik

IoT-zation Add network interface to existing “things” Arduino Standard interface Highly programmable
Pinguino, Teense, …

Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

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Heterogeneous nodes-things
Communication protocols and mechanisms
Unmanned Machine-to-Machine interaction (M2M)
CoAP: a light HTTP protocol

Networking Heterogeneous nodes-things Communication protocols and mechanisms Unmanned Machine-to-Machine interaction (M2M) CoAP:
a PubSub system
AllJoyn: “discovery” of resources and services
Distributed -> No Control
Best effort -> No Guarantees

Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

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Identify Things

What is a thing?
Need of a common knowledge base, semantics, ontologies

Identify Things What is a thing? Need of a common knowledge base,
and actuator types and metrics
OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE), Sensor Model Language (SML), (W3C) Semantic Sensor Network (SSN)
Semantic Web
XML, Resource Description Framework RDL, OWL,
Dynamic semantics
Web of Things

Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

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Wide-scale – billions of things
Huge amount of data (Zettabytes 2^70-10^21)
Distributed, Autonomic, self-organizing

Wide-scale – billions of things Huge amount of data (Zettabytes 2^70-10^21) Solutions

IoT-Cloud convergence: ubiquitous
Technological -> Cloud support IoT - SaaS
Methodological -> adopt the Cloud-service oriented paradigm to the provisioning of things Cloud of things, Things as a Service - IaaS
Software defined and virtualized ecosystems
SD things, SD cities, SDIoT


Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

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Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

IoE Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

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Aims at extending Cloud to the edge of an enterprise's network
Facilitates the

Aims at extending Cloud to the edge of an enterprise's network Facilitates
end devices-Cloud compute, storage and networking interactions
Consists of a control plane and a data plane
Emphasizes proximity to end-users and client objectives, dense geographical distribution and local resource pooling, quality of service (QoS) and edge analytics/stream mining

Fog Computing

Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

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IoT, Cloud and Smart Cities

2-6 students/project
Java and/or Python
International partnership, visit opportunities
Politecnico di

IoT, Cloud and Smart Cities SensorCloud SDC MCSaaS … Requirements: 2-6 students/project
Milano, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, National Technical University Athens, University of Messina, …
Cisco, Dog Hunter, RosTelecom, …

Ideas and Projects

Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

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Goal: Implementing a Cloud of sensors
Involving actuators


Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

Goal: Implementing a Cloud of sensors Device-centric Involving actuators SensorCloud Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

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Goal: Smart, Programmable and Customizable Cities

Software Defined Cities

Social and Urban Computing @

Goal: Smart, Programmable and Customizable Cities Software Defined Cities Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

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Goal: Unlock MCS capabilities

CrowdSensing aaS

Social and Urban Computing @ KFU

Goal: Unlock MCS capabilities Mobile CrowdSensing aaS Social and Urban Computing @ KFU
Имя файла: Internet-of-Things.pptx
Количество просмотров: 45
Количество скачиваний: 0