Слайд 2Child labour (Prohibition and regulation)Act 1986
Prohibition of child labour in occupations set

forth in schedule A.
Age of child is 14
Penalty-first time offender will face minimum 3 months imprisonment to 1 year fine from 10,000/- to 20,000/-
Second time offender will face minimum 6 monthes to 2 years.
Слайд 3The child labour prohibition and regulation act 1986
The act came in

force from 23rd december,1986
An act to prohibit the engagement of children in certain employment and to regulate the condition of work of children in certain other employment
Слайд 4objective
To prohibit the engagement of children in certain employments
To regulate the

condition of work of children in certain other emplyments
Слайд 5Hours and periods of work
No child shall be required or permitted to

working any establishment in excess of such number of hours as may be prescribe for such establishment or class of it.
The period of work on each day shall be so fixed that no period shall exceed 3 hour and that no child shall work more than fixed time
Слайд 6Continue…
The period of work shall not be spread over more than 6

No child shall be permitted or required to work between 7 p.m. and 8 a.m.
No child shall be required or permitted work overtime.
Слайд 7Some important definition
Child – means a person who has not completed his

14th year of age
Establishment – includes a shop a commercial establishment, workshop, farm, residental, hotel, restaurant, eating
Слайд 8The child labour prohibition and regulation rules
The term of child labour technical

advisory committee shall be one year which may extended for 2 years
The officer not below the rank and under secretary to the government of India may be appointed as secretary of the committee