Слайд 2Workers and employees were the poorest segments of the country's population. In

cold winters , they covered the floors with straw . Only beggars and homeless people had lower incomes. The working class had no education. Children worked on an equal basis with adults.
Слайд 3The middle class in the 19th century included those who were financially

independent, but did not live too richly. In Russia in the 19th century, the middle class included lawyers, professors, teachers, the middle class ate ordinary food, there were no delicacies on the tables. However, much attention was paid to teaching children and going to the theaters
Слайд 4The nobles of large cities, especially St. Petersburg and Moscow, were in

the most favorable position. A high position in society allowed people from the upper class to lead an idle lifestyle.
Слайд 5Upon reaching the age of 15-17, teenagers were sent to closed-type educational

institutions: young men were taught military strategy here, girls were taught the rules of good manners, the ability to play various musical instruments, the basics of family life.