Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti Optimal Control

Слайд 2

Variational Approach to the Fixed-Time, Free-Endpoint Problem

Variational Approach to the Fixed-Time, Free-Endpoint Problem

Слайд 3

We now want to see how far a variational approach – i.e.

We now want to see how far a variational approach – i.e.
an approach based on analyzing the first (and second) variation of the cost functional – can take us in studying the optimal control problem formulated in the previous lecture.

Слайд 6


Our goal is to derive necessary conditions for optimality.


Our goal is to derive necessary conditions for optimality.

Слайд 8



Thus, in the optimal control context it is more natural to directly

Thus, in the optimal control context it is more natural to directly perturb the control instead.
perturb the control instead.

Слайд 9

And then define perturbed state trajectories in terms of perturbed controls.


And then define perturbed state trajectories in terms of perturbed controls.

Слайд 16


Motivated by Lagrange's idea for treating such constraints in calculus of variations,

Motivated by Lagrange's idea for treating such constraints in calculus of variations,
expressed by an augmented cost, let us rewrite our cost as indicated below.

Слайд 17

Clearly, the extra term inside the integral does not change the value

Clearly, the extra term inside the integral does not change the value of the cost.
of the cost.



Слайд 31



This is just a reformulation of the property already discussed by us

This is just a reformulation of the property already discussed by us
in the context of calculus of variations.

Слайд 32



which you can recognize as the system of Hamilton's canonical equations.

which you can recognize as the system of Hamilton's canonical equations.

Слайд 35



Let’s summarize the results obtained so far and see how to apply

Let’s summarize the results obtained so far and see how to apply them in practice.
them in practice.

Слайд 43



The integration of these equations leads to two constants whose values can

The integration of these equations leads to two constants whose values can
be found from the known boundary conditions of the problem.

Слайд 60

Thank you for attention

Thank you for attention
Имя файла: Azərbaycan-Dövlət-Neft-və-Sənaye-Universiteti-Optimal-Control.pptx
Количество просмотров: 55
Количество скачиваний: 0