Слайд 2

The tsunami - a giant sea waves quantities arising from changes extended

The tsunami - a giant sea waves quantities arising from changes extended
areas of the seabed in the coastal or submarine earthquakes. With such natural disasters you can meet in the Far Eastern regions of our country 

Слайд 3

Velocity of tsunami is in the range of 50 to 1000 km

Velocity of tsunami is in the range of 50 to 1000 km
/ h, the height of the waves in their origin from 10 cm to 5 m, height of waves in coastal exceed 50 meters. Tsunami flood coastal areas, destroying the house and other buildings

Слайд 4

The natural warning signals of approaching tsunami is low tide, where the

The natural warning signals of approaching tsunami is low tide, where the
water comes from the land far away, sometimes for several kilometers. Outflow may take a few minutes and an hour. The appearance of tsunami accompanied by a loud noise. A good indicator of the disaster are animals. They begin to behave very restless, fleeing to the hills. Distribution of tsunamis associated usually with areas of strong earthquakes. It is subject to a clear geographical patterns, defined seismic areas coupled with areas of recent and current processes of mountain formation

Слайд 5

The cause of most tsunamis are submarine earthquake, during which a shift

The cause of most tsunamis are submarine earthquake, during which a shift
(lifting or lowering) parts of the seabed. Usually there is a three to five waves, second or third strongest. Such tsunami emerged during the earthquake in Indonesia in 2004 and that it caused most of his victims and destruction.  Moreover, the cause tsunami can be offset (collapse) large amount of soil, rocks directly into the ocean. The most famous example of this is a giant tsunami wave in the Gulf fly (Alaska, USA), which occurred July 9, 1958.  Volcanic eruptions create about 5% of tsunamis.


Слайд 6

It is known that most of the earthquakes is confined to the

It is known that most of the earthquakes is confined to the
zone Earth within which ongoing formation of mountain systems, particularly the young, relating to the current geological epoch. Cleanest earthquake in areas near the neighborhood of large mountain ranges of hollows seas and oceans. The tsunami that emerged during the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 

Слайд 7

In the vicinity of Java and Sumatra wave height reaches 35-40 meters,

In the vicinity of Java and Sumatra wave height reaches 35-40 meters,
a tsunami was observed in Ceylon, near the south coast of Africa and Cape Horn (South America).  Most tsunamis occur in the Pacific, where there is a lot of strong earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
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