Exploring Public Speaking


Слайд 2

Overview of chapter

Defining public speaking
Anxiety and public speaking
Understanding the process of public

Overview of chapter Defining public speaking Anxiety and public speaking Understanding the
The value of learning public speaking in your life
Some starting principles in public speaking

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Defining public speaking

Intentional (purposeful) attempt
To inform, entertain, or persuade
A group of

Defining public speaking Organized Face-to-face Intentional (purposeful) attempt To inform, entertain, or
people (usually five or more)
Through words, physical delivery, and perhaps visual/audio aids

Слайд 4

Anxiety and public speaking

Glossophobia: a severe fear of public speaking
Most people’s anxiety

Anxiety and public speaking Glossophobia: a severe fear of public speaking Most
is lower than a true phobia
Sources of anxiety:
All or nothing thinking
Overgeneralization of experiences
Fortune telling
Fixed mindset about intelligence, skill, and learning
Fear of failure and rejection

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Addressing anxiety in public speaking

Mental preparation
Focus on message rather than self
Be realistic

Addressing anxiety in public speaking Mental preparation Focus on message rather than
about experience and what’s at stake
Physical preparation
Protein rather than high sugar content
Sleep well the night before
Wear comfortable clothes and shoes
Utilize stretching techniques

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Addressing anxiety in public speaking

Contextual preparation
Know the venue, circumstance, and audience
Arrive early

Addressing anxiety in public speaking Contextual preparation Know the venue, circumstance, and
Do not procrastinate: Kiss of Death for a speaker!
Practice several times beforehand in a setting and way as close to the real setting as possible; Record self
Amy Cuddy: “Fake it til you become it.”

Слайд 7

Understanding the process of public speaking

“Enlarge or projected conversation”
Commonalities with other forms

Understanding the process of public speaking “Enlarge or projected conversation” Commonalities with
of human communication
Seven elements: People, Context, Message, Channel, Noise, Feedback, Outcome

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Understanding the process of public speaking

First element: People
Exchange roles

Understanding the process of public speaking First element: People Senders/receivers Exchange roles

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Understanding the process of public speaking

Second element: Context
Cultural (“the system of learned

Understanding the process of public speaking Second element: Context Historical Cultural (“the
and shared symols, language, values, and norms that distinguish one group of people from another” Floyd, 2017)
Social (relationship)

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Understanding the process of public speaking

Third element: Message
May be informal and spontaneous

Understanding the process of public speaking Third element: Message May be informal
May be formal, intentional, and planned (speech)

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Understanding the process of public speaking

Fourth element: Channel
“Means through which a message

Understanding the process of public speaking Fourth element: Channel “Means through which
gets from sender to receiver”
Face-to-face and immediate as opposed to mediated (computer, phone)
Verbal and nonverbal
Face-to-face adds to urgency, immediacy, and “linear” nature

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Understanding the process of public speaking

Fifth element: Feedback
Used to evaluate effectiveness and

Understanding the process of public speaking Fifth element: Feedback Verbal Nonverbal Used
decide next steps in interaction

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Understanding the process of public speaking

Sixth element: Noise (Interference)
Psychological (stressors, anxieties, past

Understanding the process of public speaking Sixth element: Noise (Interference) Contextual Physical
experiences, etc.)
Seventh element: Outcomes
Internal, external
Short-term, long-term

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Understanding the process of public speaking

Encoding: putting thoughts and feelings into words

Understanding the process of public speaking Encoding: putting thoughts and feelings into
or symbols
Decoding: putting words and symbols into personal meaning
Models of communication
Linear, transmissional – Weaver (bowling)
Interactive (ping-pong)
Transactional (Charades)

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The value of learning public speaking in your life

Career: one of many

The value of learning public speaking in your life Career: one of
desired communication skills
Academic: expect to give any presentations in college
Critical listening and thinking skills
Gain confidence, overcome fear
Find voice
Influence your world
Make friends!
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