
Слайд 2

The main models of B2B

Electronic procurement management (The technology of trading by

The main models of B2B Electronic procurement management (The technology of trading
catalogs or data aggregators );
Electronic auctions (Auction technology );
Electronic exchanges (Exchange technology );

Слайд 3

(Информационно-справочные системы)

PORTALS (Информационно-справочные системы)

Слайд 4

Portal is a relatively new concept, and there are a number of

Portal is a relatively new concept, and there are a number of
interpretations of this term
portal is an application that provides a personalized and customizable interface that allows people to interact with other people, as well as find and use applications and information in accordance with their interests (old definition by IBM specialists)
Organized information to a certain audience
Different sources

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The development of the portal requires
knowledge of the technologies
knowledge of

The development of the portal requires knowledge of the technologies knowledge of
the subject area
contingent of users

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The portal provides uniform access to internal and external information resources.

The portal provides uniform access to internal and external information resources. The
purpose of the portal is to form a personalized window for the relevant contingent of employees of the company, through which they can receive and view all the information necessary for doing business.

Слайд 7

Summing up…

The portal is the main entry point to the Internet or

Summing up… The portal is the main entry point to the Internet
a corporate network built on Intranet technologies.
The portal is the first information server that users access.
Its main feature is the availability of the following integrated services:
convenient categorization and annotation of information,
communication with databases,
provision of news and services profiled for a specific user,
access to e-mail and a catalog of information servers of a certain profile,
availability of a search mechanism.

Слайд 8

Types of portals

corporate portals - more content to small audience
information search tools;

Types of portals corporate portals - more content to small audience information
of interaction with application systems;
access rights management tools;
the ability to customize to the needs of a specific user;
information portals – more info to limited number of users
commercial portals - specific info to wide audience
personal portals - specific topics for interested persons

Слайд 9


Corporate portals manage uniform and profiled end-user access to corporate network

CORPORATE PORTALS Corporate portals manage uniform and profiled end-user access to corporate
applications and information resources.
The portal should include proven and supported security tools, tools for the administration of client systems and the organization of collaboration, data management systems, as well as search engines with a single interface

Слайд 10

The main function of the portal is the management of corporate information

The main function of the portal is the management of corporate information
The process of planning information support for the management of an organization is closely related to taking into account the information needs of the company's employees engaged in a specific business process.

Слайд 11

Information support planning is one of the important management functions implemented with

Information support planning is one of the important management functions implemented with
the help of a corporate portal
The portal should be one of the most important components of the information resources management cycle: planning - control - analysis - decision-making
Many of the largest manufacturers of corporate information systems (ERP class) include a corporate portal (SAP Workplace, Ogas1e Portal, iBaan Portal) in the set of solutions offered.

Слайд 12

The traditional mechanism that ensures the collection of reliable statistics is the

The traditional mechanism that ensures the collection of reliable statistics is the
registration of the organization's clients on the portal and the implementation of controlled access to information resources.
Factors to attract customers to register :
the organization's clients receive all the information they need in a concentrated form;
the organization carries out centralized control of the reliability and relevance of the published information;
the portal can provide relatively secure publication of confidential information targeted at specific user groups.

Слайд 13

Information portal. AOL and Yahoo! companies

AOL is the largest Internet Service Provider

Information portal. AOL and Yahoo! companies AOL is the largest Internet Service
access to e-mail and online communication service (Chats),
distribution of Internet resource catalogs,
weather forecast,
financial information, etc
Most of AOL's revenue (about 70%) is provided by providing Internet access services. The rest of the revenue comes from advertising (about 20%) and commissions from sales through the portal (up to 10%).

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AOL and Yahoo! companies

Yahoo! is the largest and most recognizable information portal

AOL and Yahoo! companies Yahoo! is the largest and most recognizable information
core business consists in the sale of advertising space
More than 90% of the revenue was advertising, which included paid display of banners; sponsorship income, including through commissions from sales and fees for the maintenance of an online counter; banner exchange.
The income structure has not changed significantly over the past three years.
A significant portion of advertising revenue comes from large e-commerce companies.

Слайд 15

The need for an information portal decreases due to
Internet access is

The need for an information portal decreases due to Internet access is
rapidly getting cheaper
Favorites folder on browser

Слайд 16

Despite a slight decrease in the income of the main information portals,

Despite a slight decrease in the income of the main information portals,
certain prospects for them undoubtedly exist
number of new Internet users is growing extremely fast
portals act as filters that provide users with only the necessary information
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