
Слайд 2


Stone formation & types
Acute cholecystitis
- Calculus
- Acalculus

Content Anatomy Bile Stone formation & types Acute cholecystitis - Calculus -
& symptoms
Differential diagnosis
Diagnostic investigation

Слайд 3


The gallbladder is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen

ANATOMY The gallbladder is located in the right upper quadrant of the
beneath the liver.
The cystic duct exits at the neck of the gallbladder and joins the common hepatic duct to form the common bile duct.

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CBD empty into the duodenum at the ampulla of Vater. This

ANATOMY CBD empty into the duodenum at the ampulla of Vater. This
is surrounded by the sphincter of Oddi, which regulates bile flow into the duodenum .

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Blood supply is from the cystic artery.
Celiac A. Hepatic A. Rt. Hepatic

ANATOMY Blood supply is from the cystic artery. Celiac A. Hepatic A.
A. Cystic A.
The cystic vein drain directly into portal vein.

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Nerve Supply :
Sympathetic and parasympathetic vagal fibers
the celiac plexus.
Lymph Drainage:

Nerve Supply : Sympathetic and parasympathetic vagal fibers the celiac plexus. Lymph

The lymph drains into a cystic lymph node situated near the neck of the gallbladder. From here, the lymph vessels pass to the hepatic nodes along the course of the hepatic artery and then to the celiac artery.

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Bile produced in the liver is stored in the gallbladder.
The function

Bile Bile produced in the liver is stored in the gallbladder. The
of bile is emulsify FAT
Cholecystokinin stimulates gallbladder contraction and release of bile into the duodenum.

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The spiral valves of Heister in the cystic duct prevent bile

Bile The spiral valves of Heister in the cystic duct prevent bile
reflux into the gallbladder.
Bile composed of
Lecithin (phospholipid)
Bile acid

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Stones formation

Imbalance of cholesterol and its solubilizing agents, bile salts and lecithin

Stones formation Imbalance of cholesterol and its solubilizing agents, bile salts and
If hepatic cholesterol secretion is excessive then bile salts and lecithin are “overloaded”, supersaturated cholesterol precipitates and can form gallstones

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Types of Stones

Cholesterol stones
Pigment stones
Mixed stones

Types of Stones Cholesterol stones Pigment stones Mixed stones

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Cholesterol Stones

Cholesterol Stones

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Pigment stones

Pigment stones

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Mixed stones:

Mixed stones:

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Acute Cholecystitis

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Acute Cholecystitis

Inflammation of the gallbladder, resulting from :
Obstruction of cystic duct by

Acute Cholecystitis Inflammation of the gallbladder, resulting from : Obstruction of cystic
gallstone( 80% )
Acalculous ( 20% )

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Acute Cholecystitis

Cholecystitis with stones most commonly blocking the cystic duct directly. This

Acute Cholecystitis Cholecystitis with stones most commonly blocking the cystic duct directly.
leads to inspissation (thickening) of bile, bile stasis, and secondary infection by gut organisms.
The most common organisms cultured during acute cholecystitis are Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, enterococci, Bacteroides fragilis, and Pseudomonas.

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Acute Cholecystitis
The gallbladder shows congestion, thickening of the wall by edema and

Acute Cholecystitis The gallbladder shows congestion, thickening of the wall by edema and mucosal ulceration.
mucosal ulceration.

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Acute cholecystitis without gallstone may occur in a variety of condition it

Acute cholecystitis without gallstone may occur in a variety of condition it
may be due to :
• Dehydration, prolonged fasting, TPN
• Systemic disease
• Generalized sepsis, trauma
• Kinking or fibrosis of the gallbladder
• Thrombosis of the cystic artery
• Sphincter spasm with obstruction of the biliary and pancreatic ducts
• Collagen vascular disease, DM, immunosuppressed


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Age 30-60 yrs
mostly ♀
Sudden pain in RUQ, often radiate through the

Hx Age 30-60 yrs mostly ♀ Sudden pain in RUQ, often radiate
back to the tip of Rt. Scapula
Pain is continuous, last >6 hrs
Exacerbated by moving and breathing
Dark urine, pale stools, itchy skin in case of obstructive jaundice.

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Signs & Symptoms

Low grade fever ( < 38.5 C)
Positive Murphy’s sign

Signs & Symptoms Anorexia. Low grade fever ( Tachycardia Positive Murphy’s sign
gallbladder (in 1/3 of patients)

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Pt distressed by pain and lies quitely breathing shallowly.
Tachycardia and Pyrexia

P/E Pt distressed by pain and lies quitely breathing shallowly. Tachycardia and
& guarding in Rt. Hypochondrium
Boas’ sign
Murphy sign
± jaundice

Слайд 27

Physical features of enlarged GB

It appears from beneath the tip of the

Physical features of enlarged GB It appears from beneath the tip of
Rt. 9th rib
Smooth & hemi-ovoid
Moves with respiration
There is no space between the lump and the edge of the liver
Dull to percussion

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Differential diagnosis

Perforating or penetrating peptic ulcer.
Myocardial infraction
Hiatus hernia
RLL pneumonia

Differential diagnosis Perforating or penetrating peptic ulcer. Myocardial infraction Pancreatitis Hiatus hernia RLL pneumonia Appendicitis Hepatitis

Слайд 29

Lab Investigations

Mild Hyperbillirubinemia
Mild ↑ AST, ALT, ALP
Moderate ↑ Lipase & Amylase

Lab Investigations Leukocystosis Mild Hyperbillirubinemia Mild ↑ AST, ALT, ALP Moderate ↑ Lipase & Amylase

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Distended gallbladder
Thickened gallbladdr wall
Pericholecystic fluid collection
US Murphy’s sign ( + in 98%

US Distended gallbladder Thickened gallbladdr wall Pericholecystic fluid collection US Murphy’s sign
of pts)

Слайд 31

Biliary scintigraphy (hydroxyiminodiacetic acid) (HIDA) scan:
Is the gold standard investigation

Biliary scintigraphy (hydroxyiminodiacetic acid) (HIDA) scan: Is the gold standard investigation when
when the diagnosis remains in doubt after ultrasound scanning.

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(HIDA) scan:

The patient is given an intravenous injection of radiolabelled hydroxyiminodiacetic acid

(HIDA) scan: The patient is given an intravenous injection of radiolabelled hydroxyiminodiacetic
and then the abdomen is scanned; in patients with acute cholecystitis, the gallbladder lumen will not take up any radioactive isotope one to two hours after injection and therefore the gall bladder will not be visible on the scan.

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(HIDA) scan:

(HIDA) scan:

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- Cholecystentiric fistula formation
- Gallstone illeus
- Perforation (may cause localized abscess

Complication - Cholecystentiric fistula formation - Gallstone illeus - Perforation (may cause
or generalized peritonitis [ after 3 days of onset ] )
- Empyema of gallbladder.
- Gangrene

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IV Analgesia (pethidine)
IV Abx (cefuroxime)
Parental Analgesics
Optimal Rx is cholecystectomy within 3 days

Mx NPO IVF IV Analgesia (pethidine) IV Abx (cefuroxime) NGT Parental Analgesics
of the onset of symptoms.
Pts who are poor candidates for surgery can undergo cholecystostomy (drainage of gallbladder contents)

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Calot’s Triangle

Superiorly: Lower edge of the liver
Laterally: Cystic Duct
Medially: Common Hepatic Duct

Calot’s Triangle Superiorly: Lower edge of the liver Laterally: Cystic Duct Medially: Common Hepatic Duct

Слайд 37

Acute Cholecystits vs. Billiary Colic

Duration, Symptoms ?

Acute Cholecystits vs. Billiary Colic Duration, Symptoms ?

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Количество просмотров: 478
Количество скачиваний: 7