Arrival at the port


Слайд 2

Prior to arrival

Preparation for a
Pilot’s boarding

Entering TSS

Calling for a Pilot

Pilot on

Prior to arrival Preparation for a Pilot’s boarding Entering TSS Calling for

of a Pilot

Слайд 3

Prior to arrival

Pre-arrival exchange of information


Equipment to check and to be

Prior to arrival Pre-arrival exchange of information Consult Equipment to check and to be prepared Documents


Слайд 5

Before entering port limits it is usually necessary to consult:

the passage

Before entering port limits it is usually necessary to consult: the passage
plan and any associated notebook;
any special instructions from Owners/time Charterers;
any information about the port
port approaches charts and harbour charts
relevant sailing directions (‘pilot books’)
Guide to Port Entry
Admiralty List of Lights
tide tables and tidal streams atlases
Admiralty List of Radio Signals

Слайд 6

Documents for boarding officials

pilot card;
check list for vessels carrying dangerous

Documents for boarding officials pilot card; check list for vessels carrying dangerous
or polluting goods;
master’s (customs) declaration;
crew (customs) declaration;
cargo declaration or manifest
(in some countries) stores declaration; bunker declaration;
cargo documents, e.g. Bs/L, W/Bs, DGH;
up-to-date crew list (several copies) on the official form;
all statutory and class certificates (preferably in clean plastic pockets in a binder);
check list for pilot and harbour master;
customs clearance from last port;
Maritime declaration of Health
Written authorization for the agent to act for the master.

Слайд 7

Equipment to be prepared and checked:

- course and engine movement recorders;

Equipment to be prepared and checked: - course and engine movement recorders;
clock synchronization;
- communications with the engine control room and mooring stations;
- signalling equipment, including flags / lights;
- deck lighting;
- mooring winches and lines including heaving lines;
- pressure on fire main;
- anchors cleared away;
- stabilizers and log tubes housed, if fitted.

Слайд 8

Pre-pilotage information exchange

Ship sends the Ship to Shore Master/Pilot Exchange

Pre-pilotage information exchange Ship sends the Ship to Shore Master/Pilot Exchange form
ETA with all relevant information required by local regulations
Update the passage plan following the receipt of the Shore to Ship Pilot / Master Exchange form and all latest navigational warnings.

Слайд 11

Prior to arrival

Preparation for a
Pilot’s boarding

Entering TSS

Calling for a Pilot

Pilot on

Prior to arrival Preparation for a Pilot’s boarding Entering TSS Calling for

of a Pilot

Слайд 12


Contact the TOS to :
get the clearance
receive traffic

ENTERING A TSS Contact the TOS to : get the clearance receive
and meteo information/warnings.

Слайд 13

MV Friendship: N. Traffic Organization Service. (3 times) This
is MV

MV Friendship: N. Traffic Organization Service. (3 times) This is MV Friendship
Friendship (3 times) ABPO (3 times) On VHF channel 16.
NTOS: MV Friendship. This is N T O S. Change to Channel 14.
MV Friendship: N T S This is MV Friendship. Changing to
channel 14. Over.
NTOS: MV Friendship. This is NTOS. How do you read? Over.
MV Friendship: NTOS. This is MV Friendship. I read you four.
Question. Is it permitted to enter Traffic Lane?
NTOS: MV Friendship. This is NTOS. Answer. Positive. You
are permitted to enter Traffic Lane at time:
14.00UTC, position _____. Information. Traffic
clearance granted. Over.
MV Friendship: NTOS. This is MV Friendship. Received.
Positive. I will enter Traffic Lane at time: 14.00 UTC,
position ___. Information Received. Traffic clearance
granted. Over.

Слайд 14

NTOS: MV Friendship. This is NTOS. Readback is correct. Navigational

NTOS: MV Friendship. This is NTOS. Readback is correct. Navigational information. Warning.
Warning. A vessel is aground, position: near SN-2 buoy.
Visibility is reduced by fog.
Advice 1. Proceed with caution.
Advice 2. Keep clear of the vessel aground. Over.
MV Friendship: NTOS. Information Received. Vessel aground, position:
near SN-2 buoy. Visibility is reduced by fog. Advice 1.
Positive. I will proceed with caution. Advice 2. Positive. I
will keep clear of the vessel aground.
NTOS: MV Friendship. This is NTOS. Readback is correct. Instruction.
Report at next way point _____at time 14.30 UTC. Over.
MV Friendship: NTOS. This is MV Friendship. Instruction Received. I will
report at next way point ___________ at time 14.30 UTC.
NTOS: MV Friendship. This is NTOS. Readback is correct. Stand by on
channel one four. Out.

Слайд 15

Message Markers


Message Markers Instruction Advice Warning Information Request Intention Question Instruction Received Advice

Instruction Received
Advice Received
Warning Received
Information Received
Request Received
Intention Received

Message Markers Responding message markers

Слайд 16

Message Markers

“Yes, ….”/”Positive ……” + the appropriate phrase in full.

Message Markers “Yes, ….”/”Positive ……” + the appropriate phrase in full. When
When the answer is affirmative
“No, ….”/”Negative,………” + the appropriate phrase in full. When the answer is negative

Слайд 17

Message Markers

“Stand by” + the time interval within which the

Message Markers “Stand by” + the time interval within which the information
information will be available. When the information requested is not immediately available
“No information” When the information requested cannot be obtained
When an Instruction, an Advice or Request is given, if in the affirmative: “I will / can ….” + the instruction, advice or request respond, in full
“I will not / cannot ….” + the instruction, advice or request respond, in full if in the negative

Слайд 18

Prior to arrival

Preparation for a
Pilot’s boarding

Entering TSS

Calling for a Pilot

Pilot on

Prior to arrival Preparation for a Pilot’s boarding Entering TSS Calling for

of a Pilot

Слайд 19

VTS Vessel Traffic Management

provision or simple information messages

VTS Vessel Traffic Management provision or simple information messages extensive management of
management of traffic within a port or waterway.

traffic management

means of TM :
- (TSS)

'active' control
'ad hoc TM decisions' pilots do object unless specific procedures are followed

'passive' control
-written rules and regulations
-entering clearance into the VTS
Pilots have no basic objections

Pilots - main users of a VTS

Слайд 20

The task of pilots is

to provide advice to a vessel
whether on board

The task of pilots is to provide advice to a vessel whether
a vessel or ashore

Слайд 21

Calling for a Pilot

Contact Pilot Station

Signals to be displayed for a

Calling for a Pilot Contact Pilot Station Signals to be displayed for

Preparation for a Pilot’s boarding



In the Daytime

At night

Слайд 22


Proper ETAs and

ETDs are essential for the operation of a pilotage service
Human resources and technical means have to be planned quite a long time in advance (VTS, tugboats, linesmen, etc.)

Слайд 23


If pilotage is compulsory
According to the “Guide

CALLING FOR A PILOT If pilotage is compulsory According to the “Guide
to Port Entry” requirements
72/48/24 hours prior to arrival

Слайд 24

Signals to be displayed for a pilot

In the Daytime:

Signals to be displayed for a pilot In the Daytime: The International
International Code Signal “G”
“I require a pilot”

At night:
The pyrotechnic blue light every 15 minutes.
A bright white light, flashed or shown at short or frequent intervals above the bulwarks for about a minute at time.
Signal “G” by flashing.

Слайд 25

Prior to arrival

Preparation for a
Pilot’s boarding

Entering TSS

Calling for a Pilot

Pilot on

Prior to arrival Preparation for a Pilot’s boarding Entering TSS Calling for

of a Pilot

Слайд 26

discharge, n – выпуск, спуск
provision, n – условие
access, n – доступ, проход,

discharge, n – выпуск, спуск provision, n – условие access, n –
comply with, v – подчиняться (правилам)
stiffness, n – жесткость, твердость, крепость
durability, n – длительность, прочность, стойкость
stanchion, n – стойка
bulwark-stanchion, n – стойка фальшборта
guard-stanchion,n – леерная стойка
fall – лопарь (талей), ходовой конец (лопаря), фал
bulwark, n – фальшборт
slope, n – склон, наклон, скат
attach, v – присоединять
guard ring, – мерное кольцо
guard rail, – поручень, наружный привальный брус
adjacent, adj – примыкающий
brake, n – тормоз
installation, n – установка, сборка, монтаж, устройство

Слайд 27

Preparation for a Pilot’s boarding

Annex A 5
Part A of

Preparation for a Pilot’s boarding Annex A 5 Part A of ICS
Bridge Procedures

1 metre above

keep ready
for use

safety line

man ropes

a pilot ladder


bulwark ladder





self-igniting light

equally spaced
(about ladder steps)

Слайд 29

Pilot ladders

positioned and secured clear of any discharges from the

Pilot ladders positioned and secured clear of any discharges from the ship
each step rests firmly against the ship’s side
The steps should be of equivalent strength, stiffness and durability
secured horizontally
equally spaced not less than 300mm or more than 380mm apart
If more than five steps ---- spreader steps not less than 1.80m long

Слайд 30


The side ropes should consist of two ropes not less

Ropes The side ropes should consist of two ropes not less than
than 18mm in diameter on each side
Two man-ropes not less than 28mm in diameter properly secured to the ship should be kept at hand ready for use

Слайд 31

Accommodation ladders used in conjunction with pilot ladders

the lower end of

Accommodation ladders used in conjunction with pilot ladders the lower end of
the ladder should rest firmly against the ship’s side
The length of the accommodation ladder should be sufficient to ensure that its angle of slope does not exceed 55°.
The lower platform should be in a horizontal position
The ladder and platforms should be equipped on both sides with stanchions and rigid handrails
The pilot ladder should be rigged immediately adjacent to the lower platform of the accommodation ladder
the upper end should extend at least 2m above the lower platform.

Слайд 32

Mechanical pilot hoists

Should be of a type approved by the Administration

Mechanical pilot hoists Should be of a type approved by the Administration

Should be designed to operate as a moving ladder
Two separate wire falls should be used
The rigid ladder part should be not less than 2.50m in length
Below the rigid part a section of flexible ladder comprising eight steps should be provided

Слайд 33

Associated equipment

A lifebuoy equipped with a self-igniting light
A heaving

Associated equipment A lifebuoy equipped with a self-igniting light A heaving line
line should be kept at hand ready for use.
Lighting should be provided so that both the pilot ladder over side and the position where the pilot embarks or disembarks are adequately lit.

Слайд 38

Use of Tugs in Pilotage Operations

Types of Tugs

Use and Effectiveness

Methods of

Use of Tugs in Pilotage Operations Types of Tugs Use and Effectiveness Methods of tug assistance
tug assistance

Слайд 39

Types of tugs depend on:

the sort of port
the future developments

Types of tugs depend on: the sort of port the future developments

the geographical environmental conditions
the type of ships calling at the port
the services required in and around the port

Слайд 40

Types of tugs

single-screw tugs -less manoeuverability
twin-screw tugs - better

Types of tugs single-screw tugs -less manoeuverability twin-screw tugs - better manoeuvrable
tractor-type tugs – with propellers under the fore end of the tug
tugs with Z-pellers aft - have better manoeuvrability, suitable for towing on a line and for the push-pull method

Слайд 41

Methods of tug assistance

towing on the hook, bitt or winch;

Methods of tug assistance towing on the hook, bitt or winch; pushing; push-pull; towing alongside.

towing alongside.

Слайд 42


confined, adj – ограниченный, тесный, узкий, заключенный

HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYING IN PORT AREAS confined, adj – ограниченный, тесный, узкий, заключенный
v – удерживать судно на курсе против течения или ветра
bathymetric, adj – батиметрический, глубинный
bathymetry, n – батиметрия, измерение глубин
scope, n – диапазон, область действия, протяженность
siltation, n – засорение илом
dissemination, n – распространение, рассеивание, разбрасывание
sheer, n – кривизна, изгиб, рыскание, резкое отклонение от курса
imply, v – заключать в себе, значить, подразумевать, намекать
assimilate, v – уподоблять, приравнивать, сравнивать
sheet, n – шкот, широкая полоса, обширная поверхность воды
thrust, v – толкать, пробивать, протискиваться, взрываться
derive, v – происходить, производить, получать, извлекать
fluid, adj – жидкий, текучий
distinctive, adj – отличительный, характерный

Слайд 43


to keep pilots informed
of the latest

HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYING IN PORT AREAS to keep pilots informed of the latest
changes in depths and other hydrographic matters

The main objective:

Слайд 44

The frequency of surveys depend on

the size of the port,

The frequency of surveys depend on the size of the port, the
the pattern of traffic
stability of the sea bed within the area

Слайд 45

Surveys to be carried out:

The height of tide

Surveys to be carried out: Bathymetry The height of tide The set
set of currents
The position and scope of buoys
The topography of jetties and other berths

wreck investigation
accident investigation
environmental matters such as siltation and pollution

Essential information

To be concerned
but not directly

Слайд 46


swell, n – зыбь, накат ветровых волн, волнение
squat, n/v – увеличение

UNDERKEEL CLEARANCE swell, n – зыбь, накат ветровых волн, волнение squat, n/v
осадки кормой на ходу, садиться кормой на ходу
yawing, n – рыскание, рыскливость
heaving, n – вертикальная качка
swaying, n –поперечно-горизонтальная качка, поперечное рыскание, боковой снос
surging, n – продольно-горизонтальная качка, продольное рыскание, продольный снос
trim, n, v – дифферент, дифферентовка, удифферентовывать
longitudinal, adj – продольный, продольное сечение
(centre of) buoyancy – плавучесть, сила плавучести, архимедова сила
equal, v – равняться, быть равным (мат)
heel, n –пятка киля, (статический) крен, угол крена
crest, n – гребень (волны)
trough, n – впадина

Слайд 47



when turning

Reduction Factors

Sheltered-Water Effects

Non-Sheltered-Water Effects

the ship under

UNDERKEEL CLEARANCE Squat Heel when turning Reduction Factors Sheltered-Water Effects Non-Sheltered-Water Effects
way does not
respond to the sea or swell

change of density

due to windage

Слайд 48

Sheltered-Water Effects

Change of density is associated with bodily sinkage and a change

Sheltered-Water Effects Change of density is associated with bodily sinkage and a
of trim when the ship moves from salt to fresh water
Squat is associated with shallow water, involving bodily sinkage and change of trim
Heel when turning is proportional to speed2 and inversely proportional to the radius of turn. Associated with fast container ships and ferries.
Heel due to windage –ships with high windage area and small righting moment may be expected to heel over like sailing ships in a strong wind.

Слайд 49

Non-Sheltered-Water Effects

the effects of the rotations and translations of the ship’s null

Non-Sheltered-Water Effects the effects of the rotations and translations of the ship’s
point in response to the sea, are observed in severe weather in waves of length about the ship’ length in the larger ships or spending some time ‘cruising’ on smaller boats.

Слайд 50


Equipment to be ready and checked
At anchor

Anchoring Plan

Anchor Watch

ANCHORING Documents Equipment to be ready and checked At anchor Anchoring Plan



Lights and

Anchor watch

Слайд 51

Documents to be prepared and worked with

Anchoring and Anchor Watch Check List

Documents to be prepared and worked with Anchoring and Anchor Watch Check
contains recommendation for preparing anchoring plan and actions and responsibilities of the OOW while at anchor
Anchoring Plan contains information on:

Слайд 52

Anchoring checklist

Anchoring checklist

Слайд 53



Слайд 54



Слайд 55



Слайд 56



Слайд 57

The ‘tentative’ method

The ‘tentative’ method

Слайд 58

B8 Anchoring and anchor watch

Has an anchoring plan been prepared taking into

B8 Anchoring and anchor watch Has an anchoring plan been prepared taking
| | speed reduction in ample time
| | direction/strength of wind and current
| | tidal stream when manoeuvring at low speeds
| | need for adequate sea room particularly to seaward
| | depth of water, type of seabed and the scope of anchor cable required
| | Have the engine room and anchor party been informed of the time of 'stand-by' for anchoring?
| | Are the anchors, lights/shapes and sound signalling apparatus ready for use?
[ | Has the anchor position of the ship been reported to the port authority?

Слайд 59

B8 Anchoring and anchor watch

While at anchor, the OOW should
| | determine

B8 Anchoring and anchor watch While at anchor, the OOW should |
and plot the ship's position on the appropriate chart as soon as practicable
| | when circumstances permit, check at sufficiently frequent intervals whether the ship is remaining securely at anchor by taking bearings of fixed navigation marks or readily identifiable shore objects
| | ensure that proper look-out is maintained
| | ensure that inspection rounds of the ship are made periodically
| | observe meteorological and tidal conditions and the state of the sea
| | notify the master and undertake all necessary measures if the ship drags anchor
| | ensure that the state of readiness of the main engines and other machinery is in accordance with the master's instructions
| | if visibility deteriorates, notify the master
| | ensure that the ship exhibits the appropriate lights and shapes and that appropriate sound signals are made in accordance with all applicable regulations
| | take measures to protect the environment from pollution by the ship and comply with applicable pollution regulations

Слайд 60


Anchoring to a single anchor
Amount of cable to use

Anchoring Anchoring to a single anchor Amount of cable to use Duties
at anchor
Dragging anchor
Weighing anchor
Anchoring near a danger
Anchoring on a shoal
Chosing a Position in which to Anchor
Anchor Watch

Слайд 61

Anchors and chains

Anchor fluke chock- якорная подушка
Bitter- шлаг троса, обнесенный на кнехт

Anchors and chains Anchor fluke chock- якорная подушка Bitter- шлаг троса, обнесенный
кнехт, битсы
Chock – подклинивать, заделывать чаками
Embed – вставлять, врезать
Fluke – лапа якоря
Shank- веретено(якоря)
Slot- паз, щель. канавка
Snug- гнездо (в цепном барабане)
Spile-плазовая рейка с карандашом
Stud- распорка(звена, цепи)
Tensile strength-предел прочности на разрыв
Tripping palm- прилив для разворота лап якоря
Wrought iron- сварочная сталь

Слайд 62

Anchors and chains

stocked anchor
stockless anchor
Sea going vessels are usually

Anchors and chains stocked anchor stockless anchor Sea going vessels are usually
equipped with stockless anchors: two bower anchors, a stern anchor for manoeuvring the ship when she is "dredging anchor', and a spare anchor.

open links

Слайд 63

Anchors and chains

The stocked anchor consists of a puddening (1),

Anchors and chains The stocked anchor consists of a puddening (1), a
a shank (2), a crown (3), arms (4), flukes (5), a stock (6), anchor nuts (7), breastpiece (8)
a forelock (9).
The disadvantages of a stocked anchor:
it cannot be stored in the vessel’s hawse because of the stock;
one of its flukes will always point upwards, which makes this anchor very vulnerable to being fouled.

Слайд 64

Anchors and chains

The stockless anchor consists of an anchor shackle (1),

Anchors and chains The stockless anchor consists of an anchor shackle (1),
a puddening (2), a shank (3), flukes (4), arms (5), and shoulders (6).
can be stored in the vessel's hawse.
both flukes will bite the seabed.

Слайд 65

Anchor chains

Stud-link chain
for strength and prevent the cable from

Anchor chains Stud-link chain for strength and prevent the cable from turning
turning (kinking).

Open-link chain

Made up of lengths of 15 fathoms each "shackles"

The joint between two lengths of 15 fathoms is also called a

Слайд 66


When the vessel is approaching the anchorage or her designated berth

ANCHORING When the vessel is approaching the anchorage or her designated berth
the anchor gear must be checked and prepared:
windlass and hinging parts - grease,
handbrakes - test,
hawse pipe-closing plates - remove

Слайд 67


Scope of cable - the length

AMOUNT OF CABLE TO USE Scope of cable - the length of
of cable laid out, measured from the hawse pipe to the anchor, divided by the distance measured vertically from the hawse pipe to the sea-bed

Слайд 68

The scope used depends upon

-The nature of the holding ground. Stiff

The scope used depends upon -The nature of the holding ground. Stiff
clay, rock, shells, and stones - poor holding ground.
Sand or shingle - good holding ground
- The amount of swinging-room available for the ship
- The degree of exposure to bad weather at the anchorage.
- The strength of the wind or stream.
- The duration of stay at anchor.
- The type of anchor and cable.

Слайд 69

The minimum scope of mild steel cable to use according to depth

The minimum scope of mild steel cable to use according to depth
of water is roughly:

Below 20m 6 to 8
20m to 40m 4 to 6
Over 40m Less than 4

Слайд 70


In a tideway

In a

ANCHORING TO A SINGLE ANCHOR In a tideway In a wind In

In very deep
anchoring depths,
100 m and over

In water of
over 20 m

In waters up
to 20 m deep

In calm

Слайд 71

In calm weather

-the anchorage is approached at slow speed

In calm weather -the anchorage is approached at slow speed -the anchor
anchor is let go while the ship has either headway or sternway
-the cable is laid out
-engines are used to relieve stresses in the cable just before the vessel brings-to.
-the engines are kept going dead slow astern as the anchor is let go.
-Engines are stopped almost immediately
- the vessel drifts astern laying out her cable.
- Just before the required scope is out, the engines are touched ahead.

Слайд 72

In waters up to 20 m deep

-the anchor and cable

In waters up to 20 m deep -the anchor and cable should
should be let go on the run
-with the weight of the anchor off the cable, it sometimes happens that when the brake is released the cable will not render itself.
- By surging the cable initially, the anchor has a chance to embed itself before the cable tightens.
There is little risk of a stockless anchor being fouled in this way.

Слайд 73

In water of over 20 m

-the anchor should first be

In water of over 20 m -the anchor should first be walked
walked back to within say 4 or 5 m from the sea-bed,
and let go from there.
This ensures:
the anchor will not damage itself falling a considerable distance on to a hard bottom,
the cable will not take charge and run out so rapidly that it becomes extremely difficult to hold it on the brake.

Слайд 74

In very deep anchoring depths, 100 m and over

- the entire

In very deep anchoring depths, 100 m and over - the entire
operation of anchoring should be done under power.
- the gypsy should not be taken out of gear at all, because the heavy weight of cable
between sea-bed and hawse pipe will undoubtedly take charge.

Слайд 75

In a wind

If the wind cannot be brought ahead
the ship

In a wind If the wind cannot be brought ahead the ship
can let go the anchor in the usual way
use her engines to relieve stresses on the cable
swing head to wind as she brings-to.
the weather anchor is used to avoid nipping the cable round the stem.

If the vessel is heading dead into the wind's eye
-she should have her head cast off one way or the other before letting go the weather anchor.
-The cast should not be excessive, because the ship will rapidly seek to lie across the wind and develop a sharp swing to leeward.
-Correcting helm and bold use of engines should be used if the cast develops into a swing.

It is better to approach the anchorage heading upwind.
The ship is more easily controlled and will make little leeway.

Слайд 76

In a tideway

-the vessel should stem the tide and again

In a tideway -the vessel should stem the tide and again anchor
anchor with headway or sternway
Her helm will be of use even while making no way over the ground due to the tidal stream running past her.
If the tidal stream cannot be stemmed the cable should be rapidly laid out slackly across the axis of the stream

Слайд 77

Vessel at anchor

According to Rule 30 of ColRegs
(i) in

Vessel at anchor According to Rule 30 of ColRegs (i) in the
the fore part an all round white light or one black ball;
(ii) at or near the stern and at a lower level than the light prescribed in sub-paragraph (i), an all-round white light.

Слайд 78


- Cross-bearings are usually taken as the anchor is

DUTIES AT ANCHOR - Cross-bearings are usually taken as the anchor is
let go
-Anchor watches should be set
- bearings frequently checked.
-A rough circle of swing can be drawn on the chart.
-Beam transit-bearings, use of the echo sounder, and radar will all help to detect dragging.
-In a tide­way the vessel may be steered by her rudder.
-The shore signal-station should be watched at all times
-The officer of the watch should at all times have a rough idea of how his cable is lying to warn other vessels which try to anchor across it.

Слайд 79


when anchoring near a danger, the offshore anchor

ANCHORING NEAR A DANGER when anchoring near a danger, the offshore anchor should be used.
should be used.

Слайд 80


head into the wind
cross the shoal

ANCHORING ON A SHOAL head into the wind cross the shoal take
soundings. Decide in which depth the anchor is to be let go.
The anchor is walked back to this depth
the vessel moves astern across the shoal.
As soon as the cable grows ahead - cable is veered and laid out across the shoal
the vessel will ride to her anchor in deep water beyond the shoal.

Слайд 81


(1) Let go the second anchor underfoot at

DRAGGING ANCHOR (1) Let go the second anchor underfoot at the centre
the centre of yaw. If the first anchor starts to drag the second will bite and its cable will render itself.
(2) Let go the second anchor at the extremity of yaw and veer both cables so that the ship rides comparatively quietly to her two anchors.
(3) Steam up to the first anchor, sheer away, and let go the second anchor.

Слайд 82

Supporting vocabulary

Anchor – Heavy iron implement used to hold the

Supporting vocabulary Anchor – Heavy iron implement used to hold the ship
ship to a particular place in shallow water.
Aweigh – Said of an anchor when it is broken out of the ground and the anchor chain is leading/hanging straight up-and-down.
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Количество просмотров: 291
Количество скачиваний: 3