Assessment. Types of tests

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Types of tests

Achievement test
Diagnostic test
Objective test
Placement test
Oral test
Proficiency test
Progress test
Subjective test

Types of tests Achievement test Diagnostic test Objective test Placement test Oral

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Achievement test

Measures what learners have
learnt on a language course -
usually at the

Achievement test Measures what learners have learnt on a language course -
end of the course.
Outcomes Advanced

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Diagnostic test

Identifies learners’ strengths and weaknesses. Helps teachers to make decisions

Diagnostic test Identifies learners’ strengths and weaknesses. Helps teachers to make decisions
on what needs to be taught
Example At the start of the course, the teacher gives the learners a diagnostic test to see what areas of language need to be in the syllabus.
In the classroom Progress tests given during the course can also act as diagnostic tests as they help the teacher and learners identify what areas will be looked at next on the course.

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Oxford University Press

Oxford University Press

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Objective test

An objective test is a test that has right or wrong

Objective test An objective test is a test that has right or
answers and so can be marked objectively. It can be compared with a subjective test, which is evaluated by giving an opinion, usually based on agreed criteria. Objective tests are popular because they are easy to prepare and take, quick to mark, and provide a quantifiable and concrete result.
For example True or false questions based on a text can be used in an objective test.
In the classroom Marking objective tests together in the class is a useful way to exploit them further as it gives the learners the opportunity to discuss answers, try to justify choices, and help each other etc.

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Placement test

Used before the beginning of courses, to determine learners’ language

Placement test Used before the beginning of courses, to determine learners’ language
levels and place them in the most appropriate groups.

Macmillan Dictionary

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Oral test

Measures learners’ speaking abilities

Cambridge Proficiency


Oral test Measures learners’ speaking abilities Cambridge Proficiency IELTS

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Proficiency test

Measures language ability and based on what is needed for

Proficiency test Measures language ability and based on what is needed for
a particular purpose, e.g. English for secretaries, English for car mechanics.

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Progress test

Measures learners’ progress during a language course
Oxford University Press

Progress test Measures learners’ progress during a language course Oxford University Press

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Subjective test

Example Tests of writing ability are often subjective because they require an

Subjective test Example Tests of writing ability are often subjective because they
examiner to give an opinion on the level of the writing.
In the classroom Learners preparing for a subjective writing test, for example a letter of complaint, need to think about their target audience, since they are being asked to produce a whole text. Teachers can help them by emphasizing the importance of analysing the question and identifying the key points of content, register, and format.

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CAE Writing

CAE Writing
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