- 2. Handling translator’s false friends Give your examples of international words
- 3. Handling translator’s false friends Words that are similar in form but different in meaning are called
- 4. Pseudointernational words Are classified into 2 main groups: Words which are similar in form but completely
- 5. Handling translator’s false friends 2) There are many pseudointernational words which are not fully interchangeable though
- 6. Handling translator’s false friends The translator should bear in mind that a number of factors can
- 7. 1) Semantic factor The semantic factor resulting from the different subsequent development of the words borrowed
- 8. South Vietnam was a vast laboratory for the testing of weapons for counter-guerrilla warfare.
- 9. 2) The stylistic factor resulting from the difference in the emotive or stylistic connotation of the
- 10. 3) The co-occurrence factor reflecting the difference in the lexical combinability rules in the two languages.
- 11. So, a “defect” has a formal counterpart counterpart as «дефект» but “theoretical and organizational defects” will
- 12. 4) The pragmatic factor reflecting the difference in the background knowledge of the members of the
- 13. The American Revolution was a close parallel to the wars of national liberation in the colonial
- 14. The senator knew Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation by heart.
- 15. COLLOCATIONAL ASPECTS OF TRANSLATION ATTRIBUTIVE GROUPS there is a considerable dissimilarity in the semantic structure of
- 16. The first group of problems stems from the broader semantic relationships between the attribute and the
- 17. As a result, the translator has to make a thorough analysis of the context to find
- 18. Thus a resolution submitted by an executive body of an organization may be described as "the
- 19. If a word-for-word translation of the name of the executive body (e.g. the «Executive Committee» —
- 20. «резолюция, предложенная исполкомом» and «большинство голосов, поданных за резолюцию, которая была предложена исполкомом»
- 21. The second group of problems results from the difficulties in handling multi-member attributive structures. The English-speaking
- 22. The tax paid for the right to take part in the election is described as "the
- 23. The semantic relationships within a multi-member group need not be linear. Consider the following sentence: “It
- 24. Это был период широкой предвоенной борьбы против фашизма за единый народный фронт в Западном полушарии и
- 25. The same goes for attributive groups with latent predication where a whole sentence is used to
- 26. Here correspondences can also be described in an indirect way only by stating that the attribute
- 27. The Judge's face wore his own I-knew-they-were-guilty-all-along expression.
- 28. На лице судьи появилось обычное выражение, говорившее: «Я все время знал, что они виновны».
- 29. There was a man with a don't-say-anything-to-me-or-I'll-contradict-you face. (Ch. Dickens)
- 30. Там был человек, на лице которого было написано: что бы вы мне ни говорили, я все
- 31. 3) An attributive group may be transformed into a similar group with the help of a
- 32. As a rule, in the Russian translation the meanings of the original group and of the
- 33. 4) As often as not, translating the meaning of an English attributive group into Russian may
- 34. Translate the following attributive groups 1. hearty eater; 2. practical joker; 3. conscientious objector; 4. sleeping
- 35. Translate the following attributive groups
- 36. HANDLING PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS Phraseological units are figurative set expressions often described as "idioms".
- 37. Five aspects of idioms’ meaning that will influence the translator's choice of an equivalent in the
- 38. The figurative meaning is the basic element of the idiom's semantics: "red tape" means bureaucracy, "to
- 39. The figurative meaning is inferred from the literal sense. "Red tape", "to kick the bucket", and
- 41. Positive "to kill two birds with one stone" idioms Positive "to kill two birds with one
- 42. Bookish (to show one's true colours) Phraseological units Bookish (to show one's true colours) Colloquial (to
- 43. Besides, an idiom can be nationally coloured, that is include some words which mark it as
- 45. Factors which complicate the task of adequate identification, understanding and translation of idioms: - First, an
- 46. Second, a SL idiom may be identical in form to a TL idiom but have a
- 47. Third, a SL idiom can be wrongly interpreted due to its association with a similar, if
- 48. Fourth, a wrong interpretation of a SL idiom may be caused by another SL idiom similar
- 49. Fifth, a SL idiom may have a broader range of application than its TL counterpart apparently
- 50. The children got out of hand while their parents were away. В отсутствии родителей дети совсем
- 51. There are four typical methods to handle a SL idiom in the translating: First, the translator
- 52. Second, the SL idiom can be translated by a TL idiom which has the same figurative
- 53. Third, the SL idiom can be translated by reproducing its form word-for-word in TL, e.g. "People
- 54. Fourth, instead of translating the SL idiom, the translator may try to explicate its figurative meaning,
- 56. They reveal the semantic relationships between the words, clauses and sentences in the text, they can
- 57. The syntactic structuring of the text is an important characteristics identifying either the genre of the
- 58. In many cases, however, equivalence in translation can be best achieved if the translator does not
- 59. For instance, both English and Russian verbs have their infinitive forms. The analogy, however, does not
- 60. We may recall that the English infinitive has perfect forms, both active and passive, indefinite and
- 61. The idea of priority or non-performed action expressed by the Perfect Infinitive is not present in
- 62. Cf. 'The train seems to arrive at 5." - Поезд, видимо, приходит в 5. and 'The
- 63. A dissimilarity of the English and Russian Infinitives can be also found in the functions they
- 64. Parliament was dissolved, not to meet again for eleven years.
- 65. Не came home to find his wife gone.
- 66. Парламент был распущен и не созывался в течение 11 лет. Он вернулся домой и обнаружил, что
- 67. A similar difference can be observed if one compares the finite forms of the verb in
- 68. This port can be entered by big ships only during the tide.
- 69. A most common example of dissimilarity between the parallel syntactic devices in the two languages is
- 70. This order of words is often changed in the Russian translation since in Russian the word
- 71. Thus if the English sentence "My son entered the room" is intended to inform us who
- 72. The predominantly fixed word order in the English sentence means that each case of its inversion
- 73. I. Translate the following sentences with the special attention to the choice of Russian equivalents to
- 74. П. Note the way the meaning of the English passive forms is rendered in your translation
- 75. HANDLING EQUIVALENT-LACKING FORMS AND STRUCTURES A lack of equivalence in the English and Russian systems of
- 76. As a rule, English articles are not translated into Russian for their meaning is expressed by
- 77. Consider the following linguistic statement: 'To put it in terms of linguistics: a sentence is a
- 78. It is obvious that an entity cannot be both a concrete fact and an abstraction. The
- 79. Even if some grammatical category is present both in SL and in TL, its subcategories may
- 80. However, there are many dissimilarities. Much depends on the verb semantics. The Present Perfect forms of
- 81. I have lived in Moscow since 1940. 102 Я живу в Москве с 1940 г.
- 82. The Past Indefinite forms may correspond either to the perfective or to the imperfective Russian forms
- 83. After supper he usually smoked in the garden. После ужина он обычно курил в саду.
- 84. After supper he smoked a cigarette in the garden and went to bed. После ужина он
- 85. The Past Pefect forms may also be indifferent to these aspective nuances, referring to an action
- 86. I hoped he had read that book. (а) Я надеялся, что он читал эту книгу, (б)
- 87. A special study should be made of the translation problems involved in handling the Absolute Participle
- 88. The phrase "How can you play with your brother lying sick in bed" can be understood
- 89. Specific translation problems emerge when the translator has to handle a syntactical complex with a causative
- 90. Depending on the respective status of the persons involved, the phrase "I shall have him do
- 91. Second, the translator must be aware that such complexes are polysemantic and may be either causative
- 92. Either the horse was killed by the general's order (Генерал приказал убить свою лошадь) or he
- 93. Many equivalent-lacking structures result from a non-causative verb used in the typical causative complex. Preserving its
- 94. In such cases the translator has to choose among different ways of expressing causative relationships in
- 95. Администрация США стремилась запугать народ, чтобы заставить его согласиться на милитаризацию страны. Не talked me into
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