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leg prostheses fitted at, above or below the knee

Types of prosthesis

arm prostheses

leg prostheses fitted at, above or below the knee Types of prosthesis
fitted at, above or below the elbow

Limb prostheses include:

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Bionic leg?

What is

Bionic leg? What is

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A bionic leg is an electromechanical tool that attaches to the human

A bionic leg is an electromechanical tool that attaches to the human
frame through a socket and tries to copy the capability of a natural leg (Williams, 2021).

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How does Bionic Leg work?

Bionic prosthetic legs are controlled by the nervous

How does Bionic Leg work? Bionic prosthetic legs are controlled by the
system and can therefore guess the intention to turn right or climb a step (Williams, 2021).

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The main purpose of prosthesis

The ideal prosthesis ought to mimic

The main purpose of prosthesis The ideal prosthesis ought to mimic the
the alignment and gait characteristicsof the everyday limb throughout every of the stages of the gait cycleand need to offer safety, stability, dependable assist whenstanding, easy managed movement whilst walking, and permitunrestricted motion for sitting, bending and kneeling (Seid, 2015).

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What is the history of prosthetic limbs?

In 1579, a book was found

What is the history of prosthetic limbs? In 1579, a book was
in France that mentioned one of the earliest information about prostheses. In that year, the French surgeon Ambroise Paré (1510-1590) published his complete works, part of which described some of the prostheses he had fitted to his amputated patients. As a military surgeon, Paré removed many soldiers' broken arms or legs, and he eventually began to design and make prostheses to help people who were maimed (Hernigou, 2013).

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3. As for the new bionic system, it senses the signals transmitted

3. As for the new bionic system, it senses the signals transmitted
by the nerve endings in the leg and works with the information received and processed.

How has prosthesis changed over time?

Prosthetics have changed a lot over time, thanks to advances in technology like robotics, brain-computer interfaces and 3-D printing.

2. Until the 20th century, many people could not afford professionally made prostheses, so they created their own from the materials they had, such as a wooden chair or table leg.

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Advantages of Bionic leg

Prosthetic legs can have a positive impact on people's

Advantages of Bionic leg Prosthetic legs can have a positive impact on
lives, as they improve mobility and the ability to cope with everyday activities, as well as providing a means of maintaining independence (Frossard & Lloyd, 2021).

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The use of prostheses plays an important social role in the lives

The use of prostheses plays an important social role in the lives
of people with limb loss. Being able to conceal it has enabled people to avoid social discrimination, which in turn has helped them to adapt socially and reduce the emotional problems associated with such disabilities.

What is IT invention’s social effect?

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I have always been fascinated by the world of technology and the

L L I have always been fascinated by the world of technology
mystery of the human body. Bionics is a way to combine these two passions. I strongly believe that people suffering from limb loss can finally change their lives thanks to bionic prostheses.

What sparked my passion for bionic limbs?

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