- 2. What is a Character Trait? A word to describe a person Not a physical trait which
- 3. How Does Analyzing Character Traits Help You Become a Better Reader? When you are able to
- 4. How to Determine Traits Try to identify permanent traits and not just a temporary emotion that
- 5. Is It Easy? Not hard with a little thought. Characters are an important element of story.
- 6. For Example When you are reading a story the author may tell you the character is
- 7. 5 Ways to identify a Character’s Traits in a Story What the character says and thinks
- 8. How to Explain/Prove a Person’s Character Traits Use specific examples and then make a connection between
- 9. So, Always state trait…..give example……make connection
- 10. The Hare and the Tortoise The hare was arrogant and confident. Trait: Confident Proof/Action: He decided
- 11. Review What are character traits? What is the difference between a character trait and physical trait?
- 12. Practise Character traits of Kristen Example and connection between trait and example Physical traits of Kristen
- 13. Get Ready… Let’s practice our skills Read, ‘First Impressions’ Choose a character to which you can
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