
Слайд 2

Home assignment 4
Statute on Business Partnerships (Закон РК “О хоз. товариществах”)

Home assignment 4 Statute on Business Partnerships (Закон РК “О хоз. товариществах”)
on Corporations (Закон РК от “Об акционерных обществах”)
Statute on LLP (Закон о Товариществе с огран. ответственностью)
Please see them on the L-Drive

Слайд 3


Physical entities – физические лица
Legal entities – юридические лица
Local Governments – административно-территориальные

Terms Physical entities – физические лица Legal entities – юридические лица Local
Legal capacity - Правоспособность
Deed Capacity - Дееспособность
Majority – совершеннолетие
IE = Individual Entrepreneur = Индивидуальный предприниматель

Слайд 4


Parties to Civil Relationships
Physical entities
Legal Capacity
Deed Capacity
Business Activity of Physical Entities

Plan Parties to Civil Relationships Physical entities Legal Capacity Deed Capacity Business Activity of Physical Entities

Слайд 6

III. Parties (chapter 2, KZ Civil Code)

Physical entities
Legal entities
Local governments
Parties – субъекты

III. Parties (chapter 2, KZ Civil Code) Physical entities Legal entities Government
гражданско-правовых отношений

Слайд 7


Larissa made a will (завещание)
where she gave USD 1 mln. to
her dog

Example Larissa made a will (завещание) where she gave USD 1 mln.
Can Sharik inherit the money?

Слайд 8


Larissa made a will (завещание)
where she gave USD 1 mln. to
her dog

Example Larissa made a will (завещание) where she gave USD 1 mln.
Can Sharik inherit the money?
Sharik is not a physical or legal
entity, he is not a republican or
local government.
Он не субъект гражданских

Слайд 9

III. Parties (chapter 2, KZ Civil Code)

Physical Entities?

III. Parties (chapter 2, KZ Civil Code) Physical Entities? Физические лица?

Слайд 10

III. Parties (chapter 2, KZ Civil Code)


III. Parties (chapter 2, KZ Civil Code) Physical Entities? Физические лица?

Слайд 11

1. Physical Entities

KZ citizens
Foreign Citizens
People without citizenship

1. Physical Entities ART. 12, CIVIL CODE KZ citizens Foreign Citizens People without citizenship

Слайд 12

1. Physical Entities

Legal Capacity
Deed Capacity

1. Physical Entities Legal Capacity Правоспособность Deed Capacity Дееспособность

Слайд 13

1. Physical Entities
Legal Capacity

1. Physical Entities Legal Capacity Правоспособность

Слайд 14

A. Legal Capacity (art. 13 and 14, KZ Civil Code)
Starts with birth
Ends with

A. Legal Capacity (art. 13 and 14, KZ Civil Code) Starts with birth Ends with death

Слайд 15

Question for discussion

Six year old girl Lena
pointed at the real bus,
and said

Question for discussion Six year old girl Lena pointed at the real
“I want this
Can Lena be an owner
of the bus?

Слайд 16

Question for discussion
a 2 year old boy
Sereja own a factory?

Question for discussion Can a 2 year old boy Sereja own a factory?

Слайд 17

Question for discussion

Six year old girl Lena
pointed at the real bus,
and said

Question for discussion Six year old girl Lena pointed at the real
“I want this
Can Lena be an owner
of the bus? Art. 13 & 14

Слайд 18

Question for discussion
a 2 year old boy
Sereja own a factory?

Question for discussion Can a 2 year old boy Sereja own a
13 & 14

Слайд 19

A. Legal Capacity (art. 13 and 14, KZ Civil Code)

Freedom of movement

A. Legal Capacity (art. 13 and 14, KZ Civil Code) Title Inheritance
and residence
Freedom to leave and come back into the country

Слайд 20

A. Legal Capacity (art. 13 and 14, KZ Civil Code)

Company’s Registration
Intellectual Property

A. Legal Capacity (art. 13 and 14, KZ Civil Code) Company’s Registration

Слайд 21

1. Physical Entities
Deed Capacity

1. Physical Entities Deed Capacity Дееспособность

Слайд 22

B. Deed Capacity (art. 17, KZ Civil Code)
Starts at 18 years of

B. Deed Capacity (art. 17, KZ Civil Code) Starts at 18 years
Or with Marriage

Слайд 23

B. Deed Capacity (art. 27, KZ Civil Code)

Maybe limited by court in

B. Deed Capacity (art. 27, KZ Civil Code) Maybe limited by court
the event of
Drug or alcohol abuse of a person,
which causes severe financial distress to his family

Слайд 24


Let’s assume that:
a 2 year old Misha owns a factory.
Does he have

Example Let’s assume that: a 2 year old Misha owns a factory.
to pay taxes?

Слайд 25


Let’s assume that:
a 2 year old Misha owns a factory.
Does he have

Example Let’s assume that: a 2 year old Misha owns a factory.
to pay taxes? Art. 13 & 14

Слайд 26

C. Business Activity of Physical Entities

C. Business Activity of Physical Entities

Слайд 27

C. Business Activity of Physical Entities
When people are to register as IE?

C. Business Activity of Physical Entities When people are to register as IE?

Слайд 28

Example 1

Let’s assume that Andrei is a
student at KIMEP.
He would like to

Example 1 Let’s assume that Andrei is a student at KIMEP. He
earn money, and
starts to trade cars. It is not a big
business, just one car per year.
Does he have to register as
Individual Entrepreneur?

Слайд 29

Example 2

Let’s assume that Andrei hires a
person to transport a car from

Example 2 Let’s assume that Andrei hires a person to transport a
to KZ.
Does he have to register as
Individual Entrepreneur?
What does it mean hire? (Labor or Civil Contract)

Слайд 30

Example 1 & 2

art. 19 of the Civil Code
art. 157, Tax Code

Example 1 & 2 art. 19 of the Civil Code art. 157,

art. 8, Statute on Budget
Имя файла: Civil-law-.pptx
Количество просмотров: 125
Количество скачиваний: 1