Слайд 2Culture jamming
Guerrilla communication
Night discourse

Слайд 4The studio for the cultural jammer is the world at large.

Слайд 6Mark Dery
New York Times(1990)
Article: “The Merry Pranksters and the Art of the

Prankster – sb who plays tricks on people
Hoax – an attempt to make people believe smth that is not true
Слайд 7
“There are certain corporations which advertise themselves so aggressively, which

are so intent on stamping their image on everybody and every street, that they build up a reservoir of bitterness among thinking people. People resent the destruction of culture and its replacement with these mass-produced corporate logos and slogans. It represents a kind of cultural fascism.”
Слайд 15Andre the Giant has a Posse. Obey Giant

Слайд 17 Jonah Perreti
Jammer Jonah Perreti used the Nike symbol to stir

debate on sweatshop child labor and consumer freedom.
Sweatshop - a place where people work for low wages in poor conditions.
Слайд 21BLF – Billboard Liberation Front