Doctoral School for Economics 2019-2022

Слайд 2

1st year important procedures and deadlines

• Admission to the Doctoral School on

1st year important procedures and deadlines • Admission to the Doctoral School
November 1;
• Appointment of supervisors;
• Approval of the topic of research work - no later than 1February (academic council of DS);
• Approval of an individual plan - no later than February 15;
• Passing exams in Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Foreign language, econometrics, economic theory (microeconomics,Macroeconomics), Applied Bibliometry;
• Scientific and pedagogical training (during the year);
• Assessment procedure in June (interim) and October (final) in the section of the Academic Council of the Doctoral School.

Слайд 3

What do you need to complete by the end of the 1st

What do you need to complete by the end of the 1st
year - mandatory requirements

1) Mandatory courses attendance and successful exams passing
2) Attendance of a scientific seminar (scientific seminars).
3) Attendance at scientific conferences (participation is encouraged).

Слайд 4

Individual studies plan of a P.hD student
1)Surname, name (Second name)
2)Course direction (Economics)

Individual studies plan of a P.hD student 1)Surname, name (Second name) 2)Course

4)Form of study (full time)
5)Qualification: researcher/research teaching fellow
6)Date of admission: November 2, 2019: enrolment order № 6.18.1-05/2210-20 от 22.10.2019
7) Deadline of graduation: October 21, 2022

Слайд 5

Assessment criteria for the 1st year P.hD students

1) Approval of the research

Assessment criteria for the 1st year P.hD students 1) Approval of the
2) Successful examination passing
3) Research/Scientific activities which equal 60 credits in total

Слайд 6

Assessment criteria for the 2d year P.hD students

Submission of at least 1

Assessment criteria for the 2d year P.hD students Submission of at least
published article and 1 article accepted in print in journals included in the Web of Science, in Scopus, as well as the list of journals recommended by NRU HSE
2) Successful passing of qualification exam (autumn session);
3) Successful passing of exams of two elective courses
4) Attendance of a scientific seminar (scientific seminars), not less than one presentation at a scientific seminar.
5) At least one speech at a scientific conference.
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