Слайд 2

Causes of drowning risk factors are alcohol intoxication, the presence of human

Causes of drowning risk factors are alcohol intoxication, the presence of human
heart disease, spinal cord injury while diving headfirst. Also causes drowning may be sharp fluctuations in temperature, fatigue, various injuries while diving. Increased risk of drowning when the whirlpool water flows fast, availability of key sources. Calm demeanor in a critical situation and the lack of panic can significantly reduce the risk of drowning.

Слайд 3

Types There are three types of drowning drowning.

True form drowning airways characterized

Types There are three types of drowning drowning. True form drowning airways
by fluid -filled to the smallest of branches - the alveoli. In the alveolar septa pressurized fluid burst capillaries , and water or other liquid enters the blood . This results in the violation of the water and salt balance and the disintegration of erythrocytes. Asphyxial form of drowning is characterized by spasm of the respiratory tract , which ultimately leads to suffocation from lack of oxygen . If water or fluid into the airway occurs laryngospasm , resulting in hypoxia. In the latter stages of drowning airways relax and liquid into the lungs . Syncope is characterized by the onset of view drowning death of reflex cardiac arrest and breathing. This kind of drowning happens from hypothermia or severe emotional turmoil . Is 10-14 % of all cases of drowning.

Слайд 4

Major signs of drowning drowning symptoms and signs depend on its type

Major signs of drowning drowning symptoms and signs depend on its type

In true drowning a sharp cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract is thrown pink foam , the veins in the neck and limbs are very swollen . When asphyxial drowning skin are not a blue color on true drowning . From the lungs of the victim is released pink finely foam. When syncope drowning skin have pale coloration due to spasm of the capillaries , such victims are called " pale ". This kind of drowning has the most favorable prognosis. It is known that when syncope drowning even after more than 10 minutes under water possible revival .

Слайд 5

Help Help drowning drowning is resuscitation. It must be remembered that what

Help Help drowning drowning is resuscitation. It must be remembered that what
used to take measures to revive, the better prognosis, and the higher the chances of recovery of the victim.

Слайд 6

Artificial respiration, it is desirable to implement as soon as possible, even

Artificial respiration, it is desirable to implement as soon as possible, even
during transport to shore. First, you need to release the oral cavity from foreign bodies. My finger wrapped with a bandage (or any clean cloth) is introduced into the mouth and remove all unnecessary. If there is lockjaw, making it impossible to open your mouth, you must insert a gag or any metal object

The main means of drowning is to conduct ventilation and chest compressions

Слайд 7

To release the light from the water and foam can apply special

To release the light from the water and foam can apply special
suction. If not, then it is necessary to lay down on the victim's stomach and knee saver vigorously compress the chest. If within a few seconds the water is not coming off , you need to start ventilation. To do this, put the victim on the ground, throws back his head, one hand under the rescuer puts his neck and the other on the patient's forehead . Neob6hodimo push the lower jaw so that the bottom teeth came forward . After that, the lifeguard and inhales deeply , pressing his mouth to mouth or nose victim breathes . When the respiratory activity of the victim artificial ventilation should not be stopped , if not recovered consciousness and disrupted the rhythm of breathing .

Слайд 8

If cardiac activity is absent, along with artificial respiration is necessary to

If cardiac activity is absent, along with artificial respiration is necessary to
chest compressions . Lifeguard hands should be placed perpendicular to the patient's sternum in its lower third . Massage is done in the form of jerks intermittently relax. The frequency of bursts - from 60 to 70 per minute. If carried out correctly chest compressions blood from the ventricles into the blood circulation . If the salvor of reactivating alone , you need to alternate the heart muscle massage and artificial ventilation . 4-5 pushes on the sternum should pripadat one blowing air into the lungs .
Имя файла: Drowning.pptx
Количество просмотров: 178
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