Слайд 2Taking too much of a drug ("too high a dose") can cause

sickness or even deathTaking too much of a drug ("too high a dose") can cause sickness or even death. Drugs may cause addictionTaking too much of a drug ("too high a dose") can cause sickness or even death. Drugs may cause addiction. Some drugs are illegal because they are very addictive. These drugs are really expensive, too.
Слайд 4Recreational drugs
Recreational drugs can sometimes be bad for someone's health. Common

recreational drugs include:
Alcohol - In beerIn beer, wineIn beer, wine and hard liquor
Nicotine - In cigarettes
Cannabis - Smoked like cigarettes, or baked in something to eat, like a cake or brownie
Methamphetamine - (also known as Crystal Meth) - Can be smoked, eaten, injected, or inhaled.
Caffeine - In Coffee and cacao (See figure)
Cocaine - can be snorted, injected or inhaled (freebasing)
Heroin - can be snorted or injected
Слайд 5Legal and illegal drugs
Cigarettes (or tobacco) are legal drugs, but they are

often expensive.
Alcohol is another
drug that is legal in many
Слайд 6Illegal drugs are drugs that a person is not allowed to have.

If a person is caught with illegal drugs, he may be punished. He will perhaps have to go to court, and he may go to jail.
Слайд 7Illegal drugs include:
HeroinHeroin, diacetylmorphine- a semi-synthetic opioidHeroin, diacetylmorphine- a semi-synthetic opioid. It

can be used legally as an analgesic (a painkiller)
CocaineCocaine, a stimulant extract of naturally-occurring plant substances, as the hydrochloride salt. Legally used as an anesthetic.
Crack, a form of cocaine you can smoke.
Crystal MethCrystal Meth, methamphetamine, a stimulant related to amphetamines. Legal use includes the treatment of Narcolepsy
MarijuanaMarijuana, the leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant
Hashish, the sticky resin from the cannabis plant
Ecstasy, a pill made from chemicals
Слайд 8Process
Some drugs are in pills –
Other drugs are in powders –

drugs come in little crystals -
Слайд 9Dangers
One of the dangers of using illegal drugs is that a

person might be caught by the police and charged with a crime. If a judge finds the person guilty, the person might have to go to jail.
Слайд 10One of the dangers of using drugs such as heroin, crack, or

crystal meth is addiction.
People who are addicted to drugs may steal money from their friends or family to get more drugs. Some addicts even do robberies, thefts, or other crimes to get money for drugs.
Слайд 11When using some illegal drugs, a person can overdose
Overdosing can hurt a

person badly or even kill.
Слайд 12When people inject heroin with a needle they could get an infection

or disease such as AIDS or Hepatitis C.
Слайд 13Humanity has used drugs since the earliest times, mainly to relieve pain

or for ritual purposes. Over the past century, however, this use has degenerated into abuse, dependence and crime.
Слайд 14 In our age of intensive international exchanges, illicit drug production, trafficking

and consumption have spread at an epidemic rate. About forty million people in the world abuse drugs. Today, no the user, his family and society at large. People are enslaved they are prevented from participating in society. Drug abuse and trafficking lead to violence, criminality and economic dislocation.
Слайд 15The producers and traffickers of illicit drugs have corrupted civil servants and

destabilized entire governments. The erratic flow of drug money is polluting whole economies. Developing countries have been particularly affected consequences of drug abuse, due to a lack of resources. Over the years, the international community has become aware of the danger it is facing and has concluded that a global problem requires a global response.
Слайд 16States in transition drug trafficking groups and criminal organization tend to develop.

They invariably accompany the transition to transition to democracy and the free market. In Russia there has been a dual transition democracy and a free market economy. Russian there has been a dramatic increase in drug abuse and drug trafficking.
Слайд 17The last decade has seen a steady increase drug in the world,

in led governments to adopt wide-ranging countermeasures. New drug control laws, were adopted by many parliaments. The Russian Federation has acceded to all the International Conventions.
Слайд 18 In 1995, our Government approved a Federal Programme of Comprehensive Measures

against Drug. The main aim abuse and trafficking, and to reduce the level of crime.