
Слайд 2


Ecologicla pronciples related to success of an organism:
Shelford’s Low of tolerance
Liebig Low

OUTLINE Ecologicla pronciples related to success of an organism: Adoptation Shelford’s Low
of minimum
Energy Flows Through Ecosystems
Nutrient Cycles Through Food Webs

Слайд 3

Organism have a variety of characteristics that allow them to live in

Organism have a variety of characteristics that allow them to live in
certain environment obtain sufficient quantities scare resources and adapt the change in environmental conditions
Ecological principles related to success of organism are adoptation, tolerance and minimum

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Process by which an organism changes to become better suited to

Adoptation Process by which an organism changes to become better suited to
survive in their environment. It can also refer to a physical or genetic trait that helps an organism to be better suited to survive in their environment. Adaptation is powered by natural selection. When a trait arises that allows an organism to better adapt to their environment, it will be passed on to the next generation. Over time this trait will accumulate in the population.

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For example, polar bears are adapted to living in the cold

EXAMPLE For example, polar bears are adapted to living in the cold
because they grow thick fur that keeps them warm, and thus allows them to survive in their frigid environment.
The color of their fur is also an adaptation. Because the environment they live in is mostly white, they have produced white fur to blend in, so they are not seen by the prey they hunt

Слайд 6

Liebig’s Law of the Minimum - 1840

The distribution of a species will

Liebig’s Law of the Minimum - 1840 The distribution of a species
be controlled by that environmental factor for which the organism has the narrowest range of adaptability or control

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Liebig’s Law of the Minimum - 1840

Or – the nutrient in lowest

Liebig’s Law of the Minimum - 1840 Or – the nutrient in
supply will set the limit to plant growth

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Shelford’s Low of tolerance

distribution of a species will be limited by its

Shelford’s Low of tolerance distribution of a species will be limited by
range of tolerance for local environmental factors.

Слайд 9

How organisms obtain energy

The ultimate source of the energy for life is

How organisms obtain energy The ultimate source of the energy for life
the sun.
The producers: Autotrophs~ An organism that uses light energy or energy stored in chemical compounds to make energy-rich compounds (Plants-photosynthesis
Autotrophs also are referred to as primary producers.

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Organisms able to manufacture complex organic molecules from simple inorganic compounds (water,

PHOTOSYNTHESIS Organisms able to manufacture complex organic molecules from simple inorganic compounds
CO2, nutrients) include plants, some protists, and some bacteria.
The process by which they do this usually is photosynthesis, and as its name implies photosynthesis requires light

6 CO2+ 6 H2O à sunlight à C6H12O6 + 6 O2

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How organisms obtain energy II

The consumers: Heterotrophs ~ An organism that cannot

How organisms obtain energy II The consumers: Heterotrophs ~ An organism that
make its own food and feeds on other organisms
depend on autotrophs for nutrients and energy.
Heterotrophs also are called consumers.

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Energy flow

Today we will explore some of the multiple topics related to

Energy flow Today we will explore some of the multiple topics related
the flow of energy in ecosystems.

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Heterotrophs display a variety of feeding relationships.

Herbivore ~ feeds only on plants

Heterotrophs display a variety of feeding relationships. Herbivore ~ feeds only on
~ kill and eat only other animals
Omnivores ~eat both plants & animals

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Heterotrophs display a variety of feeding relationships. II

Scavengers eat animals that have already

Heterotrophs display a variety of feeding relationships. II Scavengers eat animals that
Decomposers break down the complex compounds of dead and decaying plants and animals into simpler molecules that can be more easily absorbed.

Слайд 15

The Process of Primary Production

The general term "Production" is the creation of

The Process of Primary Production The general term "Production" is the creation
new organic matter

The plant requires sunlight, carbon dioxide, water, and nutrients, and through photosynthesis the plant produces reduced carbon compounds and oxygen.

Whether one measures the rate at which photosynthesis occurs, or the rate at which the individual plant increases in mass, one is concerned with primary production

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Primary Production- the synthesis and storage of organic molecules during the growth

Primary Production- the synthesis and storage of organic molecules during the growth
and reproduction of photosynthetic organisms).

The core idea is that new chemical compounds and new plant tissue are produced.
Over time, primary production results in the addition of new plant biomass to the system.

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So far we have not been very precise about our definitions of

So far we have not been very precise about our definitions of
"production", and we need to make the terms associated with production very clear.
Gross Primary Production, GPP, is the total amount of CO2 that is fixed by the plant in photosynthesis.
Respiration, R, is the amount of CO2 that is lost from an organism or system from metabolic activity. Respiration can be further divided into components that reflect the source of the CO2. 
Rp =Respiration by Plants
Rh = Respiration by Heterotrophs
Rd = Respiration by Decomposers (the microbes)

Слайд 18

Net Primary Production, NPP, is the net amount of primary production after

Net Primary Production, NPP, is the net amount of primary production after
the costs of plant respiration are included. Therefore, NPP = GPP - R Net Ecosystem Production, NEP, is the net amount of primary production after the costs of respiration by plants, hetertrophs, and decomposers are all included. Therefore,  NEP = GPP - (Rp + Rh + Rd)
The distinction between gross primary production (GPP), net primary production (NPP), and net ecosystem production (NEP) is critical for understanding the energy balance in plants and in whole ecosystems

Слайд 19

The distinction between gross primary production (GPP), net primary production (NPP), and

The distinction between gross primary production (GPP), net primary production (NPP), and
net ecosystem production (NEP) is critical for understanding the energy balance in plants and in whole ecosystems.

Production varies among ecosystems, as well as over time within ecosystems. Rates of production are determined by such factors as climate and nutrient supply.
Precipitation is the dominant control worldwide, but nutrient availability often limits primary production in any particular, local system.

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Production and biomass vary greatly across different ecosystems

(Freeman, 3rd ed.)

Production and biomass vary greatly across different ecosystems (Freeman, 3rd ed.)

Слайд 21

Who eats Who?

Who eats Who?

Слайд 22

Flow of Matter and Energy in Ecosystems

Food chains: the stepwise flow of

Flow of Matter and Energy in Ecosystems Food chains: the stepwise flow
energy and nutrients through an ecosystem.
from plants (producers)
to herbivores (primary consumers)
to carnivores (secondary and higher-level consumers
berries → mice → black bear

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Trophic levels represent links in the chain

Each organism in a food chain

Trophic levels represent links in the chain Each organism in a food
represents a feeding step, or trophic level, in the passage of energy and materials.

Слайд 24

Feeding relationships
all food chains start with energy from the sun
first level

Feeding relationships all food chains start with energy from the sun first
of all food chains is plants
most food chains usually go up only 4 or 5 levels
all levels connect to

Food chains


Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 1



Primary consumer

Secondary consumer

Tertiary consumer






Слайд 25

Loss of energy

Loss of energy between levels of food chain
To where is

Loss of energy Loss of energy between levels of food chain To
the energy lost? The cost of living!

only this energy moves on to the next level in the food chain


waste (feces)


Слайд 26

Food webs

network of interconnecting food chains
It is a more realistic view of

Food webs network of interconnecting food chains It is a more realistic
the trophic structure of an ecosystem than a food chain

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Energy and trophic levels: Ecological pyramids

show how energy flows through an ecosystem.

Energy and trophic levels: Ecological pyramids show how energy flows through an
that the amount of available energy decreases at each succeeding trophic level.
The total energy transfer from one trophic level to the next is only about ten percent because organisms fail to capture and eat all the food energy available at the trophic level below them.
Biomass is the total weight of living matter at each trophic level

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As energy flows from one level to the next throphic level ,

As energy flows from one level to the next throphic level ,
approximately 90% of energy lost

Слайд 29

But what about nutrients?

Energy flows through but nutrients cycle
nutrients must be recycled

But what about nutrients? Energy flows through but nutrients cycle nutrients must
to be available for the next generation
decomposers return nutrients to the soil after creatures die


Слайд 30

Nutrients cycle around… through decomposers












Nutrients cycle around… through decomposers soil producers consumers decomposers potassium nitrogen iron calcium phosphorus magnesium carbon

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secondary consumers

primary consumers

producers (plants)


Nutrients cycle

Energy flows



2006-2007 sun secondary consumers (carnivores) primary consumers (herbivores) producers (plants) decomposers Nutrients

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Ecosystem inputs

constant input of energy

energy flows through

nutrients cycle

nutrients can only cycle


Don’t forget the laws of

biosphere Ecosystem inputs constant input of energy energy flows through nutrients cycle

Matter cannot
be created or destroyed

Слайд 33

Nutrient Cycling

There are two major types of nutrient cycles
Gaseous – Most of

Nutrient Cycling There are two major types of nutrient cycles Gaseous –
the nutrient is stored in the atmosphere
Sedimentary – Most of the nutrient is stored in the sediments or soils

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So what nutrients do we need?

Macro-nutrients are needed in large quantities
Na,Cl, C,

So what nutrients do we need? Macro-nutrients are needed in large quantities
H, O, P, K, I, N, S, Ca, Fe, Mg
Micro-nutrients are also essential, but are needed in only small amounts
Mo, B, Cl, Mn, Cu, Zn

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Gaseous Nutrient Cycle The carbon cycle





top carnivore




Gaseous Nutrient Cycle The carbon cycle CO2 plant herbivore carnivore top carnivore Respiration Decomposers (photosynthesis)

Слайд 36

Sedimentary Nutrient Cycle Example: The Phosphorus Cycle

P in rock (apatite)


P in soil






Sedimentary Nutrient Cycle Example: The Phosphorus Cycle P in rock (apatite) (weathering)

Слайд 37

Carbon Cycle

Carbon and Oxygen combine to form Carbon Dioxide.
Plants use Carbon Dioxide

Carbon Cycle Carbon and Oxygen combine to form Carbon Dioxide. Plants use
during photosynthesis to produce sugars.
Plants use sugars for plant growth.
Herbivores eat plants, and incorporate molecules into their structure.

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Respiration breaks down sugars releasing CO2 and water back into the atmosphere.

Respiration breaks down sugars releasing CO2 and water back into the atmosphere.

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Inputs to atmosphere currently exceed outputs because of
Small pool of C

• Inputs to atmosphere currently exceed outputs because of Small pool of
in air (<1%), so even small changes in inputs can have large effects
• Inputs to atmosphere currently exceed outputs because of human activity

Слайд 41

So what nutrients do we need?

Macro-nutrients are needed in large quantities
Na,Cl, C,

So what nutrients do we need? Macro-nutrients are needed in large quantities
H, O, P, K, I, N, S, Ca, Fe, Mg
Micro-nutrients are also essential, but are needed in only small amounts
Mo, B, Cl, Mn, Cu, Zn
The elements in yellow have gaseous cycles
Количество просмотров: 334
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