
Слайд 2

Medieval View of Women

Medieval View of Women

Слайд 3

Mary of Guise

Catherine de Medici

Mary, Queen of Scots

Elizabeth I

Female rulers of the

Mary of Guise Catherine de Medici Mary, Queen of Scots Elizabeth I
16th C.

Слайд 4

Elizabeth I:
Tall, graceful, red-haired
Intelligent, vain, determined, practical
Loved flattery, quick to anger

Elizabeth I: Tall, graceful, red-haired Intelligent, vain, determined, practical Loved flattery, quick to anger

Слайд 5

“This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes!”—Elizabeth I

“This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes!”—Elizabeth I
upon hearing of her succession to the throne at Hatfield House.

Слайд 6

Elizabeth I and her coronation pageant

Elizabeth I and her coronation pageant

Слайд 7

Elizabeth came to the throne in a time of great trouble for

Elizabeth came to the throne in a time of great trouble for
Plague threatened the country.
A debased coinage threatened financial instability.
Religious differences continued.
England was still at war with France and Scotland.

Слайд 8

James V and Mary of Guise, parents of Mary, Queen of Scots


James V and Mary of Guise, parents of Mary, Queen of Scots
the death of James V, Scotland had become a province of France!

Слайд 9

Mary of Scotland had married Francis II of France.
She claimed three crowns—Scotland,

Mary of Scotland had married Francis II of France. She claimed three crowns—Scotland, France, and England!
France, and England!

Слайд 10

Elizabeth could depend on two sources of support:
English nationalism
The existence of a

Elizabeth could depend on two sources of support: English nationalism The existence
wide base of religious opinion—ranging from staunchly antipapal Henrican Catholicism to radical Protestants—requiring some sort of religious compromise.

Слайд 11

Elizabeth was aided by intelligent and hard-working advisors—and all were Protestant!
William Cecil,

Elizabeth was aided by intelligent and hard-working advisors—and all were Protestant! William
Lord Burghley, was her principal secretary and Lord Chancellor.
He came from a family that first came to political power under Henry VII—one of the “new men.”

William Cecil

Слайд 12

Sir Francis Walsingham was principal secretary for foreign affairs and head of

Sir Francis Walsingham was principal secretary for foreign affairs and head of
the Elizabethan secret service.
A “Puritan,” his religious views made him popular with Parliament.
He had great ability to discover “intelligence” about Catholics in England abroad.

Слайд 13

Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury

William Paulet, Lord Treasurer

Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury William Paulet, Lord Treasurer

Слайд 14

Elizabeth’s most pressing problem was religion.
She had no deep religious convictions.
A reformed

Elizabeth’s most pressing problem was religion. She had no deep religious convictions.
Catholic under her father
A Protestant under her brother.
A reluctant attendant at Mass under her sister.

Слайд 15

The new queen was a politique—she believed that religion should be an

The new queen was a politique—she believed that religion should be an
instrument of the state and a part of life, not the end of government and the whole of human existence.

Слайд 16

To gain as wide a base of support as possible, the religious

To gain as wide a base of support as possible, the religious
compromise required agreement on two crucial areas:
The revival of the royal supremacy.
The conversion of the Catholic Mass into a Protestant communion service.

Слайд 17

Because many Protestants as well as Catholics were concerned that a woman

Because many Protestants as well as Catholics were concerned that a woman
was not “qualified by God’s Word to feed the flock of Christ,” Elizabeth accepted the title, “Supreme Governor of the Church of England.”

Слайд 18

The 1552 Book of Common Prayer (2nd version) was amended to add

The 1552 Book of Common Prayer (2nd version) was amended to add
the words, “This is the body of Jesus Christ, given for thee. . .” to make the service acceptable to those who viewed the Eucharist as a sacrificial ceremony.

Слайд 19

Elizabeth hoped to satisfy all Englishmen by making the new religious settlement

Elizabeth hoped to satisfy all Englishmen by making the new religious settlement
as moderate as possible—”latitudinarian.”
Most importantly, Elizabeth wanted to create a national English church based on the idea that a loyal subject would leave matters of faith to his/her sovereign.

Слайд 20

Both radical Protestants and Catholic bishops appointed by Queen Mary objected to

Both radical Protestants and Catholic bishops appointed by Queen Mary objected to the Elizabethan religious settlement.
the Elizabethan religious settlement.

Слайд 21

The Elizabethan religious settlement succeeded in damping the fires of religious bigotry.

The Elizabethan religious settlement succeeded in damping the fires of religious bigotry.
Catholic bishops quietly resigned their posts and were replaced by middle-of-the-road Protestants.
Most Catholic laity refused to put loyalty to Pope above patriotism and their duty to the crown.

Слайд 22

1559: Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis brought peace to Europe by ending three generations

1559: Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis brought peace to Europe by ending three generations
of rivalry between the royal houses of Spain (the Hapsburgs) and France (the Valois).
But, that left France and Spain free to turn their attention to exterminating heresy in Europe.

Слайд 23

Philip II of Spain

To seal the new peace, Philip II of Spain

Philip II of Spain To seal the new peace, Philip II of
married the daughter of the French King, Henri II—Elizabeth of Valois.

Слайд 24

Francis II

After his father’s sudden death, young Francis II (15 years old)

Francis II After his father’s sudden death, young Francis II (15 years
took the throne.
An essentially leaderless France left the guidance of the Catholic Counter-Reformation to Spain.

Слайд 25

The Council of Trent (1555-1563) began the Catholic Counter-Reformation.

The Council of Trent (1555-1563) began the Catholic Counter-Reformation.

Слайд 26

St. Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)

Led by their

St. Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) Led by
founder, Ignatius Loyola, the Society of Jesus or Jesuits became the champions of papal authority and the instrument by which the Catholic Church would revitalize its ancient faith.

Слайд 27

France was torn by religious civil war for 42 years, culminating in

France was torn by religious civil war for 42 years, culminating in
the massacre of 2-3000 Hugenots (French protestants) on St. Bartholomew’s Day in Paris (August 24, 1572).

Слайд 28

Civil War in France was both bad and good for England:

War upset

Civil War in France was both bad and good for England: Bad
the balance of power in Europe.
No longer could England play France against Spain.

Devastated France could not join Spain in a religious war against England.

Слайд 29

Mary of Guise, the French wife of James V, acted as regent

Mary of Guise, the French wife of James V, acted as regent
for her baby daughter, Mary Queen of Scots.

Слайд 30

Mary became queen when she was 18 months old.
She was raised in

Mary became queen when she was 18 months old. She was raised
the French court, and at 15 she married Francis II, who died less than one year after their marriage.

Слайд 31

Scotland remained Catholic after the death of James V, but Protestant influence

Scotland remained Catholic after the death of James V, but Protestant influence
Scottish Protestants posed as nationalists who wanted to liberate Scotland from France.
1557: Calvinists in Scotland formed an association, the Lords of the Congregation, sworn to defend their faith and drive out the foreigners.

John Knox

Слайд 32

1560 was a tumultuous year in Scotland.

England, France, and Scotland signed a

1560 was a tumultuous year in Scotland. England, France, and Scotland signed
peace treaty in June that caused the French to withdraw and leave the Scottish government under the control of the Lords of the Congregation.
Later in the year, Francis II died and Mary, Queen of Scots, returned to her kingdom.

Слайд 33

Mary Stuart—beautiful, bright, temperate in religion but lacking in judgment, especially about

Mary Stuart—beautiful, bright, temperate in religion but lacking in judgment, especially about

John Knox—glum, parsimonious, and utterly devoted to the Calvinist creed.

Слайд 34

Mary of Guise

Catherine de Medici

Mary, Queen of Scots

Elizabeth I

John Knox’s First Blast

Mary of Guise Catherine de Medici Mary, Queen of Scots Elizabeth I
of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women attacked the women rulers of 16th C. Europe

Слайд 35

Mary Stuart and the English Crown

Henry VII
Henry VIII (1)James IV m. Margaret

Mary Stuart and the English Crown Henry VII Henry VIII (1)James IV
m. (2)Archibald Douglas, Earl of Angus
Mary Tudor Elizabeth Edward VI

James V

Mary Stuart

Margaret m. Matthew Stuart, Earl of Lennox

m. Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley

James VI

Слайд 36

Mary Stuart made three mistakes that led to the loss of her

Mary Stuart made three mistakes that led to the loss of her
Scottish crown in 1567:
She asked Elizabeth to designate her as heir to the English throne;
She married Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley;
She apparently conspired with her lover, Lord Bothwell to murder Darnley.

Слайд 37

Mary, Queen of Scots, and her second husband, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley

Mary, Queen of Scots, and her second husband, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley

Слайд 38

Mary Stuart and her third husband, James Hepburn, Lord Bothwell

Mary Stuart and her third husband, James Hepburn, Lord Bothwell

Слайд 39

James VI of Scotland, son of Mary, Queen of Scots

In 1567, Mary

James VI of Scotland, son of Mary, Queen of Scots In 1567,
abdicated in favor of her baby son and fled to England, where Elizabeth placed her in “protective custody” for the next 19 years.

Слайд 40

Mary’s marital troubles convinced Elizabeth that she was right to remain unmarried.

Mary’s marital troubles convinced Elizabeth that she was right to remain unmarried.
of her subjects regarded an unmarried queen as unnatural and a danger to the realm.
No agreement, however, existed over just who that husband should be!
But as long as Elizabeth remained single and childless, Catholic Mary Stuart was her heir—and England faced a future of religious war.

Слайд 41

Elizabeth’s “Robin”—Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester

Elizabeth’s “Robin”—Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester

Слайд 42

Robert Devereaux, Earl of Essex

Robert Devereaux, Earl of Essex

Слайд 43

Mary Stuart quickly became the center of opposition to Elizabeth.
A series of

Mary Stuart quickly became the center of opposition to Elizabeth. A series
inept plots by English Catholics attempted to put Mary on the throne.

Слайд 44

In 1570, the Pope excommunicated Elizabeth and absolved English Catholics of their

In 1570, the Pope excommunicated Elizabeth and absolved English Catholics of their
duty of obedience to the monarch.
But Philip preferred Protestant Elizabeth to a Catholic Mary supported by France

Philip II of Spain

European rulers also plotted Elizabeth’s removal

Слайд 45

An independence movement in the Spanish Netherlands gained secret assistance from England.

An independence movement in the Spanish Netherlands gained secret assistance from England.
England began to openly aid the Protestant Netherlands, Philip began to plot with Mary Stuart.

Слайд 46

In 1586, Mary’s “casket letters” were intercepted by Sir Francis Walsingham’s secret

In 1586, Mary’s “casket letters” were intercepted by Sir Francis Walsingham’s secret
service, and Mary was condemned to death.
Elizabeth was reluctant to execute a reigning sovereign, but ultimately gave her consent.
Mary lost her head on February 8, 1587, at Fotheringay Castle.

Слайд 47

Only when Philip of Spain became convinced that he would be unable

Only when Philip of Spain became convinced that he would be unable
to reconquer his rebellious subjects in the Netherlands, did he attempt to invade England.

The Spanish Armada, 1588

Слайд 48

Sir Francis Drake

The Golden Hind

Sir Francis Drake The Golden Hind

Слайд 49

Voyages of Sir Francis Drake

Voyages of Sir Francis Drake

Слайд 50

Reconstruction of the Golden Hind in London

Reconstruction of the Golden Hind in London

Слайд 51

Route of the Spanish Armada in 1588

Route of the Spanish Armada in 1588

Слайд 52

Queen Elizabeth’s “Armada Portrait”

Queen Elizabeth’s “Armada Portrait”

Слайд 53

Both Catholics and radical protestants presented threats to the stability of Elizabethan

Both Catholics and radical protestants presented threats to the stability of Elizabethan England.

Слайд 54

Parliament responded with a series of increasingly harsh penal laws intended to

Parliament responded with a series of increasingly harsh penal laws intended to
force religious conformity:
Priests who still said the Mass could be charged with treason.
Communicants were subject to monetary fines.
Many emigrated to the continent;
Some conformed outwardly while continuing to worship in secret.

Слайд 55

The “Priest’s Hole” at Coughton Court, Warwickshire, England

“Priests’ Holes” where Catholic priests

The “Priest’s Hole” at Coughton Court, Warwickshire, England “Priests’ Holes” where Catholic
could hide can still be seen in many Tudor-era English homes.

Слайд 56

Protestant “Puritans” split into three groups, based on their view of church

Protestant “Puritans” split into three groups, based on their view of church
Episcopals: remained within the establish Church of England, but worked for greater voice for the laity in questions of both form and faith.
These are the moderates and controlled the Puritan movement until 1640.

Penal Laws applied to Protestant non-conformists, too.

Слайд 57

Protestant “Puritans” split into three groups, based on their view of church

Protestant “Puritans” split into three groups, based on their view of church
Presbyterians: authority should be vested in several layers of jurisdiction from the local church laymen (in Scotland, the kirk), to the provincial synod, to the General Assembly of the Faithful.

Penal Laws applied to Protestant non-conformists, too.

Слайд 58

Protestant “Puritans” split into three groups, based on their view of church

Protestant “Puritans” split into three groups, based on their view of church
3. Separatists: worshipped apart from Protestant Anglican services in individual congregations (or conventicles)

Penal Laws applied to Protestant non-conformists, too.

Слайд 59

Robert Browne

Robert Brown, early Separatist leader, insisted on complete autonomy of every

Robert Browne Robert Brown, early Separatist leader, insisted on complete autonomy of
parish, subject only to the will of Christ.
The first Congregationalist community formed at Norwich in 1581, and the second (shortly after) at Scrooby.
Although the Brownists advocated democracy at the parish level, many congregations became subject to the direction of their elected ministers.

Слайд 60

Views of Scrooby village, Notinghamshire—home of the American “Pilgrims.”

Views of Scrooby village, Notinghamshire—home of the American “Pilgrims.”

Слайд 61

Organic Theory of Society—the King was head of State, as the head

Organic Theory of Society—the King was head of State, as the head controlled the body.
controlled the body.

Слайд 62

The Elizabethan Parliament

Theory of Absolute Monarchy:
Society is organic and hierarchical
Obedience to legal

The Elizabethan Parliament Theory of Absolute Monarchy: Society is organic and hierarchical
authority holds society together.
“One head, one governor, one law”—Elizabeth I

Слайд 63

When Elizabeth sat with the Lords and Commons and legislation was enacted

King-in-Parliament When Elizabeth sat with the Lords and Commons and legislation was
by the whole Parliament under the direction of the “King”—the voice of the whole kingdom was speaking.
“King-in-Parliament” was the highest authority in the land and the greatest bulwark against rebellion.

Слайд 64

William Cecil, Lord Burghley

Parliamentary leadership was exercised by the Privy Council:
Its members

William Cecil, Lord Burghley Parliamentary leadership was exercised by the Privy Council:
piloted legislation through Parliament and determined the subject and length of debates.

Слайд 65

But Elizabeth was always careful to maintain the initiative in the lawmaking

But Elizabeth was always careful to maintain the initiative in the lawmaking
She influenced the Commons by manipulating public opinion and by exercising patronage.

Слайд 66

The Speaker of the House of Commons:
A royal appointee
Controlled the timing of

The Speaker of the House of Commons: A royal appointee Controlled the
bills, curtailed debate, announced ayes and nays.
“You, Mr. Speaker, should perform the charge Her Majesty gave you at the beginning of this Parliament—not to receive bills of a nature which is displeasing to Her Majesty.”—an Elizabethan Privy Councilor

Слайд 67

During the reign of Elizabeth I, the Commons fulfilled the role assigned

During the reign of Elizabeth I, the Commons fulfilled the role assigned
to it—a docile, silent, obedient junior partner of the triumvirate of Queen, Lords, and Commons.

Слайд 68

Elizabethan Paternalistic Government
Essentially medieval in outlook
Strict regulation of the economy
Guaranteed a fixed

Elizabethan Paternalistic Government Essentially medieval in outlook Strict regulation of the economy
labor supply
Discouraged social mobility
Curtailed economic freedom


Слайд 69

The Crown regulated the economy for the “general good of the Kingdom.”

The Crown regulated the economy for the “general good of the Kingdom.”
of Artificers (or Apprentices), 1563
Reflected basic social premises of Tudor paternalism
All men and women had a social and moral obligation to work
Society is a hierarchy and everyone has a place.

Слайд 70

Statute of Artificers (Apprentices)
7 year apprenticeship mandated for all trades
No apprentice could

Statute of Artificers (Apprentices) 7 year apprenticeship mandated for all trades No
leave before the term of his indenture was up
No servant could be fired without cause.
Apprentices had recourse in court, if they were mistreated by their masters.
Wages were regulated and conditions of labor were inspected.

Слайд 71

Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601

Poor relief was traditionally viewed as the responsibility

Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601 Poor relief was traditionally viewed as the
of individuals who gave alms to the poor.
After 1590, economic recession brought English peasants close to starvation.
Only the State had the resources to handle poverty on a large scale.

Слайд 72

Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601

Everyone had a right to work.
Parishes were ordered

Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601 Everyone had a right to work. Parishes
to provide work for the unemployed, aid for the sick, protection for the aged, and punishment for those who preferred begging to an honest day’s labor!

Слайд 73

Parish map of England

For most Englishmen, the jurisdictional unit where governmental, social,

Parish map of England For most Englishmen, the jurisdictional unit where governmental,
and economic discipline was most immediately felt was the local parish or county.
Most offenses were heard in local courts.
Punishment for minor crimes was usually on the local level.

Слайд 74

The key to a well-ordered community in Elizabethan England was the family

The key to a well-ordered community in Elizabethan England was the family unit—a “little commonwealth.”
unit—a “little commonwealth.”

Слайд 75

Family unit statistics for Elizabethan England:
Late marriage—27-28 for men; 25-26 for women

Family unit statistics for Elizabethan England: Late marriage—27-28 for men; 25-26 for
2-generation family units—husband, wife, and \
2-3 children
Most households had 1 or more servants
Servants started working in their teens and worked 10-12 years before marrying and establishing their own households.

15% of all children died in their 1st year; another 10% died before age 10
Those who reached age 30 had a life expectancy of 60.
Death of a spouse and subsequent remarriage was common

Слайд 76

The main purpose of the family unit was security—
The cooperation of husband

The main purpose of the family unit was security— The cooperation of
and wife was necessary in a precarious economic system that required both to work.
Children could be either a heavy economic burden or an economic necessity as supplementary labor in a family business or farm.

Слайд 77

The father was head of the household and responsible for the good

The father was head of the household and responsible for the good
discipline of all who lived under his roof.
The family was the school in which “the first principles and grounds of government and subjection are learned.”

Слайд 78

Elizabethan Culture: a “wide and universal theater”

Elizabethan Culture: a “wide and universal theater”

Слайд 79

Renaissance Men

William Shakespeare Francis Bacon
Christopher Marlowe Ben Jonson
Edmund Spenser Walter Raleigh
Humphrey Gilbert Richard Grenville
Francis Drake John Donne

Renaissance Men William Shakespeare Francis Bacon Christopher Marlowe Ben Jonson Edmund Spenser

Слайд 80

Sir Walter Raleigh

A “Renaissance Man” for the Elizabethan Age

Sir Walter Raleigh A “Renaissance Man” for the Elizabethan Age

Слайд 81

The “Lost Colony” of Roanoke

The “Lost Colony” of Roanoke

Слайд 82

William Shakespeare

The Globe Theater

William Shakespeare The Globe Theater

Слайд 83

Reconstruction of the Globe Theater in London

Reconstruction of the Globe Theater in London

Слайд 84

Interior of the reconstructed Globe Theater in London

Interior of the reconstructed Globe Theater in London

Слайд 86

Shakespeare’s “history plays” begin with the deposition of Richard II and end

Shakespeare’s “history plays” begin with the deposition of Richard II and end with Henry VIII.
with Henry VIII.

Слайд 87

Scientific Method:
Generalizations on the basis of evidence

Francis Bacon

Scientific Method: Generalizations on the basis of evidence Francis Bacon

Слайд 88

Increasing literacy in Elizabethan England:
About 30% of the total population was literate;

Increasing literacy in Elizabethan England: About 30% of the total population was
100% of gentry was literate.
Primary and advanced grammar schools were endowed, but students paid tuition.

Aim of schools was to teach “Knowledge of duty to God, their prince, and all others in their degree.”

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