Energy Options for the future


Слайд 2

My presentation will be structured as follows:
The thirst for energy
The choice of

My presentation will be structured as follows: The thirst for energy The
the best energy options
The most important energy sources
The particular case of Nuclear Energy
Innovation in the energy sector
The issue of financing energy investments
Local vs. Global Governance


Слайд 3

The Thirst for Energy

The Thirst for Energy

Слайд 4

The IEA World Energy Outlook 2007 predicts that, with no change in

The IEA World Energy Outlook 2007 predicts that, with no change in
current policies, the world’s primary energy needs would grow by 55% between 2005 and 2030, in a scenario still dominated by fossil fuels
Why current energy policies can’t be changed fundamentally?:
The (welcomed?) growth of the world population
The welcomed growth in well being, indicated by a growth in GDP, leading to the need to reduce existing large disparities in energy consumption

The Thirst for Energy (1)

Слайд 7

The gap in energy consumption per capita between the high income/high human

The gap in energy consumption per capita between the high income/high human
development countries and the low income/low human development countries is striking, as exemplified by data on electricity consumption in kWh in 2002:
High human development 8586 kWh
Low human development 133 kWh
High income 10198 kWh
Low income 399 kWh
(Malaysia 2883 kWh, China 988 kWh)

The Thirst for Energy (2)

Слайд 10

Energy resources are unevenly distributed around the world. Our globalized economy requires

Energy resources are unevenly distributed around the world. Our globalized economy requires
the trading of this precious commodity, oil and gas being the most eloquent examples. This reality constitutes an interactive factor for the political instability to be deplored in several areas of the World

The Thirst for Energy (3)

Слайд 11

The race for energy impacts on the economic and social development of

The race for energy impacts on the economic and social development of
the less favored countries through higher oil prices and the wild development of bio-fuels which increases the price of food
The latter development has reinforced the perception of the strong coupling between energy and agriculture

The Thirst for Energy (4)

Слайд 12

The interaction between energy and climate change is quite high on political

The interaction between energy and climate change is quite high on political
agendas. The conclusions of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report published in November 2007 indicate that, in order to limit the global average temperature increase below 3°C, the peaking year for CO² emissions should be realized before 2030. Such requirement has a strong impact on energy options of the future

The Thirst for Energy (5)

Слайд 13

Future energy options must be seen also against the background of an

Future energy options must be seen also against the background of an
incomplete fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals. Global issues such as poverty, hunger, lack of education, diseases, poor drinking water, missing sanitation, still require urgent action. Energy constitutes an important factor for their mitigation

The Thirst for Energy (6)

Слайд 14

In summary, global growth in energy demand can’t be negated. For ensuring

In summary, global growth in energy demand can’t be negated. For ensuring
the greatest possible compatibility with sustainable development, a truly holistic approach, combining in the most appropriate way all possible aspects of energy options, is clearly needed

The Thirst for Energy (7)

Слайд 15

The Choice of the Best Energy Options

The Choice of the Best Energy Options

Слайд 16

There is no single optimum energy option applicable to all regions, to

There is no single optimum energy option applicable to all regions, to
all countries. What are the criteria for establishing the best option responding to the local specificity?
Any option should contain two components:
A strategy for energy conservation, increasing energy efficiency, reducing energy consumption. This should be a universal preoccupation, for developed and emerging countries
An adequate mix of energy sources, diversification is a keyword for users in the energy field

Choosing the Best Energy Options

Слайд 17

There has been good progress in energy efficiency, as shown by the

There has been good progress in energy efficiency, as shown by the
energy use elasticity with regard to GDP. For all countries in recent years, a growth of around 0.80% in energy use for 1% growth in GDP has been experienced (K.S. Parikh). Efforts should be enhanced in this direction
Contrary to what is sometimes asserted, emerging economies have participated so far successfully to the progress in energy efficiency

Energy Conservation

Слайд 20

Five criteria should be used for selecting an adequate mix of energy

Five criteria should be used for selecting an adequate mix of energy
Being technologically mature TECHNOLOGY
Demonstrating economical competitiveness ECONOMY
Respecting the Environment ECOLOGY
Guaranteeing a stability of supply SECURITY
Being perceived as presenting a low physical risk ACCEPTANCE

The Best Mix of Energy Sources (1)

Слайд 22

What are the energy sources to be considered under such criteria?

What are the energy sources to be considered under such criteria? In
a first group:
Oil, gas and coal, aiming at improved forms of utilization, notably, for liquid fuels, moving to gas-to-liquids and coal-to-liquids
Hydropower when available; small hydropower is an opportunity
Geothermal energy, when available
Wind power, already a mature technology

The Best Mix of Energy Sources (2)

Слайд 23

In a second group:
Solar power, emphasis on solar thermal and solar refrigeration,

In a second group: Solar power, emphasis on solar thermal and solar
large scale photovoltaic systems still too expensive
Bio-fuels, second generation liquid bio-fuels not competing with food production, bio-gas from organic refuses
Wave power, the wild card of renewable energies, might carry a lot of promises
Hydrogen, an energy vector, not a primary source of energy, its future depending on the evolution of various primary energy sources

The Best Mix of Energy Sources (3)

Слайд 24

Energy from thermonuclear fusion is a very objective, engineering feasibility is still

Energy from thermonuclear fusion is a very objective, engineering feasibility is still
a question mark
It remains nuclear energy which should enjoy a strong growth in certain regions of the world but requires specific conditions for its use

The Best Mix of Energy Sources (4)

Слайд 27

The Most Important Energy Sources

The Most Important Energy Sources

Слайд 28

Currently, the most important form of energy
Technology: fully mastered
Security: beyond the issue

Currently, the most important form of energy Technology: fully mastered Security: beyond
of political stability, the main interrogation relates to the date of the peaking of its production due to the exhaustion of the oil fields. Globally, the peak would lie between 2035 and 2075 but with great differences among countries: the reserve-to-production ratio was, in 2005, 7 years for UK as opposed to 110 years for Kuwait. For Kazakhstan, it would amount to 23 years (EIA/DOE). The opening of the Arctic reserves and the recent discoveries off Brazil could postpone globally the peaking point

Oil in its current forms of utilization (1)

Слайд 30

Acceptance: largely accepted in terms of physical risk but perceived as a

Acceptance: largely accepted in terms of physical risk but perceived as a
political risk due to its geographical concentration
Ecology: with coal, the main source of greenhouse gases. Carbon capture and sequestration could mitigate the issue but this technology is still uncertain and definitely costly
Economy: prices are volatile with extremely large variations in very short times. With a price stabilizing at around 60 US$/barrel, remains competitive for electricity production when no heavy CO² tax is included

Oil in its current forms of utilization (2)

Слайд 31

Economy (cont.): for electricity production, there is a wide range depending on

Economy (cont.): for electricity production, there is a wide range depending on
local conditions, and financial assumptions but taking into account the basic costs (capital, fuel, operation and maintenance), oil-fired power plants present a total basic cost of 40-50 US$/MWh. With an emission trading at 30 US$/tCO², the increase would lead to 65-80 US$/MWh; alternatively, carbon capture and sequestration would add to the basic cost from 10 to 50 US$/MWh (IPPC, 2005)

Oil in its current forms of utilization (3)

Слайд 32

The form of energy which came at the forefront in a dazzling

The form of energy which came at the forefront in a dazzling
short time
Technology: mature except for the recuperation of gas flares. The World Bank estimates that over 100 Billion cubic meters of natural gas are flared or vented annually, an amount worth approximately 30 Billion US$, equivalent to the combined annual gas consumption of Germany and France, twice the annual gas consumption of Africa! Russia has announced (September 2007) that it will stop the practice of gas flaring and is making a big effort in this respect

Gas in its current forms of utilization (1)

Слайд 33

Russia’s recuperation of gas flares (1)

For Russia, gas flared by oil companies

Russia’s recuperation of gas flares (1) For Russia, gas flared by oil
represents about 20 millions cubic meters per day. Rosneft has submitted to the Russian government a proposal for a pilot project consisting of a 315 MW gas turbine power plant at the Priobskoye field (Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous district) fed from the surrounding fields spewing out 2 billions cubic meters of gas per year. The power plant would use about a fourth of this volume. Rosneft plans to spend 2.7 Billions $ over the next 5 years to reduce wasteful gas flaring

Слайд 34

Russia’s recuperation of gas flares (2)

The problems currently faced with gas recuperation

Russia’s recuperation of gas flares (2) The problems currently faced with gas
The electricity production is far geographically from consumption centers
The price of the electricity produced by gas turbines power plants are uncompetitive under current conditions

Слайд 35

Security: production already peaking in most OECD countries. Proven reserves amount to

Security: production already peaking in most OECD countries. Proven reserves amount to
172,000 Billions Cubic Meters (BCM); world’s annual consumption was 2,900 BCM in 2005, with a projected increase in 2030 to 4.5 BCM. World’s reserves are predominantly in Siberia, Iran and Qatar. Intercontinental transport might be an issue in the future, the liquefied form is the only available for maritime transport

Gas in its current forms of utilization (2)

Слайд 37

Acceptance: as for oil, largely accepted in terms of physical risk but

Acceptance: as for oil, largely accepted in terms of physical risk but
perceived as a political risk due to its geographical concentration
Ecology: gas combined cycles are better than oil and coal in terms of greenhouse gases emission
Economy: price linked so far to the price of oil, hence following with some attenuation the variations of the latter. Even with a moderate increase in price, gas remains competitive, thanks to the conversion efficiencies that it achieves in power production

Gas in its current forms of utilization (2)

Слайд 38

Economy (cont.): for electricity production, basic costs of gas combined cycle power

Economy (cont.): for electricity production, basic costs of gas combined cycle power
stations are in the range of 35-45 US$/MWh. With an emission trading at 30 US$/tCO², this would increase to 45-65 US$/MWh, lower than for oil and coal (EC, 2007). Alternatively, as for other fossil fuels, carbon capture and sequestration would add to the basic cost from 10 to 50 US$/MWh (IPPC, 2005)

Gas in its current forms of utilization (3)

Слайд 39

Coal in its current forms of utilization (1)

The energy of the 19th

Coal in its current forms of utilization (1) The energy of the
Century enjoying a revival
Technology: mature, well known
Security: reserves present in all continents. Large reserves in the US and China, also in Kazakhstan
Acceptance: in spite of all the accidents in coal mines and radioactivity released when burned, no great problem
Ecology: serious drawback due to CO² emission when used

Слайд 40

Economy: prices are soaring due to the recent demand. Nevertheless, still quite

Economy: prices are soaring due to the recent demand. Nevertheless, still quite
competitive for electricity production when no large CO² tax included. The basic cost for coal pulverized fuel plants with flue desulphurization could be as low as 30 to 40 US$/MWh. With an emission trading at 30 US$/tCO², this would increase to 50-70 US$/MWh, lower than oil, higher than gas. Alternatively, as for other fossil fuels, carbon capture and sequestration would add to the basic cost from 10 to 50 US$/MWh (IPPC, 2005)

Coal in its current forms of utilization (2)

Слайд 41

A significant component of the future
The most promising forms of renewable energies:


A significant component of the future The most promising forms of renewable
Energies (1)

Слайд 42

The engineering success of the 20th Century
Technology: fully mastered
Security: potential of mountainous

The engineering success of the 20th Century Technology: fully mastered Security: potential
areas not fully exploited; same applies to Greenland and in many countries for small units along rivers
Acceptance: with nuclear, the most contested form of energy production

Hydropower (1)

Слайд 43

Ecology: no impact on climate change but, on the contrary, climate change

Ecology: no impact on climate change but, on the contrary, climate change
could impact on the implantation of hydropower due to an increase in droughts, e.g. in the Mediterranean area or Central Asia
Economy: quite attractive, basic cost could be currently as low as 30 US$/MWh but also as high as 100 US$/MWh. Impact of CO² tax would be negligible

Hydropower (2)

Слайд 44

A most promising technology for the 21st Century
Technology: reaching maturity, improvements still

A most promising technology for the 21st Century Technology: reaching maturity, improvements
Security: wind exists in most places of the globe, careful implantation could boost the production, off shore installations are attractive, even if more costly

Wind (1)

Слайд 45

Acceptance: some problems at local level due to the “Not In My

Acceptance: some problems at local level due to the “Not In My
Back Yard” syndrome
Ecology: no impact on climate change
Economy: quite attractive, basic cost could be in a near future between 40 and 70 US$/MWh. Impact of a CO² tax would be negligible

Wind (2)

Слайд 46

The renewables with a question mark in spite of their appeal:


The renewables with a question mark in spite of their appeal: Solar Biomass Renewable Energies (2)
Energies (2)

Слайд 47

A lot of appeal, notably among political decision-makers but not without problems

A lot of appeal, notably among political decision-makers but not without problems
conversion processes are mainly utilized:
Low enthalpy solar thermal conversion for producing hot water or hot air at small scale. Largely utilized in areas with important solar flux (e.g. Mediterranean). Renewed interest for large floating solar thermal farms producing electricity

Solar (1)

Слайд 48

High enthalpy solar thermal conversion using focused mirrors for high temperature electricity

High enthalpy solar thermal conversion using focused mirrors for high temperature electricity
production. A few experiments, not very promising
Photovoltaic conversion. The most promising option:
Technology: much improvement still possible, nanotechnologies could help
Security: suffers from the night/day cycle, problem of sufficient solar flux above 55 degrees latitude

Solar (2)

Слайд 49

Acceptance: no real problem
Ecology: limited impact on climate change
Economy: the real sore

Acceptance: no real problem Ecology: limited impact on climate change Economy: the
point; the prospect of becoming competitive even in a distant future appears remote. For medium to large scale electricity production, costs could be currently as high as 100 to 500 US$/MWh with a prospect in several decades to go down to 60 to 250 US$/MWh (EC 2007, Deju and Holmes, AIST). Only, for limited power production at remote places, such costs could be justified

Solar (3)

Слайд 50

As for solar energy, a lot of appeal, notably among political decision-makers

As for solar energy, a lot of appeal, notably among political decision-makers
but not without problems
Biomass raises the basic issue of the utilization of land either for food or for energy: as an example, 50 liters of ethanol (250 km with a SUV) require 200 kg of maize (1 year of food for one person in developing countries)
Also, in certain cases, a positive energy balance is not guaranteed

Biomass (1)

Слайд 51

2008 world bio-fuels production is estimated at 1.4 millions of barrels per

2008 world bio-fuels production is estimated at 1.4 millions of barrels per
day, rising annually by about 300,000 barrels per day
More than half of the production is concentrated in two countries, about 30% from the US and 25% from Brazil
The demand has led to a sharp increase in the price of corn and other bio-fuel crops and creates environmental problems due mainly to deforestation

Biomass (2)

Слайд 52

The future of biomass as an energy source depends very much from

The future of biomass as an energy source depends very much from
the possibility in the future to produce bio-fuels from waste (e.g. wooden chips) or from crops grown on marginal land (e.g. jastropha in India, miscanthus in Britain) or from algae

Biomass (3)

Слайд 53

Biomass (4)

An example of the pressure on arable land: Virgin Atlantic and

Biomass (4) An example of the pressure on arable land: Virgin Atlantic
other airlines testing bio-fuels for their flights:
One return flight London:New York consumes 170 000 liters of fuel. With two flights a day, this means about 122 millions liters of fuel; one m² of arable land can produce 0.05 l of bio-fuel in US/European conditions. Hence two transatlantic flights a day during a year would require the constant use of about 2500 km² of cultivated land under good production conditions!

Слайд 54

The renewables with a limited potential due to their dependence on geography:

The renewables with a limited potential due to their dependence on geography:


Renewable Energies (3)

Слайд 55

Very dependent from the geological structure of the site, limited site availability

Very dependent from the geological structure of the site, limited site availability
for combined production of heat and electricity
8 GWe currently installed. The growth initiated several decades ago should continue: the objective for 2020 is multiplying by 7 the current electricity production and by 4 the heat production
Local environmental degradation is an issue


Слайд 56

High theoretical potential as wave energy could be applied around most of

High theoretical potential as wave energy could be applied around most of
the world’s coastal zones
Technologies are still at the experimental stage. Transport of produced energy is an issue in the marine environment
Foreseeable costs about an order of magnitude above those of wind energy
Problems linked to compatibility with fishing and navigation
Worth continuing the demonstration efforts


Слайд 57

Oil has been utilized mainly in the form of liquid fuels, notably

Oil has been utilized mainly in the form of liquid fuels, notably
in transport. The other fossil fuels, gas and coal, which should have a longer life cycle, look for an access to the large liquid fuel market by using chemical conversion, hence the appearance of synthetic fuels, gas-to-liquids and coal-to-liquids, stimulated by their environmental friendliness. This conversion has the additional advantage of creating added-value industries at the production sites. Aviation has started utilizing them operationally; hopefully, their utilization will grow because there are few alternatives in this case

Synthetic Fuels

Слайд 58

Conversion of natural gas into ultra clean fuels replacing notably diesel fuels

Conversion of natural gas into ultra clean fuels replacing notably diesel fuels

Offer the possibility of utilizing gas reserves either too important for the conventional market or too remote for the traditional exploitation methods
Limited cost of introduction when substituting for conventional oil derived liquid fuels
Qatar is the world capital of GTLs, but the process is also developed in other parts of the world
Still consuming too much energy for its production but the appeal is great

Gas-To-Liquids (GTL’s)

Слайд 59

Process developed in Germany during the 1920s (Fischer-Tropsch and Bosch-Bergius) and used

Process developed in Germany during the 1920s (Fischer-Tropsch and Bosch-Bergius) and used
extensively during World War II. Know-how improved subsequently in South Africa: SASOL provides now 30% of South African fuel consumption
Offers the possibility of utilizing coal reserves while limiting the impact on the environment, resulting fuels are very clean but CO² emission in the process is still too high. Also the process is extremely resource-intensive, notably for water
Limited cost of introduction when substituting for conventional oil derived liquid fuels but production cost still high

Coal-To-Liquids (CTL’s) (1)

Слайд 60

Important effort of China in this field. China wishes to pursue the

Important effort of China in this field. China wishes to pursue the
exploitation of its coal reserves which cover currently 75% of its domestic energy needs
China plans to invest some 15 Billions US$ over the next few years, notably in the provinces of Ningxia et Shaanxi. Beginning 2008, conclusion of a development project with SASOL (6 B$) and undergoing negotiations with Royal Dutch/Shell for further projects
China’s objective is production in the future of 30 millions tons per year

Coal-To-Liquids (CTL’s) (2)

Слайд 61

Hydrogen is an energy vector, not a primary source of energy. Its

Hydrogen is an energy vector, not a primary source of energy. Its
development depends in great part from the future development of different primary energy sources.
Hydropower is the prime candidate for its production. The development of large scale high temperature nuclear reactors could create a viable alternative

What about Hydrogen? (1)

Слайд 62

Its production from natural gas is technologically mature and economically sound but

Its production from natural gas is technologically mature and economically sound but
the process releases CO² which mitigates the interest of going to hydrogen
It could be an attractive way of storing energy from renewables such as wind, solar and wave
Collective urban transport and decentralized production of electricity, notably for emergencies, appear to be the most immediate applications

What about Hydrogen? (2)

Слайд 63

In spite of the so-called « Hindenburg Syndrome » (the Zeppelin Accident in NAS

In spite of the so-called « Hindenburg Syndrome » (the Zeppelin Accident
Lakehurst, USA, on May 6, 1937), its utilization does not appear to raise acceptance problems. The experiments with H² buses in various European cities, notably in Bavaria, and their planned use for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver substantiate this view

What about Hydrogen? (3)

Слайд 64

Still at the stage of scientific and technological experiments.
Too early to

Still at the stage of scientific and technological experiments. Too early to
predict its introduction in future energy scenarios

What about Nuclear Fusion?

Слайд 65

Even after nearly six decades of nuclear power production, there is still,

Even after nearly six decades of nuclear power production, there is still,
at world level, a controversy about the future of nuclear energy. In some European countries, no technological innovation, with the exception of Genetically Modified Organisms, has ever created such an emotional opposition. In view of the potential offered by this form of energy, it deserves a detailed presentation

What about Nuclear Fission?

Слайд 66

The Particular Case of Nuclear Energy

The Particular Case of Nuclear Energy

Слайд 67

With regard to the other forms of energy, how nuclear energy can

With regard to the other forms of energy, how nuclear energy can
be rated?:
Technology: established for most types of reactors, including 3rd generation systems. For most of the 4th generation systems, technological advances are still needed

The Position of Nuclear Energy (1)

Слайд 68

Economy: it concerns essentially electricity production. There is a wide range of

Economy: it concerns essentially electricity production. There is a wide range of
data depending on local conditions, financial assumptions and types of reactors but in average, LWRs and advanced LWRS present a total basic cost (capital, fuel, operation and maintenance) of 40-50 US$/MWh. The cost of waste treatment and decommissioning would increase it by about 3 US$/MWh when externalizing costs. A CO² tax would a have a negligible impact
As shown by the following table, this cost is currently matching total basic costs of coal- and oil-fired power plants while somewhat higher than the cost of gas combined cycle plants

The Position of Nuclear Energy (2)

Слайд 69

Economy (cont.) : Hydropower is quite advantageous in certain circumstances as wind

Economy (cont.) : Hydropower is quite advantageous in certain circumstances as wind
generators could be in the near future. Other renewable energies are not cost competitive, except in particular circumstances
If an emission trading (CO² tax) would be introduced or if Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) would be applied, the related added costs for all fossil forms of energy would bring them away from being competitive with nuclear energy which would keep in this case as competitors hydropower and wind energy

The Position of Nuclear Energy (3)

Слайд 70

Electricité: Coûts de Production

Electricité: Coûts de Production

Слайд 71

Basic values used in the comparison of the costs of various energy

Basic values used in the comparison of the costs of various energy
US$/€ 1.30
Oil at 60 US$/barrel
Natural gas at 6.50 US$/GJ (46.5 US$/barrel oil equivalent)
Coal at 60 US$/Tonne
Sensitivity to price variation is given in the following diagram

Economie (1)

Слайд 73

Ecology: nuclear energy together with the renewables present the best performance in

Ecology: nuclear energy together with the renewables present the best performance in
terms of greenhouse gases emission, even taking into account life cycle assessment. Combined gas cycles are the best among the fossil based sources, as shown in the following diagrams and tables
The issue of nuclear waste disposal is probably the most serious one for nuclear energy.

The Position of Nuclear Energy (4)

Слайд 76

Comparison of Life-Cycle Emissions Tons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent per Gigawatt-Hour

Source: "Life-Cycle Assessment

Comparison of Life-Cycle Emissions Tons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent per Gigawatt-Hour Source:
of Electricity Generation Systems and Applications for Climate Change Policy Analysis," Paul J. Meier, University of Wisconsin-Madison, August 2002.

Слайд 78

Security: nuclear energy, coal and some renewables present a greater stability against

Security: nuclear energy, coal and some renewables present a greater stability against
political risk, when compared with oil and gas, nuclear energy benefiting from a wide geographical distribution of uranium producers.

The Position of Nuclear Energy (5)

Слайд 79

Security (cont.) : there is a certain controversy on the availability of

Security (cont.) : there is a certain controversy on the availability of
uranium resources, a preoccupation which is not reflected in the latest edition (2006) of the OECD-NEA “Red Book”, indicating that the uranium resources are plenty to sustain growth of nuclear power

The Position of Nuclear Energy (6)

Слайд 80

Security (cont.) :By 2025, world nuclear energy capacity is expected to grow

Security (cont.) :By 2025, world nuclear energy capacity is expected to grow
to between 450 GWe (+22%) and 530 GWe (+44%) from the present generating capacity of about 370 GWe; this will raise annual uranium requirements to 80 000-100 000 tonnes, to be compared to “identified resources” of 4.7 Million tonnes and “total conventional resources” of 14.8 Million tonnes.
The possible recourse in Generation IV reactors to the Thorium cycle and to breeding in fast reactors would further relieve any constraint. The use in civilian reactors of existing demilitarized fissile material could also extend the resources

The Position of Nuclear Energy (7)

Слайд 81

Use of existing fissile materials

The development of new nuclear power generation

Use of existing fissile materials The development of new nuclear power generation
capacity would enable to reduce usefully the very large quantities of weapon grade fissile materials currently stored, originating from partial nuclear disarmament programs. Declared surplus are:
In Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU); 174T US, 500T RF
In Plutonium (Pu): 53T US, 34T RF
Furthermore, it exists a stock of more than 200T of separated Pu from civilian operations and, in used nuclear fuels, not reprocessed, lies a very large amount of Pu, about 17 000T, which will continue to grow!

Слайд 82

Acceptance : this is clearly the most critical factor for nuclear energy;

Acceptance : this is clearly the most critical factor for nuclear energy;
all other energy sources, with the exception of hydropower and in some places wind, are widely accepted in terms of physical risk. Hydrogen, as an energy vector, experiences also problems within certain segments of society
Perception of the risk, rather than the risk itself is the issue. On a strictly scientific basis, no energy source in its present utilization could be rejected

The Position of Nuclear Energy (8)

Слайд 84

Acceptance (cont.) : for nuclear energy, the attention is mostly focused on

Acceptance (cont.) : for nuclear energy, the attention is mostly focused on
the issue of the ultimate fate of radioactive waste, followed by the risk of a major accident. The exceptional character of the Tchernobyl accident is mostly recognized; the tightening of safety rules and the safety record of all currently running power plants should contribute to the reinforcement of the trust in safe operation of nuclear plants

The Position of Nuclear Energy (9)

Слайд 86

Acceptance (cont.) : for nuclear waste, two solutions are currently considered at

Acceptance (cont.) : for nuclear waste, two solutions are currently considered at
IAEA level:
Extended surface storage with possible reconditioning of the waste. Such approach should not become perpetual, it requires active surveillance and management and raises the issue of institutional control, i.e. continuity of government policy. Significant operational cost
Disposal in geological formations with possibility of retrieval of emplaced material for a certain period. It constitutes a lesser issue for institutional control and presents better features in terms of surveillance and management. High capital cost

The Position of Nuclear Energy (10)

Слайд 87

Acceptance (cont.) : Storage encounters less opposition than disposal. Better communication with

Acceptance (cont.) : Storage encounters less opposition than disposal. Better communication with
stakeholders should promote the acceptance of any of the two solutions. In the future, new types of reactors should reduce fairly significantly the radioactive inventory of the waste produced
Nuclear proliferation is not mentioned so frequently in the debate over the acceptance of nuclear energy; this shows the difference between risk and perception of risk.

The Position of Nuclear Energy (11)

Слайд 88

Nuclear Energy vs. Other Sources

In summary, there are objective reasons for

Nuclear Energy vs. Other Sources In summary, there are objective reasons for
justifying the renaissance of nuclear energy as part of a wider scenario, associating efforts for energy conservation, a greater recourse to renewables and a cleaner utilization of coal and gas

Слайд 89

Current World Nuclear Park

At the end of 2007, 439 commercial NPPs;

Current World Nuclear Park At the end of 2007, 439 commercial NPPs;
PWRs and 50 VVERs
94 BWRs
44 PHWRs
18 gas-cooled reactors
16 RBMKs
2 FBRs
Additionally, about 220 reactors powering 150 ships and submarines worldwide
Finally, 56 countries operate a total of 284 research reactors

Слайд 90

In the very recent years, an evolution in national plans for nuclear

In the very recent years, an evolution in national plans for nuclear
power is noticeable (WAN, 2008) with 32 plants under construction {C} and 88 planned {P}
Argentina: 1C, 1P
Belarus: 2P
Brazil: 1P
Bulgaria: 2P
Canada: 2C, 4P
China: 5C, 30P
Finland: 1C

Nuclear Energy: a Renaissance? (1)

Слайд 91

France: 1 C
India: 6C, 10P
Iran: 1C
Japan: 2C, 11P
Korea: 3C, 5P
Pakistan: 1C, 2P

France: 1 C India: 6C, 10P Iran: 1C Japan: 2C, 11P Korea:
Russia; 7C, 8P
Slovakia: 2C
South Africa; 1P
Ukraine: 2P

Nuclear Energy: a Renaissance? (2)

Слайд 92

Is it a renaissance? Yes, or rather a rebound in the sense

Is it a renaissance? Yes, or rather a rebound in the sense
of the acceleration of its growth, particularly in terms of new orders, but one should remind that the world net nuclear electric power generation, expressed in TWh, has never stopped to grow between 1980 and 2005, with some slowdown after 1990:
1980 : 685, 1985 : 1425, 1990 : 1910, 1995 : 2210, 2000 : 2450, 2005 : 2625
The following diagram extracted from the IEA Key World Energy Statistics 2007 illustrates this point:

Nuclear Energy: a Renaissance? (3)

Слайд 94

Conditions for a Renaissance (1)

This renaissance should be accompanied by unrelenting efforts

Conditions for a Renaissance (1) This renaissance should be accompanied by unrelenting
for maintaining the highest level of safety, tackling the issue of the end of the fuel cycle by minimizing the inventory of radioactive waste and guaranteeing zero tolerance to proliferation. This one of the essential objectives of 4th Generation power reactors

Слайд 95

4th Generation Power Reactors (1)

Main drivers for innovation in reactor systems and

4th Generation Power Reactors (1) Main drivers for innovation in reactor systems
fuel cycles:
Sustainability focused on enhanced fuel utilization and optimal waste management: recycling or once-through, enhanced breeding, homogeneous recycling, minor actinides bearing fuels
Economics focused on minimization of costs of MWe installed and MWh generated: plant management and higher thermodynamic efficiency
Safety and reliability focused on robust safety architecture and enhanced reliability requirements
Proliferation focused on impractical separation of plutonium and reinforced physical protection

Слайд 96

4th Generation Power Reactors (2)

Forum for studies:
Launch of Generation IV International Forum

4th Generation Power Reactors (2) Forum for studies: Launch of Generation IV
(GIF) in January 2000; GIF Charter signed in July 2001; 13 members in November 2006. Technical secretariat at OECD/NEA
6 systems selected for GIF studies: three fast spectrum systems (SFR,GFR, LFR), two thermal/fast spectrum systems (SCWR, MSR) and one thermal spectrum system (VHTR)

Слайд 97

4th Generation Power Reactors (3)

Sodium cooled Fast Reactor:
Electricity production and full actinide

4th Generation Power Reactors (3) Sodium cooled Fast Reactor: Electricity production and
management, enhanced fuel utilization
Core outlet temperature of 550°C, efficiency close to 40%
Reference power: modules of 50-150 MWe or plants of 600-1500 MWe

Слайд 98

4th Generation Power Reactors (4)

Gas cooled Fast Reactor:
Cogeneration of electricity and process

4th Generation Power Reactors (4) Gas cooled Fast Reactor: Cogeneration of electricity
heat, enhanced fuel utilization, full actinide management
Core outlet temperature of 850°C, efficiency close to 45%
Reference power: 1000 MWe

Слайд 99

4th Generation Power Reactors (5)

Lead cooled Fast Reactor:
Cogeneration of electricity and process

4th Generation Power Reactors (5) Lead cooled Fast Reactor: Cogeneration of electricity
heat, full actinide management
Core outlet temperature of 800°C, efficiency close to 45%
Reference power: batteries of 10-100 MWe reactors and plants of 300-600MWe

Слайд 100

4th Generation Power Reactors (6)

Super Critical Water cooled Reactor:
Electricity production at high

4th Generation Power Reactors (6) Super Critical Water cooled Reactor: Electricity production
temperatures, no actinide management, once-through cycle with high fuel burn-up
Core outlet temperature of 1000°C, efficiency 45-50%
Reference power: 600 MWth/300 MWe

Слайд 101

4th Generation Power Reactors (7)

Molten Salt Reactor:
Cogeneration of electricity and process heat,

4th Generation Power Reactors (7) Molten Salt Reactor: Cogeneration of electricity and
full actinide management, Thorium Cycle possible
Core outlet temperature of 800°C, efficiency close to 45%
Reference power: 1000 MWe

Слайд 102

4th Generation Power Reactors (8)

Very High Temperature gas cooled Reactor:
Cogeneration of high

4th Generation Power Reactors (8) Very High Temperature gas cooled Reactor: Cogeneration
temperature process heat and electricity production and, full actinide management, Thorium cycle possible
Core outlet temperature of 800°C, efficiency close to 45%
Reference power: 1000 MWe

Слайд 103

4th Generation Power Reactors (9)

Currently, there is not really a winner emerging

4th Generation Power Reactors (9) Currently, there is not really a winner
from the comparison between the 6 types of systems. SFRs and VHTRs have some lead due to previous experience but it is not determining. The choice of one (or two?) system(s) will depend on the emphasis on economics or fuel cycle management. Conversion Ratio (ratio of fissile material produced to fissile material destroyed) will be an important factor. Date of availability is not a decisive factor as all possible systems could be introduced in the bracket 2020-2025

Слайд 104

Conditions for a Renaissance (2)

The recourse to nuclear energy remains the choice

Conditions for a Renaissance (2) The recourse to nuclear energy remains the
of sovereign nations and there can’t be an international ruling on such issue. This does not mean that there is no role for multilateral mechanisms in this area and new initiatives should be taken in this respect

Слайд 105

At international level, multilateral mechanisms can contribute in reinforcing such responsibility through

At international level, multilateral mechanisms can contribute in reinforcing such responsibility through
good governance, an essential measure for accompanying the renaissance of nuclear energy
Several avenues for action should be explored; they relate to non proliferation, safety of nuclear installations, financial instruments, multilateral cooperation in the fuel cycle, training, knowledge preservation and developing countries

The role of multilateral mechanisms (1)

Слайд 106

Maintaining strict control procedures for guaranteeing non proliferation, based on the best

Maintaining strict control procedures for guaranteeing non proliferation, based on the best
performance of monitoring and verification regimes. Verification of compliance is a crucial issue, relying on efficient monitoring. The International Atomic Energy Agency remains the fundamental pillar for this process, assisted by regional collective systems

The role of multilateral mechanisms (2)

Слайд 107

Measures for guaranteeing non-proliferation should go beyond physical security of installations and

Measures for guaranteeing non-proliferation should go beyond physical security of installations and
verification of the flow of fissile materials, they should cover also the stabilization of weapons scientists and the monitoring of sensitive technologies contributing to weapons production and delivery. Research reactors and installations with low inventory of nuclear materials should receive greater attention in view of the emergence of terrorist groups

The role of multilateral mechanisms (3)

Слайд 108

Reinforcing nuclear safety governance. How could the optimal level of safety of

Reinforcing nuclear safety governance. How could the optimal level of safety of
nuclear installations be ensured? Though developing adequate standards and guaranteeing safety management. Standards developed by IAEA in conjunction with the regulators of its member states are of high quality. Organizations at regional level such as WENRA have complemented them with additional norms such as “Reference Levels”.

The role of multilateral mechanisms (4)

Слайд 109

The role of multilateral mechanisms (5)

Further harmonization, especially for new designs, is

The role of multilateral mechanisms (5) Further harmonization, especially for new designs,
required for avoiding obstacles to trade
The way safety is managed is the most critical issue. International cooperation could reinforce safety management through pooling knowledge, sharing best practices, exchanging experience feedback, exchanging personnel, etc. Existing efforts through WANO and OSART among others should be taken into account

Слайд 110

Discussing new concepts of Public-Private Partnership for achieving the best financing options,

Discussing new concepts of Public-Private Partnership for achieving the best financing options,
including possible leasing arrangements for power plants in a way comparable to the “wet lease” of aircrafts to airlines. This formula could relieve the local actors from operational tasks while maintaining overall control. The banking sector should be involved

The role of multilateral mechanisms (6)

Слайд 111

Reviewing once again the issue of multinational fuel cycle centers for reducing

Reviewing once again the issue of multinational fuel cycle centers for reducing
the burden of small- and medium-sized nations, for optimizing the number of enrichment and reprocessing facilities, balancing diversification of supply against non-proliferation and cost reduction

The role of multilateral mechanisms (7)

Слайд 112

Developing plans for countering the potential lack of nuclear engineers and scientists,

Developing plans for countering the potential lack of nuclear engineers and scientists,
reinforcing the educational and training capacities through international cooperation. Joint efforts are also required for knowledge preservation, merging the past with the future. IAEA is already going in this direction with its Fast Reactor Knowledge Preservation Initiative

The role of multilateral mechanisms (8)

Слайд 113

Reflecting on the energy problems of the least developed countries. Nuclear energy

Reflecting on the energy problems of the least developed countries. Nuclear energy
should not be the most adequate solution for these countries at this time, but the increased recourse by industrialized countries to nuclear energy and renewables, both capital intensive forms of energy, could lower the market pressure on oil and gas, allowing for a certain period an easier access of least developed countries to these more traditional forms of energy

The role of multilateral mechanisms (9)

Слайд 114

Innovation in Energy Systems

Innovation in Energy Systems

Слайд 115

Several areas require enhanced innovative efforts, not only for new products and

Several areas require enhanced innovative efforts, not only for new products and
processes but also for new systems, new services and new organizational schemes

Most Pressing Needs in Innovation (1)

Слайд 116

Beyond progressing in performance and cost of the various new forms of

Beyond progressing in performance and cost of the various new forms of
energy, transport, distribution and storage of energy require extensive improvements. Energy conservation needs also increased efforts at system level to avoid unwanted effects on the environment (Mercury in low consumption light bulbs)

Most Pressing Needs in Innovation (2)

Слайд 117

Examples of needed innovation advances:
Electric grids with higher degree of autonomy, active

Examples of needed innovation advances: Electric grids with higher degree of autonomy,
grid control (Adam Smith vs. Gustave Kirchhoff), DC transport and distribution networks
Improved energy storage: batteries using nanotechnologies, superconducting rings, capacitors
Improved energy conversion: high performance, low cost fuel cells from µW to MW, efficient gas turbines
Recuperation of gas flares
“Green” industrial processes

Most Pressing Needs in Innovation (3)

Слайд 118

Examples of needed innovation advances (cont.):
Second generation bio-fuels (liquid, gas) production processes

Examples of needed innovation advances (cont.): Second generation bio-fuels (liquid, gas) production
architecture, solar cooling
Carbon capture and sequestration, enhanced oil recovery
Improved photovoltaic systems
High efficiency Fischer Tropsch conversion processes for synthetic fuels

Most Pressing Needs in Innovation (4)

Слайд 119

What about Kazakhstan? (1)

Kazakhstan enjoys the privilege of being a producer of

What about Kazakhstan? (1) Kazakhstan enjoys the privilege of being a producer
oil, gas, coal and uranium ore
Kazakhstan is joining countries in Annex 1 to the Kyoto Protocol, i.e. accepting GHG emission limitations
In terms of renewables, Northern latitudes do not favor solar applications but there is a lot of wind

Слайд 120

What about Kazakhstan? (2)

These factors should influence innovation in energy systems:
Energy conservation,

What about Kazakhstan? (2) These factors should influence innovation in energy systems:
better efficiency of existing production and distribution systems
Recuperation of gas flares
Synthetic fuels from coal and gas (price sensitive)
Wind and small hydropower
Carbon Capture and Sequestration (in exhausted gas fields)
Wave power on the Caspian sea

Слайд 121

The Issue of Financing Energy Investments

The Issue of Financing Energy Investments

Слайд 122

When selecting energy options and in particular moving towards innovative solutions, the

When selecting energy options and in particular moving towards innovative solutions, the
financial burden of new investments should be taken into account. Securing enough capital for energy development is a real issue
The total investment requirement for energy supply infrastructure over the period 2001-2030 is over 16 Trillions US$ for replacing and expanding supply facilities. It corresponds to 1% of global GDP and 4.5% of all investments (IEA World Energy Investment Outlook 2003 Insights)

What about financing (1)

Слайд 123

For Africa, it means allocating 4% of its GDP to this sole

For Africa, it means allocating 4% of its GDP to this sole
purpose. The alternative for Africa is the continuation of power outages which cost African economies as much as 2% of their GDP (The Wall Street Journal, April 18, 2008)
Mobilizing the investment depends on the ability of the energy sector to compete against other sectors of the economy for capital. The electricity sector alone needs about 10 Trillions US$, 60% of the total energy investment. Half of the energy investment will have to take place in the developing world

What about financing (2)

Слайд 124

The competition for investment comes from two very important areas: the fulfillment

The competition for investment comes from two very important areas: the fulfillment
of the Millennium Development Goals and the mitigation of, and adaptation to, climate change
Defining the right priorities for financing the required investments will be a difficult exercise

What about financing (3)

Слайд 125

Achieving the Millennium Development Goals is hampered by the lack of funding.

Achieving the Millennium Development Goals is hampered by the lack of funding.
A plausible level of overall ODA for the MDGs should be 135 Billion$ in 2006 increasing to 195 Billion$ in 2015, including co-financing and “graduation”. These figures have to be compared to the overall level of ODA. Total ODA from OECD countries was 103.6 Billion$ in 2007, compared to 104.4 in 2006 and 106.7 in 2005. This reduction is slightly compensated by India’s pledge to double its assistance to African countries which was 2.15 Billion$ over the last 5 years. The total ODA does not even cover the current MDGs needs

What about financing (4)

Слайд 126

What about adaptation to, and mitigation of, climate change effects? They require

What about adaptation to, and mitigation of, climate change effects? They require
also new investments amounting again to hundreds of billions of $. Even if the long term impact of such investments will be fairly moderate, i.e. a slowdown of about 0.1% in the average annual growth of global GDP, money has to be found for the required work, notably for Less Developed Countries

What about financing (5)

Слайд 127

An Example of Energy Investment

For illustrating the magnitude of investments, one could

An Example of Energy Investment For illustrating the magnitude of investments, one
use the example of the investment required for installing a generating capacity delivering 50 TWh annually (approximately the electricity consumption of Portugal):
Nuclear at overnight capital cost of 1500$/kW and annual production of 7.5TWh per GW installed yields a figure of 10 B$
Wind at 1500$/kW (peak) and annual production of 2.7TWh per GW installed yields a figure of 28 B$
Solar photovoltaic at 10000$/kW(peak) and 0.85 TWh per GW installed (50° latitude) yields a figure of 580 B$

Слайд 128

A lot of wisdom and solidarity will have to be exercised in

A lot of wisdom and solidarity will have to be exercised in
the financing of our World’s pressing needs. External financial assistance is required. The five-year “Cool Earth Partnership” fund announced by Japan at the World Economic Forum in 2008 is a welcomed move in this direction

What about financing (6)

Слайд 129

Local vs. Global Governance

Local vs. Global Governance

Слайд 130

1. In the energy sector, the priority should be given to local

1. In the energy sector, the priority should be given to local
governance in the view of the disparities in the global energy scene and the links to other local issues. Doing as much as one can for implementing the energy options most suited to the local situation is essential. Think and act locally in the first instance. Globalization should not erase local specificities

Local vs. Global Governance (1)

Слайд 131

2. This does not mean isolation and selfishness. Those countries which benefit

2. This does not mean isolation and selfishness. Those countries which benefit
from substantial energy resources should give an helping hand to the less favored ones, notably by leaving the more traditional forms of energy to those which can’t afford moving to more innovative solutions

Local vs. Global Governance (2)

Слайд 132

3. A true international governance is required in terms of protection of

3. A true international governance is required in terms of protection of
the environment (post-Kyoto, biodiversity), in terms of intellectual property rights (access to innovative technologies) and in terms of financial assistance to the large investments required. Global solidarity should not remain an abstract concept

Local vs. Global Governance (3)

Слайд 133

4. The intermediate level of regional cooperation should be used for sharing

4. The intermediate level of regional cooperation should be used for sharing
material and intellectual resources, for reinforcing the impact of local measures and for increasing the political weight in international negotiations

Local vs. Global Governance (4)

Слайд 134



Слайд 135

In summary, in the short term, the volatility of oil and gas

In summary, in the short term, the volatility of oil and gas
prices and the recurrent problems of the developing world do not lead to a real global energy crisis. What we need is a clear medium term strategy based on
The selection of the best options using a mix of several criteria
The recourse to technological innovation as a powerful tool

Conclusion (1)

Слайд 136

A careful attitude towards the financial investment is required
Decision makers should implement

A careful attitude towards the financial investment is required Decision makers should
a policy of thinking and acting locally in the first instance, complemented by global action when needed, not neglecting the regional dimension

Conclusion (2)

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