ENGLISH GRAMMAR Сильные глаголы

Слайд 2

Сильные глаголы to be и to have

to be – быть, являться, находиться

Сильные глаголы to be и to have to be – быть, являться,
am he is we are
she is you are
it is they are

Слайд 3

Глагол to be
1. I …… Bill. 2. She ….. Mary.

Глагол to be 1. I …… Bill. 2. She ….. Mary. 3.
He ……… English. 4. We …….at home.
5. They …….. from Russia. 6. It ……. my
cat. 7. You …….. 20.

Слайд 4

Глагол to be

I am not (I’m not)
He is not (he isn’t)

Глагол to be I am not (I’m not) He is not (he
is not (she isn’t)
It is not (it isn’t)
We are not (we aren’t)
You are not (you aren’t)
They are not (they aren’t)

Слайд 5

Глагол to be

Am I …? – Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.

Глагол to be Am I …? – Yes, you are. No, you
he …? – Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
Is she …? – Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
Is it …? – Yes? It is. No, it isn’t.
Are we…? – Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
Are you …? – Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Are they…? – Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Слайд 6

Глагол to be

I (to be not) English.
We (to be not) at

Глагол to be I (to be not) English. We (to be not)
My mother (to be not) at work.
She (to be not) from France.
5. Helen (to be not) a teacher.
6 . They (to be not) good pupils.
7. Bill and (to be not) at school.

Слайд 7

Глагол to be

Тебя зовут Миша?
Он из Москвы?
Вы дома?
Они на работе?
Она англичанка?
Нам 20

Глагол to be Тебя зовут Миша? Он из Москвы? Вы дома? Они
8. Тебе 18?

Слайд 8

Глагол to have (got)
I have got He has got
We have

Глагол to have (got) I have got He has got We have
got She has got
You have got It has got
They have got

Слайд 9

Глагол to have

I ……. a family.
He ……. a car.
3. She ……... a

Глагол to have I ……. a family. He ……. a car. 3.
son and a daughter.
They …….. two dogs.
We ……. telephones.
You ……. a TV-set.
7. It …….. a tail.

Слайд 10

Глагол to have (иметь, владеть)

I have not got (haven’t got)
He has not

Глагол to have (иметь, владеть) I have not got (haven’t got) He
got (hasn’t got)
She has not got (hasn’t got)
We have not got (haven’t got)
You have not got (haven’t got)
We have not got (haven’t got)
They have not got (haven’t got)

Слайд 11

Глагол to have

1. My father (not to have got) a car,
We (not

Глагол to have 1. My father (not to have got) a car,
to have got) a bicycle.
3. He (not to have got) a ball.
4. They (not to have got) sisters.
5. It (not to have got) kittens.
6. I (not to have got) a radio.
7. She (not to have got) a hat.

Слайд 12

Глагол to have

Have I got…? – Yes , you have.
Has he got…?

Глагол to have Have I got…? – Yes , you have. Has
- No, he hasn’t.
Has she got…? – Yes, she has.
Has it got…? – No, it hasn’t.
Have we got…? – Yes, we have.
Have you got? – No, I haven’t.
Have they got? – Yes, they have.

Слайд 13

Глагол to have

У тебя есть семья? – Да.
Вы имеете работу? – Нет.

Глагол to have У тебя есть семья? – Да. Вы имеете работу?
имеют сестер и братьев? – Нет.
У него есть велосипед? - Да.
У кошки есть котята? – Нет.
У меня есть мяч? - Да.
Она имеет дом? – Нет.

Слайд 14


(Кто? Что?) (Чей?) (Кем? Кому? Кого?)
I my me
he his

Местоимения (Кто? Что?) (Чей?) (Кем? Кому? Кого?) I my me he his
she her her
it its it
we our us
you your you
they their them
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