English mode in XVIII-XX centuries

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Mode - temporary dominance of a certain style in any sphere of

Mode Mode - temporary dominance of a certain style in any sphere
life or culture. The style or type of clothing defines: ideas, behavior, etiquette, lifestyle, arts, literature, cuisine, architecture, entertainment, etc., which is popular in society in a certain period of time. The concept of fashion is often means very fragile and quickly passing popularity.
In today's world fashion is associated with seasons (spring-summer and autumn-winter) . Many centuries ago fashion in clothing could not be changed for thousands of years.

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At the end of the XVIII century. in the bourgeois industrial England

At the end of the XVIII century. in the bourgeois industrial England
finally won the English national identity in the suit that originated in the XVII century.   Rococo, as well as Baroque, had almost no influence on English costume, which developed in the tradition of classicism. This was manifested in the pursuit of simplicity, practicality, convenience, natural lines and shapes. In the men's suit, since the 60s. there are dress codes, appropriate lifestyle, occupation. This wool or cloth coat with short floors without excessive jewelry and decoration. This style and silhouette didn’t have narrow volumes which provides enough freedom of movement.

XVIII century

It is possible, and to ride and hunt, which has always been a
favorite pastime and occupation. Warm and comfortable different forms of outerwear, which were based on the tails, appeared,. For example, Jacket at first was used as riders’ clothes, and then casual outerwear. The short jacket was wearing instead of a decorative long coat, leggings with buttoned straps of thick fabric or leather – instead of white impractical stockings. On the 70th. are coming into fashion jockey boots, worn with a coat. It is narrow and tall (almost to the knees), black leather boots with cuffs of the light-brown leather.

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Tendency to adapt to the business suit of English bourgeois lifestyle combined

Tendency to adapt to the business suit of English bourgeois lifestyle combined
with the desire to matching the natural proportions of the costume pieces. This is particularly felt in the women's costume. In 50-60s. Englishwoman invented hinged hoops, which was allowed to adjust the volume of the skirt by gripping her elbows.But they disappeared in the 80's. the frame remains the top of the bodice. He bodice of women's dresses became more free and closed: chest was closed with kerchief neckline, sleeves was narrow and long. No lush ornamentation, disappear wigs with curls and tails, hair haven’t been powdered any more. Colours - black, brown, olive, purple. In the summer clothes - light bright silk and cotton fabrics, plain or with a small floral pattern.
In connection with the family and economic way of life women in her costume are widely used supplements such as aprons, bonnets, shoulder and chest scarves, shoes with low heels.
The searching for new forms of active development in the direction of a modest, business, strong suit - skirt and jacket which remind male’s coat.. Thanks to the convenience, practicality, elegant in its simplicity and rigor forms of English costume in the 70s. conquered the European fashion. It becomes the main type of main dress in all Western European countries, including France.

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XIX century

Among British women, even young girls wore long dresses until 1810

XIX century Among British women, even young girls wore long dresses until

Low-necked velvet bodice with a near-normal waist ends in an oblique cut at the top, which is closed by inserting a wedge in the form of the same material as the skirt, and with the same finish. Lush sleeves - the legacy of the Thirty Years' War - cover only a quarter of his hands, and they are a continuation of the bodice, and therefore also made ​​of velvet. Reaching the sleeves trimmed with white gloves on the edges ryushyu. Cut open blouse bodice of fine material, this shirt comes to an end a stand-up collar. Parted, curled, highly twisted into a knot behind her hair covered her cap in a grid, decorated with hanging down the side of the beam ahead of ostrich feathers. Short, trimmed with swan's down cape replaces him our sotrie de bal.

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Among British women were also very common polukorotkie, tight to the body

Among British women were also very common polukorotkie, tight to the body
cape, which lined or trimmed with fur and only fastened at the collar long cord with tassels. Worn on the neck of an English common in the 30s fur boa, swan's down, or feathers. It should be noted that the boa worn mostly in bad weather and only exit to the street.   Around 1803 came into fashion shirts made of thin material that covered necklines and ends at the narrow neck silk flounces. In addition, many women wore the aforementioned broad lace collars and short cape very peculiar, as if made of separate pieces, or cloves, and served as a cover for the throat and chest.   Subsequently, the same, about 1820, when the cut-out dresses significantly decreased the need for such extraneous "cover" has disappeared completely, and the ladies began to wear only simple or double ruff or even tie. In very rare cases still dress trimmed above the short cape.   Low shoes, as already mentioned, made of satin, twill, or a colorful eraser and black leather. For over 30 years, the ladies wore shoes without heels, and laces around their legs intertwined with criss-cross silk ribbons. Approximately one in 1800 first appeared high ladies boots to the knees. Among the predominant light gloves, and white kid, and knitted silk and paper red, blue, green and yellow, but mostly gray. Ball gloves were white.

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XX century

Romantic and crazy 20s of last century intrigue and fascinate the

XX century Romantic and crazy 20s of last century intrigue and fascinate
minds of designers. A stylish elements of the time are an important component of our modern wardrobe and give us a refinement and individuality. 20 years. The world has just recovered from the tragedy of World War II. The rapid development of technological innovations, cars, airplanes, airships has balanced woman’s and man’s rights. In the 20s a woman smokes, having fun, going to dances, drive a car and could appear in public alone, unaccompanied by men.
During the twentieth image changed several times. From lethargic lady of the early 20s to the tanned, athletic - garconne, that appeared in 1925 and, finally, femme fatale late twenties. These three images correspond to the basic typs of women's appearance: a dramatic, natural, romantic. Lady 20's will be called «flapper»

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Haircut "page”, strongly up eyes, bright lips, a long string of pearls

Haircut "page”, strongly up eyes, bright lips, a long string of pearls
around the neck, skirt just below the knee. Fleppery was fighting with the fact that it was decided it should be in a decent society, and above all - with their Victorian mothers. They were able to maintain its hard-won suffragette women's suffrage, the right to work alongside men, to get money for it and live on that money. Emancipated girls smoked a lot, did not limit themselves in alcohol, listened to quite scandalous music - jazz, disapproved of free love and even drove cars by themselves. Fashionable silhouette called the "pipe" - because the clothes looked like a robe, flowing from the shoulders to the knees, without any accent at the waist. It is fashionable to expose the back
The deep neckline, low waistline, fringe, beaded embroidery, flying "tails" of dresses - these are the fashion trends of this time. Also popular were the skirt with pleating at the rear. Their length is gradually shortened. Often, under these skirts were visible even garter. This fact caused re-design stockings. Instead of black wool became fashionable flesh-colored synthetic fiber.
The ladies were sitting on an exhausting diets, addicted to massages, a huge amount of time devoted to sports, fashion were tennis and golf. And all this with one aim: to make the shoulders – wider, hips - more narrow, and breast - perfectly flat.
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