Слайд 3Erasmus Mundus - objectives
Enhance the quality of European HE through international co-operation

the development of human resources
Promote dialogue and understanding between peoples and cultures
Promote Europe as a centre of excellence in learning around the world
Слайд 4Erasmus Mundus - what does it offer?
Scholarships for excellent students and researchers

to follow an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course or Joint Doctorate at two or more European universities
Top-quality masters and doctoral courses in a broad variety of disciplines
A scheme open to students throughout the world
Слайд 5What is an Erasmus Mundus course?
A course (masters or doctorate)…
developed and delivered

by a consortium of universities…
located in at least three European countries and…
co-ordinated by a European university (non-European universities can be partners)
Слайд 6What is an Erasmus Mundus course?
An Erasmus Mundus course:
offers an integrated study/research

programme, fully recognised in the countries where it is delivered
requires study or research in at least two countries in the consortium
leads to the award of a double, multiple or joint degree to all successful students/doctors
awards full-study scholarships/fellowships
Слайд 7What is an Erasmus Mundus course?
Since 2004, more than 1000 universities…
have developed

nearly 170 joint masters and doctoral courses…
attended by over 12 000 students and 2000 academics from more than 140 countries…
in a wide range of disciplines…
Слайд 10Erasmus Mundus - thematic disciplines
Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
Architecture, Urban and

Regional Planning
Art and Design
Business Studies, Management Science
Communication and Information Sciences
Education, Teacher Training
Engineering, Technology
Geography, Earth and Environmental Studies
Health Sciences
Languages and Philological Sciences
Mathematics, Informatics
Natural Sciences
Social and Cultural Sciences, Economics
Слайд 11How is quality guaranteed?
Rigorous and competitive selection process (independent evaluators and high-level academic

Selection Board)
Continuous quality monitoring through annual reports and visits by European Commission
High quality of students + active feedback
76 of Europe’s top 100 universities (according to the Shanghai rankings) are participants in Erasmus Mundus courses, plus top universities from other parts of the world (e.g. Harvard, Berkeley, Sydney, Tokyo)
Слайд 12How is quality guaranteed?
Quality Assurance exercise has been carried out on 21

EM Masters Courses, with involvement of EM alumni
Result is a “Quality Handbook” offering guidance to existing or prospective participants + online Self-Assessment Tool
Based on practical feedback from those who have actually been involved in delivering EM courses
See EM Excellence website - http://www.emqa.eu
Слайд 13What languages will you need?
85% of Erasmus Mundus courses are taught in

English, but…
…whatever the language of instruction, it is important to have the right level of linguistic ability, and…
…one of the great advantages of Erasmus Mundus is the chance to enrol in tailor-made language courses, add to your skills and improve your employability
Слайд 14How much is the scholarship?
There are two categories of students/doctoral candidates:
Category A:

Non-Europeans who are not resident, nor have carried out their main activity for more than a total of 12 months over the last 5 years, in a European country
Category B:
Any individual fulfilling the academic admission conditions set by the consortium and who does not fulfil Category A requirements (mainly Europeans)
Слайд 15Scholarships - amounts (Masters)

Слайд 16Scholarships - amounts (Doctorates)

Слайд 17How do I apply?
have obtained an appropriate higher education degree with excellent

fulfil the specific selection criteria defined by the Joint Masters or Doctorate programme of your choice
are eligible for a scholarship under Category A or B
Слайд 18How do I apply?
Go to the Erasmus Mundus website:
Select “Funding &

scholarships - for students and academics”
Clink on the link to:
Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs) or
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates (EMJDs)
Слайд 19How do I apply?
You can view all available courses or search for

courses in a specific discipline
Once you have made your selection, go to the website of your chosen course - the course website will give you the details you require about tuition, fees, application procedures, etc.
N.B. Please remember to send your application directly to the co-ordinator of your selected course
Слайд 21If you are successful!
Prepare your visa requests/other administrative procedures
Ensure you have all

the necessary documents ready well in advance (certificates, certified copies)
Ensure that you are properly informed about your rights and obligations (e.g. tuition and other fees, class attendance, examination mechanisms, final degree, etc.)
Ask advice and support from fellow students who have already benefited from an EM scholarship
Слайд 22If you are successful!
The consortium to which you successfully applied will provide

you with:
a scholarship confirmation letter
medical/accident insurance to cover your stay
Слайд 23Useful links
Information on the Erasmus Mundus Programme
E-mail enquiries
Erasmus Mundus Students & Alumni

Study in Europe Website
A portal that aims to answer the questions of students interested in following a course of higher education in Europe