General Livestock Feeding


Слайд 2

International Feed Classes

There are five main classes of feeds, based on composition

International Feed Classes There are five main classes of feeds, based on composition and use.
and use.

Слайд 3

Feed Classifications

Roughages (Forages)
- Energy Concentrates
- Protein Concentrates
Feed Additives

Feed Classifications Roughages (Forages) Concentrates - Energy Concentrates - Protein Concentrates Minerals Vitamins Feed Additives

Слайд 4

1. Roughages

Bulky feeds low in weight per unit
Contain more than 19% crude

1. Roughages Bulky feeds low in weight per unit Contain more than
fiber in DM
Low in Energy
Natural feeds of ruminants
Generally low in digestibility
High in Ca, K, and trace minerals
Higher in fat-soluble vitamins
Protein varies (from 3% to 22-23% CP)

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varies more than any other feed
harvest at optimum time
if cured properly,

Roughages Pastures Hay varies more than any other feed harvest at optimum
contain 20% moisture or less
Crop Residues
left in field after harvest
straw, corn stalks, chaff etc

Слайд 6


Silage = fermented forage plants
mostly corn or sorghum
2 1/2 to 3 kg

Roughages Silage = fermented forage plants mostly corn or sorghum 2 1/2
silage replaces 1 kg hay due to lower dry matter content of silage
Haylage = low moisture silage
grass or legume wilted to 40-60% moisture before ensiling
more dry matter & feed value

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Green Chop (soilage)
fresh plants cut and chopped in the field, transported and

Roughage Green Chop (soilage) fresh plants cut and chopped in the field,
fed to animals in confinement
50% more feed value
extra equipment required
harvest every day

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Other Roughages
beet tops
root crops
oat hulls

Roughage Other Roughages sawdust beet tops root crops oat hulls newspapers

Слайд 9

Forages as Energy Sources

Forages (roughages) can supply some of the energy needs

Forages as Energy Sources Forages (roughages) can supply some of the energy
in the livestock ration, although they are not as concentrated source of energy as the grains.
Value of forages for livestock feed is highly dependent on time of harvesting.
As forage plants mature, the crude fiber content (cellulose and lignin) increases, which lowers the digestibility of the feed.
When forages are harvested as silage, more of the nutritional value of the plant is preserved.

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Corn Silage

Corn silage, which contains almost 50% grain on a dry matter

Corn Silage Corn silage, which contains almost 50% grain on a dry
basis, is an excellent energy source for certain classes of livestock.
Sorghum and small grain silages are lower in energy content than corn silage.

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Oat, barley and wheat straws are low in energy value and are

Straws Oat, barley and wheat straws are low in energy value and
not used as a major source of energy.
It may be used if additional fiber is needed in the ration.

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Properly managed pastures can be a good source of nutrients.
Rotating and fertilizing

Pastures Properly managed pastures can be a good source of nutrients. Rotating
pastures to get the best yield and nutritional value.
Quality of pasture must be closely watched and supplemented with good quality stored forages when necessary.

Слайд 13

2. Concentrates

Feeds high in energy an low in fiber (under 19%)
Highly palatable

2. Concentrates Feeds high in energy an low in fiber (under 19%)
and eaten rapidly
Low volume per unit of weight (high specific gravity)

Слайд 14

Energy Concentrates

A major source of energy nutrients is the cereal grains and

Energy Concentrates A major source of energy nutrients is the cereal grains
grain byproduct.
These feeds are called energy concentrates or basal feeds when their crude protein is less than 18% in DM.

Слайд 15

Corn (Maize)

One of the highest energy feeds available.
The most widely grown and

Corn (Maize) One of the highest energy feeds available. The most widely
used feed grain crop.
It is an economical and superior source of energy.
Consideration must be given to amount to feed, frequency and combinations with other feeds, in order to get the most efficient use of this high energy feed source without causing digestive problems.

Слайд 16

Corn & Cob Meal

Contains about 10% less energy than shelled corn because

Corn & Cob Meal Contains about 10% less energy than shelled corn
of the fiber content in the cob.
All species can utilize it, however, when feed to growing-fattening hogs because they do not have the ability to digest and use much of the cob content.

Слайд 17


About 85% of the energy of corn.
Higher in crude protein than corn

Oats About 85% of the energy of corn. Higher in crude protein
and add fiber and bulk to the ration.
Help the rumen maintain bacterial and protozoa function.
Not a good fattening feed but are used extensively in rations for horses, young growing stock, breeding animals.
Usually fed rolled or ground.

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Almost equal to corn in energy value, but lies between corn and

Barley Almost equal to corn in energy value, but lies between corn
oats in fiber content.
Used in a ration in a manner similar to oats.
Barley may replace up to 50 % of the corn in rations for fattening animals.
To improve palatability it is often steam rolled

Слайд 19


High in both energy and protein.
Wheat is similar to corn in composition

Wheat High in both energy and protein. Wheat is similar to corn
and feeding value.
If and when it is used in a ration it is included at low levels in a mix with other grains because it is rapidly digested and may cause digestive disturbances.

Слайд 20

Grain Sorghum

There are many varieties and various hybrids.
Smaller than corn and may

Grain Sorghum There are many varieties and various hybrids. Smaller than corn
replace up to 100% of the corn in a feedlot ration.
Generally rolled or ground when included in a ration.

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Rye is usually used for bread for human consumption and has limited

Rye Rye is usually used for bread for human consumption and has
use as a livestock feed.
It is not as valuable as corn, whet or grain sorghum.
Ergot contaminated rye can be toxic to livestock.
The use of rye in livestock rations should be limited to no more than one-third of the ration.
It should be coarsely ground or rolled to increase palatability.

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By 10% less energy value then that of corn.
Significantly higher in crude

Peas By 10% less energy value then that of corn. Significantly higher
protein than corn (up to 20% CP per 1 kg).
A good source of protein and lysine .
But includes some undesirable factors, which may cause digestive disturbances .
Better to use after heat treatment (extrusion)

Слайд 23

Sources of Energy---Fats & Oils

A byproduct of oil and packing plants, poultry

Sources of Energy---Fats & Oils A byproduct of oil and packing plants,
processing plants.
Fats and oils in the feed reduces the dustiness of the feed.
A highly concentrated source of energy (at least 300% of corn energy value)
Increases calorie density of a ration (2,25 times energy of carbohydrates)
Often treated with antioxidants to prevent the feed from becoming rancid in storage.
Beef and dairy rations can contain up to 5% while swine rations may have up to 20%.

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Sources of Energy---Molasses

By-product of sugar manufacture
Common types of molasses are cane, beet,

Sources of Energy---Molasses By-product of sugar manufacture Common types of molasses are
citrus and wood.
¾ energy value of corn
Molasses is used in rations for cattle, sheep and horses but is seldom used in swine rations, because it causes scouring.
Appetizer, improves palatability, aids rumen microbial activity, reduces dust and serves as a binder when feeds are pelleted.
Molasses is usually limited to not more than 10-15% of the ration.

Слайд 25

Protein Concentrates

Protein Supplements
Plant Origin (Oil By-Products: Meals and Cakes )
Expeller or Hydraulic

Protein Concentrates Protein Supplements Plant Origin (Oil By-Products: Meals and Cakes )
Process - Crushed, Heated, Pressed, Ground = Cakes
5% residual oil remains in cake
Solvent - Cracked, Heated, Rolled, Extracted with Hexane and Flakes Toasted and Ground = Meals
1% residual oil remains in meal

Слайд 26

Protein Concentrates

Soybean Meal
Most Widely Used
Standard for Comparison of Other Protein Sources
Very palatable

Protein Concentrates Soybean Meal Most Widely Used Standard for Comparison of Other
and digestible

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Protein Concentrates

Soybean Meal
44% CP = standard meal
soybean meal plus 5% soy

Protein Concentrates Soybean Meal 44% CP = standard meal soybean meal plus
used for ruminants, horses, older swine
48% CP= high protein meal
soybean meal
no soy hulls, very refined
higher protein, lysine
lower fiber
used for baby pigs and poultry

Слайд 28

Protein Concentrates

Sunflower Meals and Cakes
Protein varies with Process Used
28, 32, 38 or

Protein Concentrates Sunflower Meals and Cakes Protein varies with Process Used 28,
Can Replace 30-50% of SBM in Swine Diets
Ruminants Can Use as a Sole Protein Supplement

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Protein Concentrates

Linseed meal
Mechanically extracted
Contains residual oil
Popular among horse owners and show animal

Protein Concentrates Linseed meal Mechanically extracted Contains residual oil Popular among horse
feeders because of hair coat
Peanut meal
50% CP

Слайд 30

Protein Concentrates

Rapeseed Meal
Feeding Problems
Erucic Acid
Fed to Swine at 5% of Diet, Not

Protein Concentrates Rapeseed Meal Feeding Problems Erucic Acid Fed to Swine at
Fed to Ruminants

Слайд 31

Distiller’s Byproduct Feeds

Feeds Produced by the Fermentation of Grains (normally corn) for

Distiller’s Byproduct Feeds Feeds Produced by the Fermentation of Grains (normally corn)
Alcohol Production
Generally fed wet
Concentrates Produced
Distiller’s Dried Grains - Dried Grain Fraction.
Distiller’s Dried Solubles - Condensing the Thin Stillage Fraction and Drying it.

Слайд 32

Brewery By-Products

By-Products as a Result of the Brewing Industry
Feed Products
Brewer’s Dried Grains

Brewery By-Products By-Products as a Result of the Brewing Industry Feed Products
- Dried Residue from Malting Process.

Слайд 33

Protein Concentrates

Protein Supplements
Animal and Marine Origin
Derived from Meat or Poultry Packing Plants,

Protein Concentrates Protein Supplements Animal and Marine Origin Derived from Meat or
Rendering Plants, Surplus Milk or Milk By-Products, Marine Sources
Added to Improve Mixture
Rich in CP, lysine and other AA
Low in Sulfur and Tryptophan

Слайд 34

Protein Concentrates

Protein Supplements
By-Product from Meat Packing or Rendering
Unusable Animal Tissue (Bones, Gut,

Protein Concentrates Protein Supplements Tankage By-Product from Meat Packing or Rendering Unusable
Tendons, Connective Tissue, Blood Meal)
If it Contains a Minimum 4,4% P it’s called Meat and Bone Tankage
No Hair, Horns, Manure, Gut Contents or Hide

Слайд 35

Protein Concentrates

Protein Supplements
Blood Meal (90% CP): excellent amino acid balance
Meat Meal (50

Protein Concentrates Protein Supplements Blood Meal (90% CP): excellent amino acid balance
- 60% CP)
Contains Less Gut, Tendons and Connective Tissue than Tankage
Normally no Blood Meal
If 4,4% P it’s called Meat and Bone Meal

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Protein Concentrates

Protein Supplements
Poultry By-Products
Poultry By-Product Meal
Contains Heads, Feet, Intestines, Undeveloped Eggs
No Feathers

Protein Concentrates Protein Supplements Poultry By-Products Poultry By-Product Meal Contains Heads, Feet,

Слайд 37

Protein Concentrates

Protein Supplements
Poultry By-Products
Feather Meal
85% CP (75% digestible protein)
No more than

Protein Concentrates Protein Supplements Poultry By-Products Feather Meal 85% CP (75% digestible
3% of swine diets

Слайд 38

Protein Concentrates

Protein Supplements
Fish Meal
Whole fish, fish cuttings; with or without oil
66% CP,

Protein Concentrates Protein Supplements Fish Meal Whole fish, fish cuttings; with or
6% Ca and 3,5% P
exceptional source of essential amino acids
contains “amines” which cause fishy smell in poultry or swine fed fish meal immediately prior to harvest as well as laying hens

Слайд 39

Protein Concentrates

Protein Supplements
Shrimp meal, crab meal, etc.
Exoskeleton contains “chitin” a cellulose-like

Protein Concentrates Protein Supplements Shrimp meal, crab meal, etc. Exoskeleton contains “chitin”
polysaccharide that is very poorly digested
Protein content derived from meat residue

Слайд 40

Protein Concentrates

Protein Supplements
Animal Waste
Used Primarily in Ruminant Diets
Normally Broiler Litter (31%

Protein Concentrates Protein Supplements Animal Waste Used Primarily in Ruminant Diets Normally
CP, 17% CF, 15% Ash)
10-60% of the Protein Exists as NPN

Слайд 41

Protein Concentrates

Protein Supplements
Non-protein Nitrogen products
Requires readily available carbohydrate source to provide carbon

Protein Concentrates Protein Supplements Non-protein Nitrogen products Urea Requires readily available carbohydrate
chains for microbial protein synthesis
Rapidly degraded in rumen
May require adaptation period
Maximum levels established due to toxicity problems

Слайд 42

Protein Concentrates

Protein Supplements
Milk By-Products
By-Product of Cheese Manufacturing
11% CP, 61% Lactose

Protein Concentrates Protein Supplements Milk By-Products Whey Wet By-Product of Cheese Manufacturing

Слайд 43

Protein Concentrates

Protein Supplements
Milk By-Products
Dried Whole Milk
Dried Skim Milk
Dried Buttermilk

Protein Concentrates Protein Supplements Milk By-Products Dried Whole Milk Dried Skim Milk Dried Buttermilk

Слайд 44

Special Feeds of Animal Origin

Colostrum: first milk given by mammals after parturition

Special Feeds of Animal Origin Colostrum: first milk given by mammals after
within 15 min to 4 hours
surplus colostrum can be frozen for up to a year or more
can feed cow colostrum to lambs etc., but some diseases are species specific

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Special Feeds of Animal Origin

Milk Replacers
can’t replace colostrum
a good replacer should contain

Special Feeds of Animal Origin Milk Replacers can’t replace colostrum a good
up to 20% dried milk
fortified with vitamins, minerals & antibiotics
can be used as whole milk diet alternative in rearing programs

Слайд 46

Feed Additives

80% of farm animals get some drug during lifetime
chemicals that regulate

Feed Additives 80% of farm animals get some drug during lifetime chemicals
growth, modify rumen activity, improve feed efficiency
lower production costs
unsafe if used improperly

Слайд 47

Feed Additives

Abortifacients = induces abortion
feedlot heifers
Antibiotics = produced by living organisms, bacteriostatic

Feed Additives Abortifacients = induces abortion feedlot heifers Antibiotics = produced by
growth stimulators
better feed efficiency

Слайд 48


Low levels in feeds
High (therapeutic) levels in feeds

Antibiotics Low levels in feeds High (therapeutic) levels in feeds

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Prevent oxidative rancidity of fats
Other methods:
lack of light
lack of oxygen

Antioxidants Prevent oxidative rancidity of fats Other methods: refrigeration lack of light lack of oxygen

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Similar to antibiotics
produced chemically instead of biologically

Chemotherapeutics Similar to antibiotics produced chemically instead of biologically

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Substance when disolved in water enables solution to conduct electric current
Salts (saline)

Electrolytes Substance when disolved in water enables solution to conduct electric current
fluids lost from:
dehydration (heat stress, birth)

Слайд 52

Flavouring Agents

Increase palatability & feed intake
Many additives taste or smell bad

Flavouring Agents Increase palatability & feed intake Many additives taste or smell bad

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Chemicals released by a specific area of the body, transported to another,

Hormones Chemicals released by a specific area of the body, transported to
to bring about a physiological response
Increase growth, milk production, meat production

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Small pellets deposited under skin behind the ear
Promote growth
“Compudose”: steers any age

Implants Small pellets deposited under skin behind the ear Promote growth “Compudose”:
or weight
“Finaplex”:feedlot steers
“Ralgro”:improves rate of gain
not a hormone (anabolic agent)

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Feed additives that change the metabolism within the rumen by altering the

Ionophores Feed additives that change the metabolism within the rumen by altering
rumen microorganisms
“Bovatec” & “Rumensin”
Lower feed intake, gain same
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