Слайд 2Сontent
Cartoon Comedy

Слайд 3Comedy-genre of art, characterized by a humorous or satirical approach, and also

the kind of drama, which specifically allowed the effective time of conflict or struggle.
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Cartoon-It is a film made by the means frame rendering (including 3D-modeling)

and is intended to demonstrate in the cinema, on television broadcast, viewed on a computer screen or other electronic devices.
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Horror-genre film. Thematically extensive and diverse range of films designed to arouse

viewers the feeling of fear, anxiety and uncertainty, to create a tense atmosphere of terror and agonizing expectation of something terrible.
Слайд 6Adventure- genre characterized by a sharp, intense, fast, developable plot, based on

an event that violates the usual course of life, embodying a potential threat and to encourage the hero to action.
Слайд 7Western-genre conversation form of adventure movies, the theme of which constitute events

associated with the development of the American West in the second half of the XIX century.
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Action-Adventure movie with numerous episodes of the chase, shooting, fights.