Good morning! Доброе утро! 早上好! Machine learning lecture 3


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Lecture2. Data Structures in Python for Machine learning

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Data preproccessing and machine learning with Scikit-learn

. Lecture3. Data preproccessing and machine learning with Scikit-learn

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Извлечение признаков и масшатбирование, будущая выборка, уменьшение размерности выборки

Извлечение признаков и масшатбирование, будущая выборка, уменьшение размерности выборки

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Training set and testing set

Machine learning is about learning some properties of

Training set and testing set Machine learning is about learning some properties
a data set and then testing those properties against another data set.
A common practice in machine learning is to evaluate an algorithm by splitting a data set into two.
We call one of those sets the training set, on which we learn some properties; we call the other set the testing set, on which we test the learned properties.

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Reading a Dataset

Reading a Dataset

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Data Description :

Attribute Information: 1. sepal length in cm 2. sepal width in cm 3.

Data Description : Attribute Information: 1. sepal length in cm 2. sepal
petal length in cm 4. petal width in cm
Class: -- Iris Setosa -- Iris Versicolour -- Iris Virginica

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A basic table is a two-dimensional grid of data, in which the

A basic table is a two-dimensional grid of data, in which the
rows represent individual elements of the dataset, and the columns represent quantities related to each of these elements.
For example, consider the Iris dataset

Here each row of the data refers to a single observed flower, and the number of rows is the total number of flowers in the dataset. In general, we will refer to the rows of the matrix as samples, and the number of rows as n_samples.
The samples (i.e., rows) always refer to the individual objects described by the dataset. For example, the sample might be a flower, a person, a document, an image, a sound file, a video, an astronomical object, or anything else you can describe with a set of quantitative measurements.

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Target array

In dataset we also work with a label or target array, which by convention we

Target array In dataset we also work with a label or target
will usually call y.
The target array is usually one dimensional, with length n_samples. The target array may have continuous numerical values, or discrete classes/labels.
The distinguishing feature of the target array is that it is usually the quantity we want to predict from the data: in statistical terms, it is the dependent variable. For example, in the preceding data we may wish to construct a model that can predict the species of flower based on the other measurements; in this case, the species column would be considered the target array.

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Basic Data Analysis :
The dataset provided has 150 rows
Dependent Variables : Sepal

Basic Data Analysis : The dataset provided has 150 rows Dependent Variables
length.Sepal Width,Petal length,Petal Width
Independent/Target Variable : Class
Missing values : None

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The dataset is divided into
Train and Test data
with 80:20 split

The dataset is divided into Train and Test data with 80:20 split
where 80% data is training data where as 20% data is test data.

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Each training point belongs to one of N different classes.
The goal

Each training point belongs to one of N different classes. The goal
is to construct a function which, given a new data point, will correctly predict the class to which the new point belongs.
Classification: samples belong to two or more classes and we want to learn from already labeled data how to predict the class of unlabeled data.

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What is scikit-learn?

The scikit-learn library provides an implementation of a range of

What is scikit-learn? The scikit-learn library provides an implementation of a range
algorithms for Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Learning.

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You can watch the Pandas and scikit-learn features documentation on this site.

You can watch the Pandas and scikit-learn features documentation on this site.

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Preprocessing Data: missing data

Real world data is filled with missing values.

Preprocessing Data: missing data Real world data is filled with missing values.
will often need to rid your data of these missing values in order to train a model or do meaningful analysis.
What follows are a few ways to impute (fill) missing values in Python, for both numeric and categorical data.

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Method 1: Mean or Median
A common method of imputation with numeric features

Method 1: Mean or Median A common method of imputation with numeric
is to replace missing values with the mean of the feature’s non-missing values. If the data have outliers, you may want to use the median instead. Either method is easy in Pandas:

df_mean_imputed = df.fillna(df.mean()) df_median_imputed = df.fillna(df.median())

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Imputation Method 2: Zero

Depending on where your data are coming from, a

Imputation Method 2: Zero Depending on where your data are coming from,
missing value may be better represented by the number zero. Replacing missing values with zeros is accomplished similar to the above method; just replace the mean function with zero.

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Imputation for Categorical Data

For categorical features, using mean, median, or zero-imputation doesn’t

Imputation for Categorical Data For categorical features, using mean, median, or zero-imputation
make much sense. Here I’ll create an example dataset with categorical features and show two imputation methods specific to this type of data.

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Imputation Method 1: Most Common Class

One approach to imputing categorical features is

Imputation Method 1: Most Common Class One approach to imputing categorical features
to replace missing values with the most common class. You can do with by taking the index of the most common feature given in Pandas’ value_counts function.

# for each column, get value counts in decreasing order and take the index (value) of most common class
df_most_common_imputed = colors.apply(lambda x: x.fillna(x.value_counts().index[0]))

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Imputation Method 2: “Unknown” Class

Similar to how it’s sometimes most appropriate to

Imputation Method 2: “Unknown” Class Similar to how it’s sometimes most appropriate
impute a missing numeric feature with zeros, sometimes a categorical feature’s missing-ness itself is valuable information that should be explicitly encoded. If this is the case, most-common-class imputing would cause this information to be lost. Instead, just replace those values with a value like “Unknown” or “Missing.”
df_unknown_imputed = colors.fillna("Unknown")

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Column-Specific Imputation Rules

You can combine any of the above methods by imputing

Column-Specific Imputation Rules You can combine any of the above methods by
specific columns rather than the entire dataframe. Returning to the numeric example, we can mean-impute X1 and median-impute X2 by specifying the column(s) to be imputed.
# replace missing values with the column mean

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Preprocessing Data If data set are strings

We saw in our initial exploration that

Preprocessing Data If data set are strings We saw in our initial
most of the columns in our data set are strings, but the algorithms in scikit-learn understand only numeric data. Luckily, the scikit-learn library provides us with many methods for converting string data into numerical data. One such method is the LabelEncoder() method. We will use this method to convert the categorical labels in our data set like ‘won’ and ‘loss’ into numerical labels. To visualize what we are trying to to achieve with the LabelEncoder() method let’s consider the images below.

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The image below represents a dataframe that has one column named ‘color’

The image below represents a dataframe that has one column named ‘color’
and three records ‘Red’, ‘Green’ and ‘Blue’.
Since the machine learning algorithms in scikit-learn understand only numeric inputs, we would like to convert the categorical labels like ‘Red, ‘Green’ and ‘Blue’ into numeric labels. When we are done converting the categorical labels in the original dataframe, we would get something like this

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#import the necessary module
from sklearn import preprocessing
# create the Labelencoder object
le =

#import the necessary module from sklearn import preprocessing # create the Labelencoder
#convert the categorical columns into numeric
encoded_value = le.fit_transform(["paris", "paris", "tokyo", "amsterdam"])

he LabelEncoder() method assigns the numeric values to the classes in the order of the first letter of the classes from the original list: “(a)msterdam” gets an encoding of ‘0’ , “(p)aris gets an encoding of 1” and “(t)okyo” gets an encoding of 2.

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Training Set & Test Set

A Machine Learning algorithm needs to be trained

Training Set & Test Set A Machine Learning algorithm needs to be
on a set of data to learn the relationships between different features and how these features affect the target variable.
For this we need to divide the entire data set into two sets.
One is the training set on which we are going to train our algorithm to build a model.
The other is the testing set on which we will test our model to see how accurate its predictions are.

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But before doing all this splitting, let’s first separate our features and

But before doing all this splitting, let’s first separate our features and
target variables.
#import the necessary module
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
#split data set into train and test setsdata_train, data_test,
target_train, target_test = train_test_split(data, target, test_size = 0.30)

we used the train_test_split() method to divide the data into a training set (data_train,target_train) and a test set (data_test,data_train). The first argument of the train_test_split() method are the features that we separated out in the previous section, the second argument is the target(‘Opportunity Result’). The third argument ‘test_size’ is the percentage of the data that we want to separate out as training data .

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