HBL-standard training


Слайд 2


HBL System Training

Punching system HBL general
Wang Aimin

Präsentation HBL System Training Punching system HBL general Tutor: Wang Aimin

Слайд 3


HBL System Training

Punch press hydraulics - general overview
HBL - functional principle

Präsentation HBL System Training Punch press hydraulics - general overview HBL -
and part search guide
Service guide & trouble shooting

Слайд 4


Voith - Standard systems






HBL System Training

Präsentation Voith - Standard systems performance ECOplus HRL HRE HBL HBL System Training

Слайд 5


HBL System Training

Präsentation HBL System Training

Слайд 6


HBL System Training

Punch operation - general reflection

sheet metal

punch movement

Präsentation HBL System Training Punch operation - general reflection sheet metal punch movement

Слайд 7


HBL System Training

Punch operation - general reflection

pressure and oil flow

Präsentation HBL System Training Punch operation - general reflection pressure and oil
ram movement high oil flow required

ram movement control
position has to be adjustable

ram force requirement
force not always necessary

Слайд 8


HBL System Training

Basis functions

pressure and flow conditioning
accumulator charging control
consumption optimized hydraulic

ram movement

Präsentation HBL System Training Basis functions pressure and flow conditioning accumulator charging
position control
short cycle times

ram force supply
load sensing control
high pressure on demand

Слайд 9


HBL System Training

Basis functions

pressure and flow conditioning
accumulator charging control
consumption optimized hydraulic

ram movement

Präsentation HBL System Training Basis functions pressure and flow conditioning accumulator charging
position control
short cycle times

ram force supply
load sensing control
high pressure on demand

Слайд 10


HBL System Training

General reflection – oil requirement

oil required

no oil required

Präsentation HBL System Training General reflection – oil requirement oil required no

no oil required

no oil required

oil required

Слайд 11


HBL System Training

General reflection – oil requirement

accumulator operation idea
during punch

Präsentation HBL System Training General reflection – oil requirement accumulator operation idea
operation ram has high oil consumption. accumulator and pump provide together the required very high oil flow.
during X/Y axis movement no oil consumption of the ram. during that time pump refills the accumulator for the next punch cycle.

Слайд 12


HBL System Training

Oil requirement – accumulator charging

Präsentation HBL System Training Oil requirement – accumulator charging

Слайд 13


HBL System Training

Oil requirement – accumulator charging sequence

Präsentation HBL System Training Oil requirement – accumulator charging sequence

Слайд 14


HBL System Training

Accumulator charging

Key Features:

- Reliable: pure mechanical steering constant flow

Präsentation HBL System Training Accumulator charging Key Features: - Reliable: pure mechanical
rate pump

- Low noise: soft switching valve

- Efficient: low bypass pressure saves energy

- Setup: no complex adjustments

- Dynamics: good response to load changes

Слайд 15


safety valve (pressure relief)
charging valve main stage
charging valve pilot stage
electr. discharging valve

Präsentation devices accumulator safety valve (pressure relief) charging valve main stage charging
pressure switch

HBL System Training

Accumulator charging

Слайд 16


type of construction - diaphragm
precharge pressure (nitrogen) according to hydraulic circuit

HBL System Training


Präsentation accumulator type of construction - diaphragm precharge pressure (nitrogen) according to
charging - device guide

quick check for precharge pressure:
start up hydraulic, let it pressurize
stop pump, deenergize electr. discharge valve.
monitor pressure gauge
pressure must drop slowly until precharge level is reached, then will drop abruptly to zero.

Слайд 17


safety valve (pressure relief)
type of construction – poppet seat valve

HBL System Training


Präsentation safety valve (pressure relief) type of construction – poppet seat valve
charging - device guide

for security issues only
do not brake seals
do not make any adjustments
do not lose certificates

Слайд 18


main stage –> chartridge valve (in manifold)
pilot stage –> for pressure adjustment

Präsentation main stage –> chartridge valve (in manifold) pilot stage –> for
discharging -> 4/2 solenoid valve

HBL System Training

Accumulator charging - device guide

accumulator charging valve consisting of:

restrictor in cartridge valve has to be clean!
if restrictor is blocked -> no pressure

Слайд 19


HBL System Training

Accumulator charging - device guide

electrical discharging

main stage


Präsentation HBL System Training Accumulator charging - device guide electrical discharging main

pilot stage

main stage

Слайд 20


type of construction: cartridge valve
mounted in manifold

HBL System Training

check valve:

Accumulator charging - device

Präsentation type of construction: cartridge valve mounted in manifold HBL System Training

Слайд 21


pressure switch
type of construction – piston valve

HBL System Training

Accumulator charging - device

Präsentation pressure switch type of construction – piston valve HBL System Training

for monitoring pressure only
no other functions
has to be controlled by machine control
adjustment pressure according to hydraulic circuit

Слайд 22


HBL System Training

pressure and flow conditioning
accumulator charging control
consumption optimized hydraulic

Basis functions

ram movement

Präsentation HBL System Training pressure and flow conditioning accumulator charging control consumption
position control
short cycle times

ram force supply
load sensing control
high pressure on demand

Слайд 23


HBL System Training

Ram force supply

sheet metal

punch movment

high force requiered

Präsentation HBL System Training Ram force supply sheet metal punch movment high force requiered

Слайд 24


HBL System Training

Ram force supply - low/high pressure operation

high pressure requiered

Präsentation HBL System Training Ram force supply - low/high pressure operation high

low pressure business

consumption optimised punching
two pressure solution with high and low pressure
nibbling and punch processes with low force demand under low pressure
only on high force demand high pressure generation

Слайд 25


device guide
slow move valve (high pressure switch on)
high pressure relief valve
check valve

HBL System

Präsentation device guide slow move valve (high pressure switch on) high pressure

Ram force supply

Слайд 26


slow move valve
high pressure switch on!
directly controlled
fast switching
solenoid valve


Präsentation slow move valve high pressure switch on! directly controlled fast switching
System Training

Ram force supply - device guide

example 4/3 solenoid valve

Слайд 27


high pressure relief valve
directly controlled pressure relief valve

HBL System Training

Ram force

Präsentation high pressure relief valve directly controlled pressure relief valve HBL System
supply - device guide

Слайд 28


HBL System Training

Ram force supply - device guide

check valve
poppet seat valve

Präsentation HBL System Training Ram force supply - device guide check valve poppet seat valve

Слайд 29


HBL System Training

Basis functions

pressure and flow conditioning
accumulator charging control
consumption optimized hydraulic

ram movement

Präsentation HBL System Training Basis functions pressure and flow conditioning accumulator charging
position control
short cycle times

ram force supply
load sensing control
high pressure on demand

Слайд 30


device guide
main valve
slow move valve
linear measuring device

HBL System Training

Ram movement control

Präsentation device guide main valve slow move valve linear measuring device HBL

Слайд 31


description of function
main & slow move valve -> working in parallel

Präsentation description of function main & slow move valve -> working in
valves together -> fast movement -> full force
only slow move valve -> slow movement -> high presicion
only main valve -> reduced punch force (only about 15%)

HBL System Training

Ram movement control

Слайд 32


main valve
type of construction pilot operatet spool valve

HBL System Training

Ram movement

Präsentation main valve type of construction pilot operatet spool valve HBL System
control - device guide

Слайд 33


HBL System Training

Ram movement control - device guide

main valve
pilot operated
fast switching

Präsentation HBL System Training Ram movement control - device guide main valve
easy to handle

Слайд 34


HBL System Training

Ram movement control - device guide

slow move valve

Präsentation HBL System Training Ram movement control - device guide slow move
fast switching
solenoid valve
high pressure switch on!

Слайд 35


HBL System Training

Ram movement control - device guide

Linear measuring system (LMS)

Präsentation HBL System Training Ram movement control - device guide Linear measuring
sensor for ram position
incremental signals, magnetic system
gap adjustment 0.8 mm!

Слайд 36


HBL System Training

Other ram devices

Tank line shock absorber
piston accumulator
damping pressure

Präsentation HBL System Training Other ram devices Tank line shock absorber piston
peaks in tank line

Слайд 37


HBL System Training

mechanical feedback parts
guiding bar

Other ram devices

Präsentation HBL System Training mechanical feedback parts guiding bar mechanics Other ram devices

Слайд 38


HRE System Training

Hydraulic power unit

Präsentation HRE System Training Hydraulic power unit

Слайд 39


HBL System Training

Hydraulic power unit

device guide
air cooler
return line filter

Präsentation HBL System Training Hydraulic power unit device guide air cooler return

temperature control (option)
gear pump combination
oil level control (option)

Слайд 40


return line filter
contamination indicator has to be checked regularly
filter elements are not

Präsentation return line filter contamination indicator has to be checked regularly filter
reusable do not try to clean used elements
contaminated filterelements have to be replaced by orgninal HYDAC spare sparts
do never run the hydraulics without filter elements

HBL System Training

Hydraulic power unit - device guide

Слайд 41


heat exchanger
type of construction oil air cooler
integrated thermo switch
switch on temperarure 40 °C


Präsentation heat exchanger type of construction oil air cooler integrated thermo switch
System Training

Hydraulic power unit - device guide

Слайд 42


temperature control
monitoring oil temperature

HBL System Training

Hydraulic power unit - device guide

Präsentation temperature control monitoring oil temperature HBL System Training Hydraulic power unit - device guide

Слайд 43


oil level control
monitoring oil level

HBL System Training

Hydraulic power unit - device guide

Präsentation oil level control monitoring oil level HBL System Training Hydraulic power unit - device guide

Слайд 44


HBL System Training

Service guide - first meeting with the machine

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide - first meeting with the machine

Слайд 45


HBL System Training

Service guide - first meeting with the machine

pressure adjustments

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide - first meeting with the machine
(low pressure)
accumulator charging frequency
accumulator precharge pressure
high pressure switch on
pressure adjustments (high pressure, pressure switch)
other controls: - general punching behavior - noise (machine, pump, pipes and hoses) - LMS adjustment - external leakage

Слайд 46


HBL System Training

Service guide- first meeting with the machine

Pressure adjustments (low pressure)

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide- first meeting with the machine Pressure
pressurized, machine not running – look at gauges
low pressure 70bar (see hydraulic circuit), hysteresis 10% (7 bar). pressure drops down very slowly to about 63 bar. Fast reloading back to 70 bar.
pressure adjustment only at accumulator charging valve (pilot stage).
upper switching point is defined as working pressure. For correct working pressure see hydraulic circuit.
monitor pressure during punching. low pressure should be in a range between 70 to 50 bar and not drop below 40 bar.

Слайд 47


HBL System Training

Service guide- first meeting with the machine

Accumulator charging frequency –

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide- first meeting with the machine Accumulator
low pressure
hydraulic pressureized, machine not running, ram has to stay somewhere in mid-oil position - look at gauges
low pressure charging frequency in a brandnew machine about 1-3 times a minute.
high low pressure charging frequency can be caused by - to low accumulator precharge pressure - internal leakage caused by wear or cavitation in main valve - internal leakage through check valve (1.4.7)

Слайд 48


HBL System Training

Service guide- first meeting with the machine

Accumulator precharge pressure -

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide- first meeting with the machine Accumulator
fast check
stop pump, deenergize electrical discharge valve, monitor pressure gauges
pressure must drop slowly until precharge level is reached, then will drop abruptly to zero.
required precharge pressure see hydraulic circuit (about 35 bar)
precharge pressure has to be measured under working temperature (45°C)
Remark: this procedure only useable for fast check, for detailed measureing appropriate measuring equipment required.

Слайд 49


HBL System Training

Service guide- first meeting with the machine

Pressure adjustment (high pressure)

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide- first meeting with the machine Pressure
a pressure gauge in measuring port „MA“
hydraulic pressurized, machine not running – look at gauges (you see about half the low pressure value at „MA“)
move the ram down to the cylinder lower hard stop by switching “on“ the “slow move valve“ (Pos. 1.3.1) „manually“ with external 24 volt.
look at gauges, you see high pressure value (285 bar) at „MA“
high pressure adjustment only at high pressure relief valve

Слайд 50


HBL System Training

Service guide- first meeting with the machine

Pressure adjustment (pressure switch)

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide- first meeting with the machine Pressure
electrical resistance at pressure switch pin1 -> pin 3
at working pressure pin1 -> pin3 connected
deenergize electrical discharge valve, pressure drops slowly
monitor pressure gauge, connection 1-3 opens at adjusted pressure value
required switching point see hydraulic circuit

Слайд 51


HBL System Training

Service guide – trouble shooting

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide – trouble shooting

Слайд 52


HBL System Training

Service guide - trouble shooting

No system pressure on pressure gauge

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide - trouble shooting No system pressure
discharging valve not switched on -> lose connector plug -> jammed solenoid valve
accumulator charging valve (main stage) does not close -> blocked restrictor in main stage piston
extrem external leakage -> broken hose inside the powerpack

Слайд 53


HBL System Training

Service guide - trouble shooting

System pressure problems (machine stand by)

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide - trouble shooting System pressure problems
pressure does not reach required level -> wrong pressure adjustment (accumulator charging valve) -> external leakage in powerpack - hose or flange connection -> broken pump (internal leakage) -> very high internal leakage in ram (search for source of heating!)
to high accumulator charging frequency -> to low accumulator precharge pressure -> internal leakage ram (search for source of heating!)

Слайд 54


HBL System Training

Service guide - trouble shooting

System pressure problems (machine punching)
system pressure

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide - trouble shooting System pressure problems
not high enough, machine stops very often during punching -> external leakage in powerpack - hose or flange connection -> wear in pump, does not deliver enough oil (internal leakage) -> internal leakage ram (losing oil)
system pressure drops down too far during each punch stroke -> to low accumulator precharge pressure -> to long punch strokes
system pressure seems to be fine, machine stops very often during punching -> check pressure switch adjustment
Make punch master files!

Слайд 55


HBL System Training

Service guide - trouble shooting

No home cycle possible
low pressure not

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide - trouble shooting No home cycle
available -> see „no system pressure“
“slow move valve“ (Pos. 1.3.1) does not switch correctly -> check electrical connectors, valve piston blocked due to dirt?
Make Punch master files!

Слайд 56


HBL System Training

Service guide - trouble shooting

Tool change position (Pos1) not reached

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide - trouble shooting Tool change position
in time
“slow move valve“ (Pos. 1.3.1) does not switch correctly -> check electrical connectors, valve piston blocked due to dirt?
Make Punch master files!

Слайд 57


HBL System Training

Service guide - trouble shooting

Punching under high force not possible

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide - trouble shooting Punching under high
(more than 15% max. punchforce)
high pressure valve (Pos 1.3.1) not switching -> check electrical connectors, valve piston blocked due to dirt?
check valve (1.6) does not close -> does piston of check valve move smooth?
punching force to high -> punching force and striker force together higher than possible punching force
wrong punching parameters - pos 5 to high or to deep
Make punch master files!

Слайд 58


HBL System Training

Service guide - trouble shooting

Forming mode – machine stops because

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide - trouble shooting Forming mode –
of overtime
“slow move valve“ (Pos. 1.3.1) does not switch correctly -> check electrical connectors, valve piston blocked due to dirt?
Make punch master files!

Слайд 59


HBL System Training

Service guide - trouble shooting

Ram moves down after hydraulic/electronic off

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide - trouble shooting Ram moves down
creeping movement is normal (mass higher than friction of cylinder seals)

Слайд 60


HBL System Training

Service guide –
software tool strokemaster

displays soft- and FW-revision
modify /

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide – software tool strokemaster displays soft-
display parameter
control RAM
analyse last RAM movement

Слайд 61


HBL System Training

Service guide - stroke master file

Tool to see what happens

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide - stroke master file Tool to
movement real
short punch cycles -> sample time 2 ms
long form cycles -> sample time 3-5 ms
make „master-files“ to be able to compare



(stroke extender moves up)

state messages

sample time

Слайд 62


HBL System Training

Service guide - stroke master file

POS1 80
POS2 8800
POS3 8900
POS4 9000

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide - stroke master file PARAMETERS_START POS1
POS6 9020
POS7 0
POS8 0

stroke parameter

Слайд 63


HBL System Training

Service guide - questions

If you contact H+L for any questions

Präsentation HBL System Training Service guide - questions If you contact H+L
please provide the following information:
end user company
ram type (example:HBL20to)
firmware version
date of machine installation
description of failure / machine behavior
stroke master files
any remarks:
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