Слайд 3Minister Health Service
Veronika Skvortsova - neurologist and neuroscientist, corresponding member of RAMS,

doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Minister of health of the Russian Federation.
Слайд 4Salary
the average salary of physicians - 26 thousand rubles, about $ 800

minimum salary in Russia now amounts to 13,2 thousand rubles.
Слайд 5600000 doctors are working in Russia, however doctors are not enough, because

interns are leaving medical sphere.
Private medicine is not spreading now, because this medicine is very expensive.
Слайд 6Equipment
In the town equipment is old, but in capital that is modern

and different.
Слайд 7Medical programms
Medical insurance
Emergency ambulance service

Слайд 8In Russia paid and free service is appearing.

Слайд 9Dynamics of government expenditure on health in real terms (1991 = 100%).

Слайд 10Public expenditure on health per capita in terms of purchasing power parity,

USD The United States in 2002
Слайд 11Indicators of the development of health according to the world health organization,