How to produce a Chocolate


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Chocolate is a key ingredient in many foods such as milk shakes,

Chocolate is a key ingredient in many foods such as milk shakes,
candy bars, cookies and cereals. Despite its popularity, most people do not know the unique origins of this popular treat.

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Step #1: Roasting
All of the beans are sorted by hand before being

Step #1: Roasting All of the beans are sorted by hand before
roasted. Each variety of bean is roasted separately.

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Step #2: Winnowing 
Following the roasting process, the beans are loaded into a

Step #2: Winnowing Following the roasting process, the beans are loaded into
machine known as the winnower, which removes the hard outer hulls and separates the "nibs" of the beans by size. The nibs are the basic product used for chocolate production.

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Step #3: Grinding the Cocoa Nibs
Grinding is the process by which cocoa

Step #3: Grinding the Cocoa Nibs Grinding is the process by which
nibs are ground into " cocoa liquor", which is also known as unsweetened chocolate or cocoa mass. The grinding process generates heat and the dry granular consistency of the cocoa nib is then turned into a liquid as the high amount of fat contained in the nib melts

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Step #4: Blending Cocoa liquor and molding Chocolate
After the mixing process, the

Step #4: Blending Cocoa liquor and molding Chocolate After the mixing process,
blend is further refined to bring the particle size of the added milk and sugar down to the desired fineness. The Cocoa powder or 'mass' is blended back with the butter and liquor in varying quantities to make different types of chocolate or couverture.

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Step #5: Tempering
The tempering process involves heating the chocolate liquor and then

Step #5: Tempering The tempering process involves heating the chocolate liquor and
cooling it in several stages. This process stabilizes the cocoa butter crystals so that they become more uniform in size. It also gives the chocolate a bright luster and a sharp snap when you break it.

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Step #6: Molding and Packaging
The final steps in the process are

Step #6: Molding and Packaging The final steps in the process are
molding the chocolate, allowing it to cool and harden, and then finally packaging it.

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1. Dark chocolate has more cacao (the beans that chocolate are made

1. Dark chocolate has more cacao (the beans that chocolate are made
from) and less sugar than other chocolates, so it is considered healthier than milk and white chocolate

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2.The smell of chocolateincreases theta brain waves, which triggers relaxation.

2.The smell of chocolateincreases theta brain waves, which triggers relaxation.

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3.White Chocolate isn't technically Chocolate, as it contains no cocoa solids or

3.White Chocolate isn't technically Chocolate, as it contains no cocoa solids or cocoa liquor.
cocoa liquor.

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4.M&Ms were created in 1941 as a means for soldiers to enjoy chocolate without it

4.M&Ms were created in 1941 as a means for soldiers to enjoy chocolate without it melting.

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5.The World's Largest ChocolateBar Weighed 5,792 kg.

5.The World's Largest ChocolateBar Weighed 5,792 kg.

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6.There are Potato Chips Dipped in Milk Chocolate.

6.There are Potato Chips Dipped in Milk Chocolate.

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7.Chocolate has an anti-bacterial effect on the mouth and protect against tooth decay.

7.Chocolate has an anti-bacterial effect on the mouth and protect against tooth decay.

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8.The average chocolatebar contains 8 insect parts.

8.The average chocolatebar contains 8 insect parts.

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Chocolate has become one of the most popular food types and flavors

Chocolate has become one of the most popular food types and flavors
in the world, and a vast number of foodstuffs involving chocolate have been created.
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