Human being Components


Слайд 2

Human being Components

Human being Components

Слайд 3

For the Ancient Egyptian the human being comprised seven principal elements :

For the Ancient Egyptian the human being comprised seven principal elements :
The Ba
2- The Ka
3- The Akh
4- The shadow ( Swt )
5- The name ( rn )
6- The heart ( ib )
7- The body ( ht )

Слайд 4

The Shadow ( Shwt )

The Shadow ( Shwt )

Слайд 5

The symbol (Swt ) consists of a sunshade of ostrich feathers .

The symbol (Swt ) consists of a sunshade of ostrich feathers .
Ancient Egyptians believed that the shadow contains something of the person it represents. It was an essential element of the person and was essential to protect him from harm.
It was represented painted completely black.

Слайд 6

Funerary texts describe the shadow as having power and capable of moving

Funerary texts describe the shadow as having power and capable of moving
at great speed. It was believed that power was transferred to those over whom the solar shadow fell.
In the city of Amarna there was a special type of shrine dedicated to the god Aton, known as (Swt Ra) ‘sun-shade’.

Слайд 7

The term Shwt is used not only with reference to the shadow

The term Shwt is used not only with reference to the shadow
of individuals but also for the shade cast by any object, such as trees and buildings : the Sphinx Stela of Thutmose IV describes how the king ‘rested in the shadow of this great god’ at noon.
The shadow of a human being is represented as a human silhouette (صورة ظلية) as in the Book of the Dead.

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The Name ( ren )

The Ancient Egyptians believed that their soul would

The Name ( ren ) The Ancient Egyptians believed that their soul
live as long as their name was spoken.
Part of the Book of Breathings was a means to ensure the survival of the name.
Efforts were made to protect the name through placing it in numerous writings. Survival after death depended on having one’s name remembered and repeated, and funerary texts ask visitors to speak the name of the deceased.

Слайд 9

-When inscribing funerary monuments for relatives, people credit themselves with ‘causing his/her

-When inscribing funerary monuments for relatives, people credit themselves with ‘causing his/her
name to live’.
A person could have multiple names expressing different aspects of his personality. Kings had at least five names corresponding to the five-part titulary.

Слайд 10

Gods frequently had many names designating their different manifestations. Chapter 142 of

Gods frequently had many names designating their different manifestations. Chapter 142 of
the Book of the Dead ‘the spell for knowing the names of Osiris’, lists more than one hundred names of Osiris. Likewise a New Kingdom story describes a successful attempt by Isis to learn the secret name of Ra.

Слайд 11

Enemies names :
Enemies were designated through derogatory (منتقص ، ازدرائى) epithets, causing

Enemies names : Enemies were designated through derogatory (منتقص ، ازدرائى) epithets,
their names to remain unspoken.
The names of enemies were written on figurines that were ritually destroyed in order to render the named entities powerless.

Слайд 12

The removal of the name of a person from a monument or

The removal of the name of a person from a monument or
statuary was equivalent to the destruction of the existence of that person.
The importance of the name is emphasized by the Memphite Theology, inscribed on the Shabaka stone, in which the god Ptah creates everything in the universe by pronouncing each of the names.

Слайд 13

In the case of king lists inscribed on the walls of temples

In the case of king lists inscribed on the walls of temples
and tombs, the cult of the royal ancestors was celebrated by writing out their names in the cartouches. And it was the list of names on which the cultic rituals focused.

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Abydos Temple Ancestors King-list

Abydos Temple Ancestors King-list

Слайд 18

We can see on in front of the king-list of Abydos temple

We can see on in front of the king-list of Abydos temple
king Sethi I showing the way to his son Ramesses II towards the royal ancestors names. Sethi I in holding a censer, while Ramesses II is holding two document containers (mks ).

Слайд 19

The Heart ( ib )

The Heart ( ib )

Слайд 20

To Ancient Egyptians, the heart was the seat of emotion, will and

To Ancient Egyptians, the heart was the seat of emotion, will and
intention. This is evidenced by the many expressions in the Egyptian language which incorporate the word (ib). For Example : (Awt ib) wideness of heart, happiness.

Слайд 21

The symbol ( Aw )

The symbol ( Aw )

Слайд 22

The symbol ( Aw ) consists of a portion of backbone with

The symbol ( Aw ) consists of a portion of backbone with
spinal cord issuing at both ends.
Another expression connecting the heart to emotion : ( XAkw ib ) which literally means : truncated heart ( قلب مقطع ).

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XAkw ib = truncated heart قلب مقطع ) )

XAkw ib = truncated heart قلب مقطع ) )

Слайд 24

The fish represented is the oxyrhynchus ( Mormyrus Kannume ) السمكة المدببة

The fish represented is the oxyrhynchus ( Mormyrus Kannume ) السمكة المدببة
الأنف .
It is called in Arabic : مرمور. In Egypt : ميرامار.
It was worshipped in Al Bahnassa ( at Bani Mazar ).
Al Bahnassa was called in Greco Roman times : Oxyrhynchus. It was the capital of the 19th nome of Upper Egypt.
It’s Ancient Egyptian name was : Pr-Medjed.

Слайд 32

The determinative of the word ( XAkw ib ) consists of a

The determinative of the word ( XAkw ib ) consists of a
man with blood streaming from his head, his arms being tied behind his back.
In the judgement scene the god Anubis is sometimes shown adjusting the balance slightly maybe in favour of the deceased to ensure a safe entry into the underworld.

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Anubis adjusting the balance ( weighing of the heart ceremony )

Anubis adjusting the balance ( weighing of the heart ceremony )

Слайд 34

Since it was believed that the heart could reveal a person’s true

Since it was believed that the heart could reveal a person’s true
character and intention it was left in the body during mummification. There was some concern that the heart might testify against its owner and condemn him at the judgment. In order to prevent this a heart scarab was wrapped within the bandages.

Слайд 37

The inscription on this scarab consisted of Chapter 30 from the Book

The inscription on this scarab consisted of Chapter 30 from the Book
of the Dead : ‘O my heart which I had from my mother, do not rise up against me as a witness, do not speak against me concerning what I have done, do not bring up anything against me in the presence of the great god of the West’.

Слайд 38

Heart Amulets :
Heart amulets taking the form of a vase with lug

Heart Amulets : Heart amulets taking the form of a vase with
( أذن ) handles ( perhaps representing the blood vessels ), were introduced into the funerary equipment.

Слайд 39

Egyptian Heart Amulets

Egyptian Heart Amulets
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