In a Soviet classroom

Слайд 2

In a Soviet classroom, a little boy is asked to define capitalism.

In a Soviet classroom, a little boy is asked to define capitalism.
oppression of man by man', he says.
'Good', says the teacher, 'and what is communism?’
The little boy replies: 'The opposite'.

Слайд 3


The Soviet Union was a Communist country, which put the needs

1 BELIEFS The Soviet Union was a Communist country, which put the
of the state ahead of personal human rights
The USA was a capitalist democracy which valued freedom and feared Communism.

Слайд 4


Stalin wanted huge reparations from Germany, and a ‘buffer’ of friendly

2 AIMS Stalin wanted huge reparations from Germany, and a ‘buffer’ of
states to protect the USSR from being invaded again.
USSR needed extra resources from East Europe to recover
USA and Great Britain was afraid of losing Europe to alien set of beliefs
Different goals for future of Europe – democracy or communism

Слайд 5


The Soviet Union could not forget that in 1918

RESENTMENT ABOUT HISTORY The Soviet Union could not forget that in 1918
Britain and the USA had tried to destroy the Russian Revolution. Stalin also thought that they had not given him enough help in the Second World War.
Britain and the USA could not forget that Stalin had signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact with Germany in 1939.

Слайд 6


Joseph Stalin saw USSR as a socialist island surrounded by hostile

SOCIALIST ISLAND Joseph Stalin saw USSR as a socialist island surrounded by
capitalist environment and the goal was to create a circle of buffer states that would protect Soviet Union
As early as 1925 Stalin suggest that in future world a country have to choose her side – to become either Communist or Capitalist

Слайд 7


Soviet relations with the West further deteriorated when, one

OUT OF TWO EVILS Soviet relations with the West further deteriorated when,
week prior to the start of the World War II, the Soviet Union and Germany signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which included a secret agreement to split Poland and Baltic countries
Beginning one week later, in September 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union divided Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe

Слайд 8


Russia would join the United Nations.
divide Germany into

YALTA CONFERENCE (FEB 1945) Russia would join the United Nations. divide Germany
four ‘zones’, which Britain, France, the USA and the USSR would occupy after the war.
bring Nazi war-criminals to trial.
help the freed peoples of Europe set up democratic and self-governing countries by helping them to (a) maintain law and order; (b) carry out emergency relief measures; (c) set up governments; and (d) hold elections (this was called the 'Declaration of Liberated Europe').
set up a commission to look into reparations.

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AFTER Germany’s surrender)
Allies were more strict to Russia
Disagreement on

POTSDAM (JUL 1946) AFTER Germany’s surrender) Allies were more strict to Russia

1. the details of how to divide Germany.
2. the size of reparations Germany ought to pay.
3. Russian influence over the countries of eastern Europe.

Слайд 10


The Russians only understand one language - ‘how many armies

DIFFERENCE OF OPINION The Russians only understand one language - ‘how many
have you got?’ I’m tired of babying the Soviets.
President Truman, writing in January 1946

What is surprising about the fact that the Soviet Union, worried about its future safety, wants governments friendly to it in Finland, Poland and Romania?
Stalin, writing in March 1946

Слайд 11

It is useless to try to discover who made the first move

It is useless to try to discover who made the first move
to break the alliance. It is impossible to trace the first ‘broken promise’.

Слайд 12


1. The Russians are determined to destroy the American way

KENNON V. NOVIKOV 1. The Russians are determined to destroy the American
of life and will do everything they could to oppose America.
2. This is the greatest threat the US has ever faced.
3. The Soviets can be beaten.
4. The Soviets must be stopped.
5. This can be done without going to war.
6. The way to do it is by educating the public against Communism, and by making people wealthy, happy and free.

USA are planning new war
Capitalism is a hostile to communism system and it must be stopped
If not confronted USA would win world
Way out is to keep and increase armory

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